Reflecting on practice is core to the Induction/Early Professional Development programme and the Department of Education’s School Improvement Process which places much emphasis on the importance of ‘quality teaching and learning in the classroom’and the need for ‘teachers to reflect on their own work and the outcomes of individual pupils’ (Every School A Good School: DE, 2009). You are encouraged to maintain a personal reflective learning journal during Induction to record key things that you have learned, tried and critically reflected on as a result of participation in additional professional development activities over and above the core Induction requirements. This template is provided for your use and adaptation.
Date / Description of Activity/ExperienceFor example, participation in school and externally organised INSET, professional discussions with colleagues, observations of other teachers, visits to other schools, membership of working groups. / Self Reflection
Include your thoughts and comments on the value of the activity in relation to your holistic development. Make a brief note of any impact it has had or will have on your practice. / Action for the Future
Note any issues arising out of this activity/experience which you wish to discuss with your Teacher Tutor at professional review meetings. Note any immediate action you may wish to take.
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Teacher Tutor Resource Book
August 2011 edition
Date / Title of CPD Activity / Venue / Competences Developed1
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Teacher Tutor Resource Book
August 2011 edition
Date / Extra Curricular Activity / Target Class/Group of Pupils / Venue1
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Teacher Tutor Resource Book
August 2011 edition
This form is for the optional use of the BT should they have the opportunity to observe lessons delivered by other colleagues in their own school or in another school which may support them in their holistic development as a teacher during Induction or in the planning and delivery of their Induction Action Plans
Name of Beginning Teacher:
School Visited:School Type:
Date of Visit:Substitute Cover Used: YES NO
Please outline the reason for your choice of class to observe/school to visitPlease give a brief outline of how your day was structured
Please state the main learning outcomes from your experience of observing good practice
Please indicate how this exercise will impact on your:
- Classroom Practice
- Continuing Professional Development
Please comment on the usefulness of this observation experience to your Induction programme
Any other comments?
Principal’s comments
Signature of Induction Teacher:
Signature of Principal:
i-teach belfast
Teacher Tutor Resource Book
August 2011 edition
This should be complete as an outcome of joint discussion between the BT and Teacher Tutor with reference to the Career Entry Profile, the GTCNI Competences, Code of Values and Professional Practice. (See GTCNI Publication: ‘Teaching: the Reflective Profession’ and Sections 2 and 4 of the Interim Teacher Education Partnership Handbook)
School: Target Class/Group:
Area(s) for Development(Ref to Competences) / Success Criteria / Actions
(Including timescales) / Support Arrangements / Monitoring
(Inc evidence in portfolio)
Self Reflection by the Beginning Teacher
(To be used as part of the basis for discussion when completing the Interim and Summative reports)
What do you feel you have achieved (evidence in portfolio) and what areas do you feel you need to develop further?
Name: ______Beginning Teacher: ______Teacher-Tutor: ______
INDUCTION ACTION PLAN:[Topic/Theme for Development]
Area(s) for Development / Success Criteria / Actions(including time scales) / Support Arrangements / Monitoring
What will my target look like when it has been achieved? / What do I have to do to make this happen? / What support will I need to help me implement my actions/achieve target? / How will I monitor progress?
The BT should set out exactly what it is they are going to do/want to achieve in terms of their teaching. They should consider professional development targets arising out of their Career Entry Profile, Key Stage or Departmental priorities within school
Which teacher competence(s) are they going to address? The BT can focus on the subsection of a competence under Inductiontaken from Teaching: The Reflective Profession‘
The BT should consider in discussion with the Teacher Tutor:
- Priorities for development from their Career Entry Profile
- School Development Plan Priorities
- Needs arising within the classroom setting
- Reflection on previous practice
- Classroom observation and feedback.
Remember the BT should be able to provide evidence in support of the success criteria.
The specific improvements, skills, knowledge and learning outcomes for:
- the pupils
- their own professional development in the context of their chosen competences
- the impact on their teaching and classroom management.
- Planning
- Teaching Strategies
- Collaboration with Teacher Tutor and other teachers – HOD/Key Stage/subject co-ordinators
- CASS support
- Delivery of lessons
- Timing
This may involve attending a particular course, carrying out research, consulting with a colleague or sourcing information from an external agency
- Participation in the Induction Inset Programme
- Assistance given by Teacher Tutor/HOD/Key Stage Coordinator
- Advice and guidance from CASS
- Support of classroom assistants
- Other external support
- Appropriate resources
- Keeping a reflective journal of significant events
- Evaluating some of their lessons
- Receiving written lesson observation feedback from their Teacher Tutor/Principal/HOD
- Participating in monitoring discussions and meetings with their TT/HOD/KS Coordinator
- Gathering evidence of revised lesson planning and units/schemes of work etc
- Regularly monitoring, assessing and gathering evidence of their pupils’ work, inc photos
- Gathering pupil feedback through questionnaires, interviews, video and audio recordings
Evaluation is about the BT using the evidence and information they have gathered from the monitoring process to make judgements about their ‘Area for Development’ and to ascertain the extent to which their success criteria has been achieved
It looks at what they set out to do, at what they have accomplished, and how they accomplished It
They can use the information to inform what they would do differently and what changes/improvements they would make to your teaching
The BT should continue on additional sheets or complete in a separate section in their Induction Portfolioat the end of the whole action planning process, i.e. after the lessons have been taught and observations have been carried out
Self Reflection
Having completed the evaluation of their action plan the BT should now take some time to reflect on the process that they have gone through. They may wish to give some consideration to the following:
- What have they learned about themselves and their own professional development?
- What particular skills did they exhibit/develop?
- To what extent do they feel they have furthered their knowledge and understanding of their chosen area for development?
- Have they identified any other professional needs that they feel they need to develop as a result of this first action plan?
- What do they now need to do to take their professional development needs forward?
The BT should continue on additional sheets or complete in a separate section in their Induction Portfolio at the end of the whole action planning process, i.e. after the lessons have been taught and observations have been carried out.
Name: ______Beginning Teacher: ______Teacher-Tutor: ______
i-teach belfast
Teacher Tutor Resource Book
August 2011 edition
It is good practice for the BTto evaluate a lesson towards the beginning and end of their action plan to inform their practice and their pupils’ learning.They may, alternatively, choose to evaluate the lessons for which they have been observed. This template is designed to assist them in this process. Theymay also draw up and use their own format, if desired.
What were the learning intentions for the lesson?What were the success criteria?
Were pupils made aware of the planned learning intentions and success criteria?
What teaching strategies did I use?
Whole class Pairs *Other
Groups Individual *(Please specify)
Summary of the opening, development and close of the lesson
Did I achieve my learning intentions? How do I know this?
Were there unexpected valuable outcomes?
Were any learning intentions not achieved? Why?
What changes would I make to ensure that planned learning intentions are achieved in the future?
Future Action
What are my strengths to build on?
Are there areas I feel I need to develop?
Are there things I might do differently?
Support Needs
Do I need any help or support from my Key Stage Coordinator, HOD, Year Head, SENCO, Teacher Tutor, Child Psychologist
Any Other Comments/Actions related to my Area for Development and targeted competences?
Signature of Induction Teacher:
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Teacher Tutor Resource Book
August 2011 edition
(To be completed on School Headed Note Paper)
School ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
Signed (Beginning Teacher)……………………………………………………………………..
Signed (Teacher-Tutor)……………………………………………………………………………
Signed (Principal)…………………………………………………………………………………..
NB: Complete as an outcome of joint discussion between the beginning teacher and teacher-tutor, with reference to the Induction Action Plan, the GTCNI teacher competences and Code of Values and Professional Practice. (See Pages 44-46, ‘Teaching: the Reflective Profession.’)
- Achievements and area(s) of strength
No more than 100 words
Bullet points may be used
- Area(s) for continued professional development
No more than 100 words
Bullet points may be used
- Retained by the school
- Given to the Beginning Teacher
i-teach belfast
Teacher Tutor Resource Book
August 2011 edition
(To be completed on School Headed Note Paper)
School ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
Signed (Beginning Teacher)……………………………………………………………………..
Signed (Teacher-Tutor)……………………………………………………………………………
Signed (Principal)…………………………………………………………………………………..
NB: Complete as an outcome of joint discussion between the beginning teacher and teacher-tutor and the principal with reference to both Induction Action Plans, the Interim Review Report and the GTCNI teacher competences and Code of Values and Professional Practice (‘Teaching: the Reflective Profession’)
- Achievements and area(s) of strength
No more than 100 words
Bullet points may be used
- Area(s) for continuing professional development
No more than 100 words
Bullet points may be used
- Interim plans for focusing Early Professional Development
No more than 100 words
Bullet points may be used
Recommended for Successful Completion of Induction Yes No
(Please delete as appropriate)
- Retained by the school
- Given to the Beginning Teacher
i-teach belfast
Teacher Tutor Resource Book
August 2011 edition
(To be completed on School Headed Note Paper)
The following sample letter may be used to confirm successful completion of Induction. It should be sent to:
The General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland
3rd Floor
Albany House
Great Victoria Street
A copy should also be:
- Given to the Beginning Teacher
- Retained by the school
- Sent to the Induction/EPD Team at the Belfast Education and Library Board
School Address
The General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland
3rd Floor
Albany House
Great Victoria Street
The Board of Governors of … (Insert School Name) confirms, on the recommendation of the Principal and in light of a satisfactory report on Induction which meets the criteria for the completion of Induction described in the Teacher Education Partnership Handbook, that … (Insert name of Beginning Teacher and Teacher Reference number), has completed the Induction stage of teacher education and may begin Early Professional Development.
Signed (Principal): …………………………………………………………………………
Date: ………………………………………………………………………………………….
Signed ………………………………………………….(Chairperson on behalf of the
Board of Governors of ………………………………………… (InsertSchool Name)
Date: ………………………………………………………………………………………….
i-teach belfast
Teacher Tutor Resource Book
August 2011 edition