English 327Technology Analysis Data SheetFall 2005

Your Name:

The function of this worksheet is to get you to think about what it takes to be a functional technology literate user of the technology you’ve chosen to look at for your project. It draws upon a number of the concepts from the class. Please read each of the questions on the chart carefully and answer each in the block next to it. Use specific examples.

Please save a copy of this with your initials in the document name and send it as an email attachment to . Include in the subject line the course and your section number as well as technology analysis. You will receive feedback on your thesis in a few days.

Technology Under Analysis:


Primary Function(s)
What is the technology primarily used to do?
Who are the main users assumed to be?
Discourse Community
What types of language/knowledge are the users assumed to have?
Literate Practice
What technology literate practices take place? (Name a few)
Literate Act
Describe at least one literate act. (Remember our discussion on technology literacy – this is includes skills, decision making, and assessment.)
Types of Design that participate in Multiliteracy
Linguistic Design
What terms are used? Where do they “come from?”
Visual Design
What do the visuals look like? Do they have “real world” matches? Do they appear elsewhere? Are they conventions?
Audio Design
Is there an audio component? What is its function?
Spatial Design
Where are components in relation to each other? Where is there space that is “worked in?” That displays info?
Gestural Design
What types of interactivity are there? What types of manipulation does the technology require?

Create a thesis statement about what it takes to be a technology literate user of the technology you’ve chosen. You’ll want to include in your thesis things like: skills, knowing when and where it is appropriate to use the technology, using it critically, and making critical decisions regarding use/purchase/etc.

Thesis statement: