Christine Tetlow
TELEPHONE: /01737 276514
DATE: /23 February 2005
APPLICATION NO: / 04/02682/F / WARD: / Nork / RECEIVED: / 11/11/04APPLICANT: / Mr and Mrs Cavaciuti / AGENT: / Design Solutions
DESCRIPTION: / Single storey utility/garage side extension and two-storey part rear bedroom extension.
DRAWING NUMBERS: / 0122/03 (ground floor only), 0122/04A (front and rear elevations only), 0123/03A, 0122/04A
At the meeting on 26 January 2005, the Committee resolved that a decision be deferred to seek a reduction in the size of the utility/garage side extension, and to enable a Committee site inspection. The site visit took place on 19 February 2005.
A copy of the previous report is appended with addendum added in italics for ease of reference.
Amended Plans
Following the last meeting, amended plans have been received which maintain the footprint of the proposed utility/garage extension, but marginally reduce its height from approximately 4 metres to 3.8 metres high at the ridge.
The adjoining neighbour at 74 Fir Tree Road has been renotified and any further views will be reported to the meeting.
The hedge adjacent to the garage is owned by 74 Fir Tree Road. Given the proximity of the proposed garage at 300mm from the boundary, the Council’s Tree Officer advises that the hedge is at risk through root damage.
The recommendation remains that planning permission is GRANTED subject to conditions as set out in the previous report.
However, if members are minded to refuse planning permission, the following reason was tabled at the last meeting:
1. The proposed development, by reason of loss of light and outlook, would harm the amenities of the neighbouring property at 74 Fir Tree Road and would thereby conflict with policy SE4 of the Surrey Structure Plan 2004, policy Ho9 of the Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 1994 and policy Ho9 of the Local Plan First Alterations (Revised Deposit Draft) 2000.
Christine Tetlow
TELEPHONE: /01737 276514
DATE: /26 January 2005
APPLICATION NO: / 04/02682/F / WARD: / Nork / RECEIVED: / 11/11/04APPLICANT: / Mr and Mrs Cavaciuti / AGENT: / Design Solutions
DESCRIPTION: / Single storey utility/garage side extension and two-storey part rear bedroom extension.
DRAWING NUMBERS: / 0122/03 (ground floor only), 0122/04A (front and rear elevations only), 0123/03A, 0122/04A
The application has been referred to Committee at the request of Councillor Selby because of his concerns at the effect on the neighbouring property at 74 Fir Tree Road through loss of light and outlook.
This application entails the enlargement of a detached dwelling house with a two-storey rear extension, the demolition of an existing attached garage and the construction of an enlarged attached garage with a utility room to the rear.
It is considered that the development would comply with the relevant policies and is not detrimental to the character and appearance of the area or to the amenities of neighbouring residents.
Planning permission is GRANTED subject to conditions.
Highway Authority: no highways requirements to make on this application.
Neighbours were notified by letter dated 15/11/04. One representation has been received raising the following issues:
Issue / ResponseOvershadowing / See paragraph 5.6-5.7
Overlooking / See paragraph 5.8
1.0 Site and Surroundings
1.1 The application relates to a detached dwelling on the south side of Fir Tree Road. There are detached houses surrounding the proposal site, the property to the east is a bungalow, and the property to the west is two storeys. There is no notable difference in ground levels within the curtilage or between the neighbouring properties. The front and rear boundaries of the site are, in part, marked by a hedge. This hedge is not significantly visible from the road given the mature trees to the front of the property.
2.0 Relevant Planning History
2.1 Relevant planning history is as follows:
97/13140/F / Two storey rear extension / Granted 10/02/98(not implemented)
02/01303/F / Two storey rear extension / Granted 30/08/02
(not yet implemented)
3.0 Current Proposal
3.1 This application entails the enlargement of a detached dwellinghouse with a two-storey rear extension, the demolition of an existing attached garage and the construction of an enlarged attached garage with a utility room to the rear.
3.2 The flat roof over an existing single-storey rear extension would also be removed and replaced with a glazed conservatory roof, with alterations to insert a pair of French doors in the rear elevation.
4.0 Policy Context
4.1 Local Plan Designation
Urban Area
4.2 Surrey Structure Plan 2004
Protecting the Environment / SE44.3 Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 1994
Housing / Ho9, Ho13, Ho164.4 Local Plan First Alteration (Revised Deposit Draft) 2000
Housing / Ho94.5 Other Material Considerations
Planning Policy Guidance Notes / PPG 1Supplementary Planning Guidance / Surrey Design
Local Distinctiveness
Other / Human Rights Act 1998
5.0 Principal Issues
5.1 The main issues to consider are:
· Impact on the character and appearance of the area
· Impact on residential amenity
Character and Appearance of the Area
5.2 Planning permission has already been granted for a two-storey rear extension on this site, which is still valid. The proposed two-storey extension would be in the same location, and of very similar dimensions. Sited at the rear of the site, it would not impinge greatly on public views of the building, and would not therefore materially affect the character of the area.
5.3 The replacement and enlargement of the garage would complement the design of the existing dwelling. The proposal would not be regarded as overdevelopment of the site or harmful to the character of the existing property or area. Changes to the existing rear single-storey extension are minor, and would not detract from the appearance of the property.
Neighbour Amenity
5.4 In granting the previous application for a two-storey rear extension it was considered that due to the orientation of 74 and 76 Fir Tree Road, and distance between the two properties, the two-storey element would have no significant impact on the amenities of neighbouring occupiers. That judgement is considered to have been sound, and equally applicable to the current proposal given the similarities between the proposals.
5.5 Since the previous grant of permission, the Council has adopted the Local Distinctiveness Design Guide, which includes supplementary planning guidance on householder extensions and alterations. The two-storey extension is considered to meet this guidance.
5.6 Where the current proposal differs to the previously permitted schemes, including a change in the roof of the rear extension from hip to gable, alterations to an existing rear extension to form a conservatory, and the replacement and enlargement of the garage, these changes would not have an adverse impact upon neighbouring properties' amenities.
5.7 The proposed two-storey side extension would not overlook the neighbouring properties. There would be three new windows at first floor level to the side elevations, one to the west and two to the east. A condition requiring obscured glazing would ensure no overlooking or loss of privacy would occur. Existing boundary fencing would screen new ground floor windows. The proposed extension is not considered to have any overbearing impact on the neighbouring property.
1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of five years from the date of this permission.
To comply with Section 91(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
2. The proposed external finishing materials shall match those of the existing buildings and there shall be no variation without the prior approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority.
To ensure that the development hereby permitted is only constructed using the appropriate external facing materials or suitable alternatives in the interest of the visual amenities of the area with regard to Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 1994, policies Ho9 and Ho13.
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995, (or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order) (with or without modification), no further first floor windows on the east or west elevations of the two-storey rear extension hereby permitted shall be formed, without the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority.
To ensure that the development does not affect the amenity of the neighbouring property by overlooking with regard to Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 1994 policy Ho9.
4. The windows in the east and west elevations of the building shall be fitted with obscure glazing which shall not be openable other than with a top hung fanlight and shall be so maintained at all times.
To ensure that the development does not affect the amenity of the neighbouring property by overlooking with regard to Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 1994 policy Ho9.
The development hereby permitted has been assessed against development plan policies SE4, Ho9, Ho13 and Ho16, and material considerations, including third party representations. It has been concluded that the development is in accordance with the development plan and there are no material considerations that justify refusal in the public interest.
M:\BDS\DC\Ctreports 2005\23 February 2005\04.02682.F - 76 Fir Tree Road, Banstead 02.DOC