Materials in Clean Power Systems: Applications, Corrosion, and Protection
Sponsored by: The TMS/ASM Corrosion and Environmental Effects Committee
Organizing Committee:
Dr. Z. Gary Yang
Pacific Northwest National Lab
Richland, WA99352
Phone: (509) 375-3756
Dr. K. Scott Weil
Pacific Northwest National Lab
Richland, WA99352
Phone: (509) 376-3372
Dr. Michael P. Brady
Oak Ridge National Lab
Oak Ridge, TN37831-6115
Phone: (865) 574-5153
Email: ;
Call For Papers
Continued environmental concerns about traditional power generation plants and greater technical and political interest in the merits of a hydrogen-based economy have spurred a dramatic worldwide growth in research and development activities associated with clean power technologies.Such technologies include: various fuel cell systems (PEMFC, MCFC, and SOFC), hydrogen combustion equipment (IC engines and gas turbines), and hydrogen generationequipment including electrolyzers, reformers, and membrane-based separation reactors. With an eye toward overall system development, there has been increased focus on the structural materials employed in a variety of the components used in these power systems. These materials and components are often exposed to unique environments during system operation and their stability is essential in attaining high system power, efficiency, and reliability. This symposium will focus on both the scientific and technological aspects of the structural materials used in these systems, particularly on new materials development, oxidation and corrosion behavior, interactions with adjacent components such as electrodes, material protection strategies (e.g. coatings), and clean energy applications where these materials are finding use.
The symposium will provide a forum for scientists and engineers from academia, national laboratories, and industry to present the latest developments and understandings in structural materials for applications in clean power systems. In addition, the symposium will provide a venue for the fruitful interaction and exchange of ideas. It will also educate students and researchers interested in a nationally and globally important area of clean energy technologies.
Proposed session topics/sub topics:
- Structural materials for applications in SOFCs, MCFCs, PEMFCs, and others:
- interconnections/bipolar plates
- seals
- balance of plants
- Hydrogen Production:
- reformation of coal gas
- electrolysis
- photolysis
- bioprocesses
- Clean coal power plants and hydrogen generation:
- waterside materials issues
- fireside material issues
- Gas filtration/cleanup and separation:
- coal gas filtration,
- Hg/S removal,
- O2, H2 and CO/CO2 separation
- Hydrogen delivery and embrittlement:
- mechanisms,
- issues in existing pipe lines,
- potential materials for pipe lines
- Fundamental understanding on corrosion in power generation systems:
- hydrogen and carbon induced corrosion,
- dual environment effects,
- fundamental thermodynamics, transports, mechanisms
- Protective coatings and newly developed materials:
- processes and fabrication issues
- properties and performance.
Invited speakers include:
Brian Bischoff
Oak Ridge National Lab
Peggy Hou
LawrenceBerkeley National Lab
Phil Maziasz
Oak Ridge National Lab
Truls Norby
University of Oslo
Steve Paglieri
LosAlamos National Lab
Anthony Petric
Frederick Pettit/ Jerry Meier
University of Pittsburgh
W.J. Quadakkers / Lorenz Singheiser
Forschungszentrum Julich
John Turner
National Renewable Energy Lab
David Sholl
Petros Sofronis
University of Illinois, Urban-Champion
Henk Verweij
Ian Wright
Oak Ridge National Lab
David Young
University of New South Wales
John Zhu
135th Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Call For Papers
Materials in Clean Power Systems: Applications, Corrosion and Protection
March 12-16, 2006
HenryB.GonzalezConvention Center
San Antonio, Texas, USA
For more information, please visit TMS website: