Shu Wang
Shu Wang is a Ph.D candidate at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of University of Saskatchewan. He is also a senior product engineer in Eaton Corporation in Eden Prairie, Minnesota.
Shu Wang received his B.S. and M.S. in mechanical engineering respectively in 1994 and 1997. He had worked as aircraft engineer in the aircraft industry for 5 years. In September 2003, he joined the fluid Power group at University of Saskatchewan to pursue his Ph.D degree. During his Ph.D study, he worked with Professor Burton and Professor Habibi. He was a scholarship student at the University of Saskatchewan, and taught a class in AutoCAD. Also, he had been a Lab Instructor and Teaching Assistant for the control, hydraulic and mechanical engineering courses for several years.
His research interests mainly lie in the Dynamic Control Systems, Hydraulic Control Systems, On-line State/Parameter Estimation, and Mechatronics. Based on his research projects, he had published a couple of conference articles about Advanced Control and Filtering during his Ph.D study. Five journal papers had been submitted to and under review by the ASME, CSME, IEEE transactions. One of them, which is called “A Smooth Variable Structure Filter for State Estimation” has been accepted and to appear in the Journal of Control and Intelligent Systems. In these publications, two novel integrated control strategies, which are called a Sliding Mode Controller and Filter (SMCF) and he Smooth Sliding Mode Controller and Filter (SSMCF), have been proposed and applied to a hydraulic system. These two new control strategies present efficient control performance, stability and robustness.
Shu Wang is a Student Member of ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) and professional engineer in training of APEGS (Association of Professional Engineers & Geoscientists of Saskatchewan). He had worked as a paper peer-to-peer reviewer for some international conferences, such as 2005 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, and 2006 American Control Conference (Silver Anniversary), etc.
S. Wang, R. Burton, and S. Habibi, 2006, “A Combined Sliding Mode Controller and Filter”, The proceedings of 4th FPNI-PhD Symposium Sarasota/Florida 2006, vol. 1, pp.101-116 is showcased in the 2006-07 University Authors Exhibition.