Nogales High School

La Puente Valley ROP

Career Technical Education


COURSE TITLE:Medical Assisting

INSTRUCTOR NAME:Melanie Montgomery



COURSE START DATE:August 18, 2015

COURSE DESCRIPTION:Students are trained in medical assistant administrative and clinical skills which include: answering telephone, greeting patients, updating, and filing patient medical records, filling out insurance forms, handling correspondence, scheduling appointments, and bookkeeping, taking medical histories, recording vital signs, preparing patients for examinations, collecting and preparing laboratory specimens, basic laboratory testing, preparing and administering medications and immunizations, drawing blood and performing electrocardiograms. The Medical Assistant-Clinical will provide students with skills necessary to obtain entry-level positions within a medical facility. Instruction will include medical and surgical asepsis, assisting the physician with physical examination of the patient, assisting in office surgery, electrocardiography, administration of medication by physician order, laboratory skills, assisting with diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, nutrition, vital signs, introduction to anatomy and physiology and related diseases and conditions, and medical terminology, along with basic core class skills. Integrated throughout the course are career preparation standards, which includes communication, interpersonal skills, and problem solving safety, technology, and employment skills.

CONTACT HOURS:Lecture/Lab180

Community Classroom externship (optionalprogram)200


Upon successful completion of the course the student will be able to:

Understand the basic history of the medical profession, perform professionalism, medical abbreviations,and complete a resume, cover letter, and follow-up techniques. Perform universal precautions and lab safetyand understand the importance of confidentiality. Perform basic office procedures to include: scheduling appointments, and filing alphabetically/numerically, and use of electronic health records. Successfully perform venous blood draw utilizing a butterfly needle, and vacuum tube with adapter/sterile needle, demonstrate skin punctures andperform a urinalysis. Demonstrate proper use of microscope,and nebulizer treatment; along with proper hand washing techniques. Successfully perform bandaging techniques and other first aid procedures. Perform intradermal, subcutaneous and intramuscular injections on manikins, obtain throat culture and demonstrate proper technique for sputum and stool specimens. Properly autoclave instruments, and set up various sterile/non-sterile trays utilized in the office setting.

TEXBOOK/WORKBOOK:Medical Assisting Administrative/Clinical Competencies 5th Edition by Keir, Wise and Krebs. 2003 Delmar Learning




90-100% / A
80-89% / B
70-79% / C
60-69% / D
BELOW 59% / F

CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS AND CONSEQUENCES: No visible electronic devices; cell phones, IPod’s, and earphones, if seen in use they will confiscated. Parents will have to pick up the item in the Student Service Center office after 3:15 pm. Seating charts may be given to each student and may be changed throughout the school year. Disrupting the class by arriving late,talking, profanity, lack of materials or homework, poor grades,reading or studying other materials not pertinent to the course and other forms of defiance will not be tolerated. No applying make-up in class. Cheating will result in a zero and a teacher/parent conference. A cheating policy form must be signed for student’s discipline file. Students will not be excused out of class unless there is a bathroom emergency.

Testing/Assignment policy:

It is the students responsibility to be familiar with material covered in class, even when absent. No late work accepted unless there is a verified clear/business/illness absence. Assignments and tests must be made up no later than one day after you return.Students in danger of failing may retake a test, but will not receive a grade higher than 75%


Do not arrive late to class! Attendance will be taken within the first 15 minutes after the bell rings. If you arrive after that please go to attendance for a tardy slip.Classroom tardy’s will result in after school detention and consequences below:

Behavior Management Plan:

Positive consequences for appropriate behavior: 1.) Bonus points towards an assignment

Negative consequences: 1.) warning/student counsel 2.) Parent contact 3.) Referral to Administration Department

======CUT HERE ======

Syllabus and behavior acknowledgement

Print student name: ______Signature: ______

Print parent/guardian name: ______Signature: ______

Parent/guardian telephone numbers and email address: ______

Date signed: ______


Melanie Montgomery