Notre Dame de Namur Special Feasts and Prayers
January 1 Octave of Christmas: Mary, the Holy Mother of God
February 2 1804: First consecration of the Sisters of Notre Dame (Foundation Day); 1806: Julie’s vision of the future apostolate of the congregation throughout the world.
February 9 1838: Françoise Blin de Bourdon (Mother Saint Joseph)
dies at Namur
February 12 2005: martyrdom of Sister Dorothy Stang at Boa Esperança, a village near Anapu,Para, Brasil
March 8 1756: birth of Françoise Blin de Bourdon (cofoundress of
the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur) at Gézaincourt.
March 9 1756: baptism of Françoise Blin de Bourdon
March 19 Saint Joseph
March 25 Annunciation
April 8 Saint Julie Billiart –anniversary of death (1816)
May 1 St. Joseph, the Worker
May 13 1906: beatification of Julie Billiart
May 31 Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth; day of prayer for the
Congregations of Sisters of Notre Dame of Namur, of
Amersfoort, of Coesfeld
June 1 1804: cure of Saint Julie on the fifth day of a novena to the
Sacred Heart. (The Feast of the Sacred Heart is special to
us because of Julie’s devotion to it—but it is a movable
June 22 1969: canonization of Saint Julie Billiart
July 12 1751: birth and baptism of Marie Rose Julie Billiart,
foundress of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur.
August 15 Assumption of Mary
August 22 Queenship of Mary
September 8 Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary
September 12 Holy Name of Mary
September 14 Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross
September 15 Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows
November 21 Presentation of Mary
December 8 Immaculate Conception
December 12 Our Lady of Guadalupe
From the Constitutions and Directory of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur:
With joy and thanksgiving we remember and celebrate the significant moments in the life of the Congregation.
February 2 Vows of Julie Billiart,
Francoise Blin de Bourdon, and
Catherine Duchatel
as the first Sisters of Notre Dame (1804)
Julie's vision of the future apostolate
of the Congregation
throughout the world (1806)
Special feast day of
the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur.
April 8 The death of Julie Billiart (1816)
May 13 Official liturgical feast day of
St. Julie Billiart.
Her beatification (1906)
June 22 The canonization of Julie Billiart (1969)
July 12 The birth and baptismal day of
Marie Rose Julie Billiart(1751)
We also remember May 31 as a day of prayer for the Congregations of Sisters of Notre Dame of Namur, of Amersfoort, of Coesfeld.