Academic Personnel Workgroup
Tuesday, January 12, 1999
10:00 - 11:30 a.m.
12-407 MDCC
Present:Tina Bousquet, Cynthia Brooks, Rochelle Caballero,
Consuelo Castro, Joan Cowan, Laura Crowley, Mary Daghlian, Norma DeLaTorre, Lan Duong, Doris Dworschak, Christina Flores, Jennifer Gino, Albert Glover, Wendy Hagar, Pamela Harris,
Eilish Hathaway, Patricia Kearney, Jan Kiernan, Connie Knight, Margaret Lacey, Linda Leffall, CS Leyman, Carol Melitsoff,
Judy Mossman, Lorinda Murdock-Lane, Chris Musselman,
Ernie Norris, Wendy Reed, Diana Roman, Rita Sacks,
Steve Shaevel, Sherri Simpson, Marcella Tong,
Marilynn VanderHule, Joanne Young
At the start of the meeting, Rochelle Caballero announced that Neda Navab in the Dean's Office started a QDB workgroup. The workgroup will review QDB and EDB fields and the reporting needs of users of the systems. They're currently working in a general way rather than on specific reports. It's added if it should go on a report, selection of fields, grouping fields (e.g., faculty only, faculty and housestaff, etc.). The business office address is a field they're currently trying to get added, especially for addresses at affiliates. An alternate department is also a possibility that's being looked into. It would be good to find a way to move a group as a whole, for instance when an office moves the entire area can be captured rather than having to individually update each person's address.
Rochelle then asked the group if there are fields in the EDB that people would like to see in the QDB. A translation table for the current specialty code is on the payroll web base, but not on the QDB. She distributed a list of specialties and subspecialties from the GME directory and asked everyone to add specialties that don't appear on the list, e.g., gynecology.
Regarding the Next Salary Review Date on the EDB, APO wants to change those dates for the fourth-year appraisal and the 8-year limit to the effective date of the action rather than the year the candidate is to be reviewed. Please don't change it yet, however.
There will be an additional field in the QDB so that departments can indicate that someone is a fellow in addition to his/her working title. New titles for residents have also been developed. The Post-MD title now says Chief Resident.
The Dean's Office Academic Database (ADB) needs individual review of each record before we can give accurate data on eligibilities. Look-up for departments was also discussed.
Wendy Reed and Lisa Rubin spoke about confidentiality. The list of evaluators is confidential to the candidate even though s/he may have provided some of the names. University policy regarding soliciting evaluators is to cut some names and add some names to the candidate's list of suggested evaluators. The final list is not to be shared with the candidate. When a candidate requests a copy of these letters, they must be redacted by obliterating the letterhead, the signature block, and anything below the signature block. The entire text of the letter must remain as submitted by the evaluator. Assistant Professors undergoing their 8-year limit reviews should automatically be given redacted copies of the solicited letters, without their having to ask for them. Departmental ad hoc committee reports are to be given to the candidate with the same redaction guidelines as solicited letters. They should neither name the committee membership nor the identity of the solicited evaluators. The candidate is entitled to a complete, unredacted copy of the Department recommendation letter written by the Chair (or Division Chief as the case may be). As such, this letter should not name evaluators. If unsolicited letters are received, the evaluators must receive the University's mandatory confidentiality statement. Please make sure you contact the evaluator requesting permission to include their letter in the dossier.
Regarding data summary coversheets, make sure you type the current 11-month base, and indicate if it is an off-scale salary. If there is a secondary or tertiary department, please indicate that on the "Department" line immediately following the home department. Additionally, if the action is for an Assistant Professor, please check off only what is applicable for the current action.
Albert will be attending a meeting in APO regarding getting information on-line.
Lisa informed the group that all letters requesting temporary appointments please indicate the percent time of the appointment, the rate (as opposed to the cost), and the effective date of the action. If the appointment is for a Clinical Instructor (Compensated), without salary, please indicate the source of support. If the appointment is a visiting, please indicate if it's a "true" visiting or an interim appointment. If it is a true visiting appointment, the rank and salary should be comparable to their title at their home institution. If it has a low rate, please provide justification for that rate, including identifying if there is any additional outside support.
Regarding taking time off the 8-year limit clock, Lisa reminded everyone that requests for childbearing/childrearing can only be made no sooner than the quarter following the birth or adoption, and no later than two years following the birth or adoption.
Lisa informed everyone that the UCLA web page cannot be the sole source of advertising for an open staff or faculty position.
Wendy reminded everyone that all actions and requests to Dr. Friedman should be routed through her office, not directly to Dr. Friedman, nor should they be sent directly to Lisa. This includes such information as Z Payments, etc.
Albert apprised the group that the pending "uniform" compensation plan is still under discussion and out for formal review by faculty. The pending plan allows plan members 48 days per year (as currently allowed in APM 025) to engage in professional activities outside the University and to retain up to $20,000 in outside earnings. If the Plan is implemented, although the rules change and the scales increase, the salary sources for salary hasn't necessarily increased, so budgeting will be tricky. If you're interested in further information about this, you may review the policy on the web (
The Office of the President Advisory Committee is reviewing VA/UC joint appointments, specifically for retirement purposes. A recommendation will be made that joint appointees be allowed a maximum of 150% retirement coverage. The model for this is the NIH Memorandum of Understanding, which accepts as reasonable a 60-hour work week (40 hours at site and an additional 20 hours at a joint institution). There are academic appointees currently receiving more than 150% retirement coverage. Please make sure that future appointments do not provide total retirement coverage in excess of 150%. The policy will, hopefully, be implemented July 1, 1999. There is no current discussion on combining Social Security benefits between UC and the VA.
Wendy announced that there will be a Professor, Step IX to be effective July 1, 2000. There have been no formal announcements from APO regarding procedures, so dossiers should continue to be processed in the same manner as they are currently until further notice.
The meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m.
Submitted by:
Wendy Reed
Dean's Office
School of Medicine