United States Studies: The Industrial Revolution to the Present

(6th Grade Social Studies)

Contact Information

Instructor: L. Hubbard


Room: 602

Phone: 342-2748

Prep Time: 10:07-11:04

Course Description

Sixth-grade content standards focus on the history of the United States from the Industrial Revolution to the present. Historical events studied by sixth graders include the rise of the United States as an industrial nation, World War I, the Great Depression, World War II, and the Cold War Era.


Individual schools will choose textbooks in accordance with the state-approved textbook list. Selection of supplemental materials will be at the discretion of the instructor. There are not enough textbooks for every student which will require students having to use a book in class and check out a book if needed.

Supply List

Items to be brought daily to class:

1 1/2 to 2 inch three ring binder

loose-leaf notebook paper

Notebook Dividers-package of 5

Pencil or erasable pens (No red ink or mechanical pencils)

Pencil Pouch with small pencil sharpener, highlighter, glue stick, small pair of scissors, and colored pencils

Dictionary - for use at home

Items to be left with teacher:

Paper towels

Pack of dry erase markers (Girls)

1 ream of copy paper

1 box quart storage bags (Boys)

Hand sanitizer


**Materials for assigned projects will be announced when needed**

Wish list for the classroom:

Magic Erasers

Small box of crayons

Construction Paper

Disinfectant wipes for classroom

Classroom Donation – $10.00

Classroom Rules

  1. Follow all directions and instructions the first time; adhere to classroom procedures.
  2. Stay on task and do not disturb others.
  3. Show respect and be kind with your words and actions.
  4. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself at all times.
  5. Respect school property and the property of others.
  6. Come to class prepared with everything you need.
  7. Keep desk and area clean.

Classroom Procedures

  1. All student work should be kept in a 1” or 2” three-ring binder. This binder may be kept in class on the student center bookshelf.
  2. Label everything with name, date, and class period.
  3. Sharpen pencils upon entering the classroom. Erasable pens are allowed. Mechanical pencils are not permitted in my classroom.
  4. Be in your seat when the tardy bell rings.
  5. Any missed work due to absence must be collected from the “Were You Absent Crate” by the student. The student has two days for each day of excused absence to make up the work. Attendance is very important. Please try to avoid absences.

Students who follow the above rules and procedures will have an exceptional year. However, students who do not follow our classroom rules and classroom procedures will suffer consequences. They will initially be given a warning ticket. If the unpleasant behavior continues the student’s name will be added to a discipline list in the teacher’s binder and parents will be contacted in writing via a discipline letter. If the behavior continues after the discipline letter has been sent home a checkmark will be added next to the student’s name on the discipline list in the teacher’s binder and parents will be contacted via telephone. In the unfortunate event that this is not effective, students will be referred to the office with possible suspension. Please refer to the Student/Parent Information Guide for more information regarding Tuscaloosa County Board policy.

Grading policy

The final grade for each nine-week grading period will be based on various methods of assessment. These methods may include but are not limited to, tests, homework, classwork, projects, quizzes, and current events. Full credit will not be given for late work unless accompanied with a school approved excuse. Each student will have a minimum of at least one grade per week. Some weeks there will be as many as four grades. Test/project grades will count 50% of the final average while daily/homework grades will count 30% of final average.

Extra Credit

This course is designed so that no one that completes his/her assignments will receive a failing grade, therefore no extra credit will be given.

I look forward to working with each of you in the upcoming year. Do not hesitate to contact me at 342-2748 or by email at if you have any questions or concerns.

Parent/Student Information

I have read the syllabus and understand all the contents and what is expected of me (my child) during this school year in United States Studies (6th Grade Social Studies).


Student Signature Date


Parent Signature Date


So that I may be able to easily contact you, please provide me with the information requested.

Parent Name(s) ______

Parent Phone (easiest way for me to talk to you during the day) ______

Parent email______

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