1. Write a daytime client program that connects to read a string from the server and displays the string to the user.
2. Develop a String reverse chat application using TCP socket programming. Server accepts strings from clients (even multiple strings from each client) and replies with reverse strings. For example, when client sends “VandeMataram”, Server replies with “marataMedanV. Both server and client(s) have to output both sending & receiving strings on the terminal.
3. Using TCP/IP sockets, write a client-server program to make client request for a file. If the file is present it verifies the name of the file. If correct the server to sends the contents of the requested file. If the file not present sends the message ‘File not present’.
4. Develop a String reverse chat application using UDP socket programming. Server accepts strings from clients (even multiple strings from each client) and replies with reverse strings. For example, when client sends “Vande Mataram”, Server replies with “marataM ednaV. Both server and client(s) have to output both sending & receiving strings on the terminal.
5. Develop a program to display the date and time of the server using TCP
6. Write a program to implement factorial or Fibonacci sequence of a given number on a remote host and obtain its value from a client
7. Write a program to implement RPC to perform String Lower case to Upper Case and vice versa.
8. Develop a program to implement simple calculator on a remote host and invoke operations from a client.
9. Write a program to perform sliding window protocol using GO back n ARQ. (50)
10. Write a program to view the traffic characteristic performance of the Ethernet network using OPNET. (Simulation)
11. Develop a program to get the MAC or Physical address of the system using Address Resolution Protocol.
12. Write a program to study the performance of a TCP network with droptail queue mechanism on the gateway (Ns2).
13. Design and study the performance of traffic characteristics and link failures of all topologies using simulator (Simulation)
14. Write a program to simulate a link failure and to observe distance vector routing protocol in action (Ns2)
15. Examine the performance of OPEN SHORTEST PATH FIRST (OSPF) routing protocol using a simulator based on cost. (Simulation)
16. Write a program to broadcast ‘hello’ messages to the peers in a network.
17. Write a program to implement a small network with five nodes(n0,n1,n2,n3,n4) forming a ring topology. Simulate the transfer of packets from node n0 to n3 through n4 for 10 seconds (Ns2)
- Design any two topology and study the performance in terms of traffic patterns using simulator. (Simulation).