Cranwell, Brauncewell and Byard’s Leap Parish Council
Notes of a meeting of the Parish Council held in Cranwell Village Hall on Monday 9 January 2012 commencing at 7.00 p.m.
Attendance: With Cllr H Morris in the Chair there were present,
Cllrs – Mr R Bett, Mr M Cassidy, Mr J Hudson, Mr D Ralph,
Mr D Ward and the Clerk Mr E Findlay.
D/Cllr I Cartwright and C/Cllr E Bauer were also in attendance.
2 members of the public
The Chairman invited members of the public to address the meeting at 7.00pm.
One member of the public made a comment on how the planning authority was not accountable for the decisions they made when proved to be wrong. The Parish Council, along with the District Councillors had raised a number of objections to the College Garden development with parking on the B1429 being one of them. This was dismissed by Planning and other residents are now subjected to negotiating a difficult area due to parked cars and impatient drivers.
It was brought to the attention of the Council that the green wheelie bin situated near the Mace shop had not been emptied for some considerable time and was full to the top. The Clerk said he would look into it with NKDC in the morning.
A request was put forward from the Indoor Bowls Club for a donation to go towards the purchase of a mat rolling machine as they currently use a carpet tube. The Chairman asked that they submit the request, in writing, with details of what they wished to purchase and costing to the Clerk prior to the next meeting in order to consider a donation.
The Chairman then declared the meeting open at 7.15pm.
1. / Apologies for absence and reasons given.Cllrs Farthing and Moor were unable to attend and their reasons were made known to the Parish Council.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the reason for absence. Proposed by Cllr Ward, seconded by Cllr Ralph, agreed unanimously.
2. / To receive declaration of interest in accordance with the 2007 Local Government Act.
Cllr Bett declared a personal interest in item 19.b, as one of the electricians who had quoted was currently working on his house.
3. / Notes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on Monday 5 December 2011 are approved as Minutes.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve that the notes to the meeting held on Monday 5 December 2011, be accepted as minutes and they were true records of the meeting. Proposed by Cllr Ward, seconded by Cllr Cassidy, agreed unanimously. The Chairman signed the minutes.
4. / To receive reports relating to Police matters.
Nothing received from the Police.
5. / Financial Matters
a. Approve the report on expenditure since the last meeting.
The Clerk informed the meeting that 1 cheque had been signed since the last meeting, being for the Utility Warehouse, for the Old School. This was done so as not to incur charges for late payment.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to accept the expenditure since the last meeting. Proposed by Cllr Bett, seconded by Cllr Ward, agreed unanimously.
b. To resolve to approve payment of invoices listed on the ‘Expenditure to be Approved’ report.
The Clerk informed the meeting that due to an end of year return not being submitted to HMRC, and this had incurred a Penalty fine. He was unaware of this requirement and had tried to contact HMRC for guidance as he was now unable to access online paperwork for 2010/11. He had written to dispute the fine but it was felt by the Council that the best course of action would be to pay the fine and then appeal the amount.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the listed invoices.
Proposed by Cllr Ward, seconded by Cllr Bett, agreed unanimously.
c. Approve payment towards LALC training scheme for 2012/13.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the payment for the LALC training scheme at a cost of £105.00, due to the size of the electorate. Proposed by Cllr Ralph, seconded by Cllr Bett, agreed unanimously.
6. / Receive reports from County/District Councillors.
D/Cllr Cartwright informed the meeting that Sleaford Town Council had been given the offer to take over the public toilet services in the town in line with other Town/Parish Council’s who offer a similar service.
The Princess Royal was visiting the C.A.B. in Moneys Yard, Sleaford on Thursday 19 January 2012.
He also apologised for not being able to respond to the questions posed by the Clerk on behalf of the Chairman, but the email had been placed in quarantine NKDC SPAM filters. He hoped to have the answers at the next meeting.
7. / Receive reports relating to RAF matters.
Nothing to report.
8. / Receive reports from the Clerk in relation to Council matters.
The Clerk confirmed the dates for the remaining meetings in 2012 and handed out a calendar showing them and he also distributed the latest electoral roll to all Cllrs present
He had reported the footway between St Catherines and Edmunds Road. LCC job #1088996. LCC had conducted a site visit and work was expected to be completed in the next FY.
He had discussed a meeting between the Parish Council and LCC Highways. It had been proposed for Friday 20 January 2012, starting at 10.00am. Party to include Mr Rowan Smith and Ms Megan Clarke from LCC Highways and a number of Parish Councillors. The Clerk had also chased up Willow Lane, where the road was crumbling in front of number 24. LCC hoped to have patch repair carried out with 28 days.
An NKDC outreach event was planned for 15 February 2012, 11-3pm in village Hall car Park. To include the POD, climbing wall and skate park.
The Clerk had tried to get results from Lincs Road Safety Partnership following a traffic survey for Village which was to be conducted in Dec 2011, but had had no response to his email.
The Clerk informed the Council of concerns regarding the electricity usage at the Old School. After telephoning a meter reading through it highlighted a jump from 20379, which was an official reading on 12 Oct 2011. It was then read by me (the Clerk) on 31 Dec 2011 as 24393. The new reading had been passed through to the Utility Warehouse. The situation was to be monitored and he would arrange a site visit with the installation company to check the settings, as the Romper Room had now mentioned that the heaters seem to reset themselves to 22°C.
The Clerk had also been in contact with Jenny Bailey, Operational Services Manager, Environment & Public Protection at NKDC regarding the glass recycling banks at the Village Hall. Due to the dilapidated condition of the present ones Jenny is acting on our request to replace them. It was hoped to be implemented in February 2012.
The Clerk had again visited the tenants at 8 St. Benedict’s Close for contact details of the property owner. The tenant denied all knowledge of the first letter sent. The Clerk would hand deliver a second letter.
9. / Receive reports from Councillor’s relating to responsibilities and outstanding tasks.
No resolutions may be passed under this item but requests for matters to be placed on the next agenda can be made.
Cllr Ward reported that he had finally received a copy of the Digley play area inspection report. He would rectify a number of the smaller issues and report back at the next meeting what was outstanding.
Cllr Cassidy reported that a majority of the jobs he had previously reported to LCC on RAF Cranwell had now been completed. He asked for the purchase of a padlock for the double gate into the play area to be placed on the next agenda as per a recommendation from the Digley report. Also for the next agenda, the purchase of a seat for the swings, as one the safety rubbers had split on one.
Cllr Bett informed the meeting that the new Village Hall kitchen door was being fitted the following week. He had also attended the new Police Neighbourhood Panel meeting and would do so on a quarterly basis.
Cllr Morris reported the conifer at the corner of Willow Road/North Road was overhanging the road. She also mentioned the 2 benches down the old railway line (B1429) were in need of some attention. The Clerk would contact John Scotney.
10. / Planning Applications
No planning applications had been received.
11. / General correspondence.
a. Letter from NKDC regarding market stalls available for hire, for no charge, from various other Parish/Town Councils.
b. Letter from Mr T Bush regarding the trees in St Benedict’s Close.
c. Emails from Mr T Bush with regard to the trees overhanging B1429.
d. Letter from NKDC regarding end of direct support for Cluster meetings.
e. Email from NKDC regarding “Empty Homes”.
12. / Receive a report from the Sports Pavilion Funding Committee.
A new bank account with HSBC had been opened in the name of Cranwell Sports Pavilion Fund.
Mrs Robinson from the Bowling Club had agreed to join the committee on behalf of the Bowling Club.
No representative has yet come forward from the football team.
13. / Decide to remove and/or replace the damaged bench on grass between Thorold Avenue and Bristow Road junctions.
Cllr Morris informed the meeting that the bench between the 2 junctions was looking quite battered. Chunks of the concrete had been either knocked off or worn away, exposing the reinforcing steel rods beneath. She felt it could be quite dangerous. If replaced, some of the wooden slats could be saved and used to renovate the 2 similar benches down the B1429.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to defer the decision until the next meeting, to allow Councillors to research the different options for replacement.
Proposed by Cllr Ward, seconded by Cllr Cassidy, agreed unanimously.
14. / Decide of the value of the Dog Warden service offered.
The Clerk informed the meeting of the amount of funding the Parish Council had been granted in lieu of the dog warden service. NKDC award either 80% of the amount spent, or 20p per electorate, whichever is the lesser! The grant award covered less than 25% of the costs incurred. It was also felt that there was little evidence that the dog warden was value for money as nobody seems to have been spotted not clearing up after their dog.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to cancel the contract with the Dog Warden Services and then monitor the situation for the following 6 months. The contract required 3 months’ notice to cancel and the Clerk was asked to write and cancel.
Proposed by Cllr Hudson, seconded by Cllr Cassidy, agreed unanimously.
15. / Nominate a Councillor for Parish Council Surgery on Saturday 14 January 2012.
Cllr Morris volunteered to conduct the Parish Council Surgery.
Action: The Council RESOLVED that Cllr Morris represent the Council at this surgery.
Proposed by Cllr Morris, seconded by Cllr Bett, agreed unanimously.
16. / Items for the Cranwell/Leasingham Newsletter.
The Clerk intended to publicise the outstanding vacancy for a Parish Councillor, the NKDC outreach day, and the Sports Pavilion. Any other items were to be forwarded to the Clerk by Wednesday 18 January 2012.
17. / Consider posting information on the Cranwell Community Facebook page.
Cllr Ralph had brought in details of the Cranwell Community page on FaceBook. The space could be used to advertise events and vital information relevant to the Parish.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to allow Cllr Ralph to act as the editor of the page on behalf of the Parish Council. Proposed by Cllr Ward, seconded by Cllr Cassidy, agreed unanimously.
18. / To confirm the date of next meeting of the Council.
The next meeting was confirmed as Monday 6 February 2012, in the Village Hall at 7.00pm.
19. / To resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 to discuss the following matters
a. Approve the cost of repair work to the portacabins door and frames, on receipt of 3 quotes.
b. Approve the cost for work for the Village Hall car park light and exterior lighting, on receipt of 3 quotes.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to go into closed session. Proposed by Cllr Bett, seconded by Cllr Ward, agreed unanimously.
This part of the meeting closed 9.16 pm.
The meeting continued in the absence of press and public at 9.17 pm.
(Not for publication by virtue of section 100(a) para 4 of the Local Government Act 1972, the items being of a confidential nature.)
Confidential Minutes
a. Approve the cost of repair work to the portacabins door and frames, on receipt of 3 quotes.
Cllr Cassidy informed the meeting that despite contacting 3 contractors, only 2 had supplied quotes which he hoped would suffice.
Action: The Council RESOLVED that despite there only being 2 quotes available, they would accept the quote from C Shaw Joinery for £652.15.
Proposed by Cllr Bett, seconded by Cllr Ralph, agreed unanimously.
b. Approve the cost for work for the Village Hall car park light and exterior lighting, on receipt of 3 quotes.
Cllr Cassidy reported to the meeting that after reading the lease awarded to the Village Hall Management Committee, it stated that they were responsible for the cost of the 5 bulk head lights outside the Village Hall Front Door at a cost of £125.00.
Action: The Council RESOLVED that they would accept the quote from IW Electrics for £430.00 (including VAT) and then submit an invoice to the VHMC to be reimbursed for the bulkhead lights. Proposed by Cllr Bett, seconded by Cllr Ralph, agreed unanimously.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.43 pm.
Date: 6 February 2012 3-2012 Signed: