Please complete this form and submit it to The information will be entered into the OUA online system and we will contact you when we are ready to proceed to the next stage of the OUA approval process.

1) Provider Details

Faculty and department:
Course name:
Coursecode (if known):
Qualificationlevel: / ☐ Bachelor ☐Graduate certificate☐Graduate diploma
Academic career: / ☐ Undergraduate☐Post-graduate / Year of Offer & SP/Sess:
Is this a new offering? (ie. not offered at Curtin before) / ☐Yes ☐No
Equivalent on-campus code if applicable:
Course convenor title:
Course convenor name: / Phone no:
Contact email address:

2) Expected demand

New course proposals are evaluated by the APC on the basis of their potential market and the extent to which the course is not covered by existing offerings. With reference to your expression of interest please provide information on evidence of demand, including:

A description of the target market for the course (can include offshore as well as domestic):

Competing courses in the market:

Distinctiveness of Offering

Will the offering have specialisations unique to that program and OUA? Student opportunities - What does the program offer students that other programs don't? Work placements, access to resources/experts etc.
Teaching Staff - Are there any field leaders/experts that will teach on the program? What is the approach to online learning? Is there evidence of the use of technologies or pedagogies that push the boundaries of eLearning?

Industry Connections

Is the program highly regarded by industry, or have professional accreditation? Do a high percentage of graduates move into roles within the industry upon completion of the program? Does the program/provider have strong industry connections with regards to enabling student placements or internships?

Demand from, and/or accreditation by, the relevant professional body/bodies:

Domestic and overseas labor trends and employment prospects:

Enrolment numbers in similar courses offered by Curtin?

If this course is already being offered at the institution, how many students are currently enrolled?

If this course is already being offered, to what extent do you expect OUA to improve enrolment numbers?

What are your expectations in terms of student numbers and revenue generation from OUA's involvement?

How quickly can the new course be brought online?

3) Implementation

Course Content (this is the academic overview):

What is the primary focus of the degree course? How would you describe it to the marketplace? Please ensure this is "user friendly" and does not contain discipline or other jargon that potential students might not understand.

Course Structure:

Is the course "Lock-Step" in nature or are students able to form their own study path?

Rationale for structure and content:

4) Admin/Operation

Teaching, delivery and assessment strategies:
☐Standard Media / ☐Web links / ☐Embedded multimedia
☐Glossary / ☐Podcasting/Lecture Capture / ☐Streaming multimedia
☐Online quizzes/tests / ☐Interactive games / ☐Audio/Video Conferencing
☐Wikis / ☐Chat Rooms / ☐Blogs / ☐ePortfolios
☐Online assignment submission / ☐Discussion forum/board / ☐Other

Detail staff resources allocated to the course:

Are there opportunities for providers to share units within programs?

Legal Issues (if any):

5) Other CourseInformation

Will this course offer CSP places to OUA students?



Will this course offer VET-HELP to OUA students?



AuthorisationforanOUA New Course Proposal

Authorisationfor: / ☐New Course
Insert Course Name
Is thisauthorisationforanOUAofferingofanexistingCurtinCourse?
☐Yes ☐No*
*If No, CoursewillneedtogothroughCurtin CourseApprovalprocessbeforesubmissiontoOUA
Signatureof HeadofSchool / Signatureof PVC orDelegate
Date: / Date:
Name: / Name:

Approval affirms that the contents of the new Course areaccurate and that the Faculty/School/Department supports the submission of this proposal and is prepared to implement the actions it describes if the proposal is successful.

Please forward this form together with all accompanying documentation and email to for submission to OUA.

March 2017

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