Timetable for Induction
Term 1Before term starts / School registers NQT with CTSA.
Preliminary meeting between Induction Tutor and NQT
Within 1st week / Meeting between Induction Tutor, Head and NQT
Areas for development completed on the Professional Skills Development Plan for the first term.
Within 3 weeks / CTSA tutor visits the NQT to evaluate Professional Skills Development Plan/ needs analysis
Within 4 weeks / Induction Tutor observes NQT:
- General focus for this first observation
- NQT provides a lesson plan
- Induction Tutor completes observation summary
- NQT self- evaluates
- Feedback to NQT.
Before half term / Induction Tutor and NQT review objectives/ set new objectives in line with targets for the term. (In relation to the Teachers’ Standards)
Induction Tutor reviews Induction log and NQT’s file.
NQT attends Diocesan NQT day- date to be confirmed
Complete the CES Induction document and add to the Professional Skills Development Plan.
After half term /
- Meeting to discuss progress and prepare for 1st termly assessment
- Further observation (at least 1 by Induction Tutor and one by Headteacher)
- Contact CTSA if there are any concerns about the NQT’s progress.
- Formal assessment meeting, complete assessment form including development areas/ support to be given and written comments by NQT.
- Complete form and send to CTSA to be received at least 1 week before end of term.
- Set up new Professional Skills Development Plan- agree targets.
Term 2After 4 weeks /
- Observation by Induction tutor about 4 weeks into the term
- Discuss, feedback, review objectives.
- Ensure NQT knows if they are on target.
- CTSA tutor visit to review progress
Before half term /
- Meet to review progress.
- Evaluation and feedback
After half term /
- Further observation (at least 1 by Induction Tutor and one by Headteacher)
- Induction Tutor meets with NQT to discuss progress.
- NQT attends Diocesan NQT day- date to be confirmed.
2 weeks before end of term /
- Formal assessment meeting, complete form including development areas / support to be given and written comments by NQT.
- Complete assessment form and send to CTSA to be received at least 1 week before end of term.
- Review Professional Skills Development Plan.
- Set/ agree objectives for final term.
- Induction Tutor reviews Induction log and NQT’s file.
Term 3After 4 weeks /
- Observation by Induction tutor about 4 weeks into the term
- Discuss, feedback, review objectives.
- Ensure NQT knows if they are on target.
Before half term /
- Meet to review progress.
- Evaluation and feedback
After half term /
- Further observation (at least 1 by Induction Tutor and one by Headteacher)
- Induction Tutor meets with NQT to discuss progress.
- NQT attends Diocesan NQT day- date to be confirmed.
- CTSA tutor visit
3 weeks before end of term /
- Formal assessment meeting, complete form including development areas and support to be given and written comments by NQT.
- Complete assessment form and send to CTSA to be received at least 2 weeks before end of term.
Off- site training in SEN, Behavioural Management, PE and Art (equivalent to one day) will take place in the Spring term.
All through induction /- Regular meetings formal/ informal
- Self- evaluation by NQT
- Regular balanced feedback
- Constant progress checks
- Recording of all meetings, targets, action points
- Copies to be held by Induction Tutor and NQT or shared electronically
Problems/ difficulties / Ensure advice is sought and CTSA is involved at the earliest stage
Advise NQT to seek support from Professional Association