Procedures for Administering CASAS Tests
Before administering the tests—
- Teachers will be provided with a testing schedule and a list of the tests students need (the testing report) in their email or mailboxes at least 1 week before the tests begin.
- Teachers should have students fill out answer sheets a week or so before the test. It is important to fill out forms before the day of the scheduled test(s).
- Teachers should check out the test booklets, CDs, and sufficient #2 pencils for the class on the day of the test.
- Test booklets must be carefully counted when both checking out and returning them.
- You must check out a listening CD directly from Jeff or Nancy in the office.
- NO reading or listening tests may be duplicated in any way.
- Students should not write in the booklets (unless it is the 027R and 028R).
Administering the tests –
- CASAS suggests limiting the number of test-takers to 25 per administrator.
- CASAS tests are not strictly timed. CASAS provides recommended guidelines for test administration, but administrators may choose to provide a few extra minutes for learners who are near completion. The recommended timeframe for the reading test is 60 minutes. However, it is also recommended that instructors be sensitive if they need to remove a test from someone who cannot finish the test. Tell the student it is okay not to finish the test beforehand.
Supplemental Classes—
- Teachers of supplemental classes will receive a testing report that identifies those who are not taking integrated skills classes. These students who are only in supplemental classes will need to be tested as well. However, supplemental-only students need to be tested only in the skill area that they are currently studying. This means that listening and speaking students take a listening test; they don’t need to take a reading test. Focus on Writing and Computer Skills students will all take a reading test.
- We can either try to have supplemental-only students sit in with an integrated skills class or they can test on the “make up” day. The testing coordinator will help you determine how to test your supplemental-only students.
After the tests –
- When the testing is finished, instructors must check over the answer sheets carefully, making sure all the required fields are filled in correctly and that the bubbles are dark enough.
- Answer sheets must be promptly turned into the WABERS box, so we can scan them (after checking them one more time for accuracy). Please take care not to bend or fold the answer sheets.
- Instructors will also return their test booklets to the file cabinets and CDs to Jeff or Nancy who will return them to the locked file cabinet.
- For day classes, the test booklets and CDs must be returned immediately after administering the tests (the same day).
- For evening classes – teachers must return the tests before leaving campus. Evening instructors can slip the CDs under Curtis’ door.
- Finally, instructors can give the results to the students when they have been scanned (usually by the last week of the quarter), but CAN NOT discuss ANY specific questions from the test!
Procedure for make-up pretests –
We will schedule a day to hold makeup tests for both day and evening classes. Again, it is very important that teachers stress to students the importance of testing. If our students are not tested, we will not get funding for them! If a student missed both tests, look for a scheduled make-up test in your email. If no make-up test is scheduled, that student needs to go to the office and ask the secretary (Nancy Leverton) about taking a make-up test. Otherwise, there will be a hold placed on her/his registration.
Updated by ESL Faculty: 10/2014