Who are the FrOGS?
FrOGS stands for the ‘Friends of Goldstone School’ which is the name of the school’s PTA. FrOGS is made up of volunteers including parents, carers and school staff. The role of the FrOGS is to organise and hold events to raise funds for the school and offer valuable experiences and activities for the children.
Last year FrOGS have organised a whole range of fantastic events including a Christmas Fair, a Summer Fair, Discos, Film Clubs, Pre-loved Uniform Sale and a Quiz Night for the grown-ups.
Over the last few years we have paid for a fabulous climbing wall and totem poles for the playing field, outdoor gym equipment, sports equipment and a new PA system for use outside and around the school. We also ensure that Year 6 children have a lovely ‘leavers’ yearbook and that every child receives a gift from Santa.
Would you like to get involved?
There are lots of ways you can be involved.
1) Join the FrOGS committee and help plan the events. We meet up on average once a month or weekly in the build up to a big event like the Christmas fair. Our meetings tend to happen on a Friday during school hours over a cuppa.
2) Volunteer to help at events – can you help run a cake stand at the Christmas fair, sell glow sticks at the Halloween disco or do face painting at the Summer Fair? Could you help set up before the event or tidy up afterwards?
3) Join the FrOGS facebook group and share your ideas.
Come and meet us face to face
Want to find out more? Come along to an introductory FrOGS meeting on 22nd September from 9:30am until 1030am in the Community Room which is just next to the Infant Hall. This is a session just for Reception parents/carers and new parents to other year groups in the school. There is also the full (AGM) annual general meeting on 29th September.
If you can’t make either of the meetings but want to be involved, you can email us at or join the FrOGS facebook group.