Lime Tree Surgery
Disaster Recovery Policy
5Loss of Power
6Theft or Criminal Damage
7Unplanned Downtime
8Planned Downtime
9Entering Data When System Available
Appendix 1 – Business Continuity Plan for TPP Systmone Appointments 7
Appendix 2 - Disaster Recovery Contact Details & Report Form
Appendix 3 –IT Problem Reporting Form...... 10
A disasteris defined in the context of this policy document as being the loss of availability, confidentiality or integrity of practice data, for any reason.
There are a number of copies of this document available as follows:
Practice Manager’s office
Practice Manager’s home
The most obvious form of disaster recovery is disaster prevention and to this end, the policy document should be used in conjunction with the IM&T Security policy.
This policy does not extend to the complete loss of availability of the premises (see Emergency Plan)
The policy is reviewed annual unless there is a need to update it earlier.
The aim of the policy is to ensure the practice can:
- recover the use of information systems
- ensure downtime is kept to a minimum
- keep disruption to the patients to a minimum.
Ultimate responsibility for disaster recovery lies with The Partners and Practice Manager.
All members of staff are required to recognise their role in the event of downtime and adhere to the instructions in this policy.
All errors and faults with the computer system must be reported to the Practice Manager in the first instance.
For the purpose of this document planned downtime will mean that the computer system is taken off line for a specified amount of time on a specified date and time. This will usually be for routine maintenance and upgrades.
Unplanned downtime will mean that the computer system is offline at anytime for any unexpected reason. This could be due to a power failure, theft, criminal damage or severe system error.
5Loss of Power
The clinical server will be protected by an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) which will give the practice around 20 minutes to shutdown the clinical server in a controlled manner.
The Practice Manager will be responsible for shutting own the clinical server in the event of a power failure. If there is sufficient time TPP users will be notified on impending shut down and requested to log out.
The Practice Manager will contact the utility provider to report the problem and ascertain approximate response times.
EON - Tel no 0800 783 8866 Account no 012827119380 (8 Coombe Rise)
Dual Energy – Tel no 0845 5214291
Ensure that the power outage has not caused dangerous working conditions and ensure the safety of staff and patients.
As the telephone system is dependant on power ensure that a mobile phone is available.
Ensure that patients are aware of the situation.
System supplier will be contacted immediately to establish any special steps that may need to be taken when the power is restored before the system is restarted.
TPP 0113 20 500 80
6Theft or Criminal Damage
It is unlikely that theft or criminal damage would cause the system to be inoperable. Only the theft or damage of the clinical server would cause major problems to the practice.
If IT equipment is stolen or criminally damaged this will be reported immediately to the police0845 60 70 999and an incident number obtained.
If the server is affected, report the theft to the Help Desk at Sussex HIS and ascertain the likely response time of replacement equipment –0845 845 4488
Report the incident to the clinical system supplier (TPP 0113 20 500 80)
The first person on site who discovers the theft or damage will make every effort to contact a senior member of staff:Practice Manager or any Partner
All IT equipment shall, wherever possible and practical, be located in rooms where windows and doors can be and shall be, locked when members of staff are not present. In administrative areas which patients and other members of the public normally have cause to enter, access shall be strictly controlled.
7Unplanned Downtime
The Operational Group will co-ordinate staff duties in the event of unplanned downtime.
The Practice Managerwill contact the system supplier to report the fault and ascertain response time.
The Reception Managerwill be responsible for informing reception staff about what to tell patients who telephone or visit the practice to book future appointments.
Clinicians must inform reception staff of when and how they want to deal with patients requesting an urgent appointment.
All urgent enquiries and visit requests must be written up using the Computer Down Time Proforma. Details taken will include, patients name, date of birth, address, telephone number and doctor’s name, time of message, initials of person taking message. The Reception Managerwill be responsible for ensuring all messages are passed onto the appropriate clinician.
The coding team will be responsible for sorting correspondence awaiting data entry. This will be date stamped and filed in order of date received and then alphabetically according to patient’s surname.
The Reception Managerwill be responsible for ensuring all clinicians have an adequate supply of proformas and prescription pads.
Clinicians will ensure the following is entered on Computer Down Time Proformas for each patient:
- Name
- Address
- Date of Birth
- All clinical details
Each clinician is responsible for ensuring their proformas are returned to the coding team on completion.
If repeat prescriptions need to be handwritten, ensure that an adequate supply of prescription pads are available and copies are kept of all prescriptions.
8Planned Downtime
Notify all users of downtime well in advance. All staff will be aware of the reason for downtime and expected timescales.
The Reception Managerwill be responsible for printing appointment lists within the downtime period.
The Reception Managerwill be responsible for printing patient summaries for those patients due within the downtime period. PCs and printers must be made available to staff printing these as a priority.
The Reception Managerwill be responsible for ensuring that clinicians have an adequate supply of Down Time Proformas and prescription pads.
Clinicians will ensure the following is entered on Computer Down Time Proformas for each patient:
- Name
- Address
- Date of Birth
- All clinical details
Each clinician is responsible for ensuring their proformas are returned to the Coding Team, on completion
Appointment booking will be suspended from close of business on the previous night before the downtime begins or immediately before a back up is taken that is due to be restored.
All urgent enquiries and visit requests must be written on the Down Time Proforma details taken will include, patient’s name, date of birth, address, telephone number and doctor’s name, time of message, initials of person taking message. The Reception Managerwill be responsible for ensuring all messages are passed onto the appropriate clinician.
The prescription team will be responsible for ensuring that the printingof repeat prescriptions is up to date. Patients will be made aware that there may be some delay e.g. by posters in the waiting room.
9Entering Data When System Available
All clinician’s data will be entered.
All handwritten prescriptions will be entered.
All coding will be added.
Review Date / Comment / Staff MemberMay 2013 / PR
Appendix 1
Lime Tree Surgery
Business Continuity Plan for TPP Systmone Appointments
In the event of TTP Systmone not being available due to downtime, power failure or failure of the N3 connection the following procedures should be put into place.
This procedure shows how to print off patient lists ready for booking patients in and also to give to the clinical staff to enable them to know who is attending for an appointment.
- Click Start on your computer
- Go to Search
- Click on Files and Folders
- Then click on option All files and folders
- The curser will now flash in a box named – all or part file name – in this box type= Emergency
- Go to Look in more locations box and click on the drop down arrow and choose local disk C drive
- Click on Search
- A file named Emergency Apptlist will appear
- Open and print this list twice – one for front desk and one for the clinician. More sheet can be photocopied as required.
- Close down search
Appendix 2
Disaster Recovery Contact Details and Report Form
Key contacts within the Practice in the event of an IT system failure
Home / MobileSenior Partner
Key Holder / Dr David Mannings / 01903 873013 / 07500 931603
Key Holder / Dr Karen Patel / 01903 610495 / 07876 705077
Practice Manager
Key Holder / Paula Russell / 01243 555237 / 07795 488779
Clinical System Details
Supplier and Version / SystmOne TPP
Organisation name
Organisation id / Lime Tree Surgery
Helpdesk Tel No
Email / 0113 20 500
CWS CCG / Elizabeth Tinley 01273 574662
Kim Williams 01273 574637
Surrey Sussex Area Team NHS England / Kirsty Sibandze 01293 778833/07825 780545
Shelley Eugene 01293 847047/07795 637105
Emergency Contacts
Local Police Station / 0845 6070999
Gas Supplier
Electricity Supplier / EON - Tel no 0800 783 8866 (8 Coombe Rise)
Southern Electric 0800 783 8866
Water Supplier / Southern Water 0845 2780845
Telecommunications Supplier / Focus 4 U Tel no 0844 692 8090 Account no FC3402
Insurance Company / Towergate
Security Firm’s Contact / Wakefields 006052 – 0845 4565977
Incident Definition
(circle) / Short Description:
Theft of Equipment
Loss of Data due to hardware failure
Loss of Data due to accidental deletion
Loss of Data due to virus attack
Utility problem (e.g. power cut)
Other: Please detail
Significance (circle)Minor / Major / Acute
Key: Minor – problem to be resolved within 3 working days
Major – problem to be resolved within 1 working dayAcute – problem to be resolved within 4 working hours
Date and time of Incident:
Reported by:
Remedial Action Taken: / Technical Summary:
Appendix 3
Lime Tree Surgery
IT Problem Reporting Form
Staff Name:
Date and time:
Describe what you were trying to do when the problem arose and what happened.
Did an error message appear, if so what did it say?
Were you able to correct it and how?