Minutes of the Planning, Highways & Environment Committee Meeting held

on 27 October 2016 at Cadbury Heath Hall at 7.30pm






/ Cllr G Downing / Mrs V Hicks
/ Cllr P Barrett
/ Cllr D Essery
/ Cllr R Hardie (in the Chair)
/ Cllr B Hurley
/ Cllr R Pope
/ Cllr T Olpin
161/16 / Apologies
Received from Cllr Hughes and from Mr Taylor.
162/16 / Election of Chairman
Following the resignation of Cllr Balch, Cllr Hardie was duly elected to serve as Chairman for the remainder of the year.
163/16 / Declaration of Member Interests
No specific declarations were made.
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Minutes of the meeting of 6 October 2016 were approved and signed by the Chairman.

Public Participation
There were no matters raised under this item of business.
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Matters for Discussion

a] Highways matters:

1. Inconsiderate Parking – Lacock Drive/Bath Road: It appears that the van parking issue at the junction of Bath Road/Longbeach Road has improved.

2. Bus incident at Park Road Warmley: It was agreed that this area needs to be included in the Cadbury Heath – wide traffic review. It was also agreed that in the short term BICSA needs to take steps to manage parking near the site more proactively employing some form of temporary measures. It was also agreed to refer this matter to Inspector Summerill for advice.

3. Tower Road South - investigate provision of pedestrian crossing facilities: Nothing further to report.

4. Waiting Restrictions - Longwell Green Ward: It was agreed that it is essential to continue to press for double yellow lines along both sides of Longbeach Road at the Bath Road end. It was agreed that a further speed hump is needed opposite the pedestrian access to the Mill car park. It was also agreed that the newly installed double yellow lines in Shellards Road should be extended in length. Cllr Downing agreed to contact Longwell Green Community Centre with regard to member parking.

5. Footpath at Wraxall Road North: The Clerk reported that the vegetation along the path is being cut back pending the path being widened.

6. Ring Road closures: Noted.

7. Post Box – Heath Rise: Concern was expressed regarding the loss of the post box and the poor state of the footway outside the former Post Office.

b] Community Speed Watch report: No patrols had taken place since the last meeting but it was suggested that Shellards Road may now need to be a patrol site.

c] Streetcare contract monitoring:

1. Coronation Park hedge: The hedge has now been cut.

2. Grasscutting of open green in Longbeach Road: Concern continues to be expressed regarding the quality of the cut. The Clerk was asked to follow this up with Streetcare before the end of the season.

3. Dual use bin: It was agreed to request the replacement of the dog bin with a dual use bin adjacent to the newly installed seat in Woodchip Park.

d] Planning updates: The Clerk reported on various decision notices.

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a] Cadbury Heath School 20mph - Feedback Report: Noted.

b] Consultation on BT Phonebox Removal: It was resolved to resist the removal of the phone box in Heath Rise as the call log shows that this box has one of the highest number of logged calls in South Gloucs.

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Allotment Matters

a] Leaking cesspit issue: The Clerk updated on actions to date in respect of addressing the problem of the leaking cesspit on the allotment site.

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Planning applications

Committee raised no objection to the following application:
PK16/5023/F: Erection of 1No. detached dwelling with access and associated works at 14 Queens Road, Warmley.
PK16/5596/PNH: Erection of a single storey rear extension, which would extend beyond the rear wall of the original house by 3.475m, for which the maximum height would be 3.45m, and for which the height of the eaves would be 2.75m at 42 Queens Road, Warmley.



Meeting ended at 20.35