MSFCA Executive Committee May 4, 2015

Meeting Minutes


Polzin, Mund, Kewitsch, Butler, Hovland, Anderson, T. Zikmund, N. Zikmund

President Mund called the meeting to order at 10:03. No additions or corrections to minutes, approved Polzin, Anderson, aye.

Strategic Plan:

FSC met with Committee Chairs and Board members. Request from Committee Chairs to have more interaction with Board and also doing some long range planning within their committees. They would like a yearly meeting with committee chairs and Executive Committee. She has been cataloging, analyzing and formatting data collected so far. Major issues defined to date (this could change as more information is collected – 1) Communications: Technology, everyone feels good about the organization, need to spread the word, 2) Financially: group agrees we are stable but need to include a finance piece. 3) Governance: Policies, Annual Report? Incorporation/communication of sections - be careful so does not look like we are overtaking. 4) Succession planning - both MSFCA and individual departments with heavy emphasis on education of new officers and recruitment and retention. Will be holding another meeting in June/July. She will be looking at what other state fire chief organizations websites and will follow-up with interviews.


Meeting with Kim Cox on May 26. Discussion on Policy 1000. Letter received from FITOAM expressing interest. Response sent back asking them to provide dates. Governance - make it clear that MSFCA will approve their bylaws. Spell out 50%. Existing organizations also need 25.


Will be attending on June 25, supposed to provide us new marketing materials.

Conference RFP: Theresa

Have had contact from St. Paul. Mankato has approached us as well as Central-Lakes area. If we host in Metro area we will lose out on some hotel rooms. Change to 5 miles and 8 miles. Detail difference on miles. Need survey, MEA weekend, Fall Conference location, FOS school. Duluth, St. Cloud, Rochester, Duluth - Hold both weekends.

Legal and Advocacy:

Change wherever it says volunteer to fire service or firefighter. Eliminate #8. FSC to have draft of letters to reliefs. Check on charitable gambling.

LODD and Serious Injury:

SCOPE - check grammar and spelling. Wordsmith the regional director role, assist, coordinate, etc. in conjunction with last team commander. Plays a supporting role.

Election Issues:

Confirm a, b, c, d. Consensus the page is black and white. Kewitsch - put on agenda for future discussion. Candidates can pay for color - cost. All four pages in a row, Butler offered to take remaining space, Coin toss on President, George gets choice. Deadline is June 3.

For now the bylaws committee shall act as the elections committee ACTION ITEM – October meeting – who is the Elections Committee

Magazine rates:

What volume of subscriptions. See what analytics can be tied to the web page, where can we post to see that.

MN Memorial Piper Band:

John Berg – message from Piper – looking to see what they want. Send to the Foundation, Butler to take to the meeting which is tomorrow.

Interview Pool:

Discussion on providing list of chiefs for potential interview panel for Fire Chief positions.

Discussion Future Meetings:

January Meeting – Initial discussion on need for January meeting, more discussion needed.

Annual Board Meetings:

Use Survey Monkey Results to obtain quotes from four locations and have board approve at October meeting.

Move October 6, EC Dinner Meeting:

6:00 pm - St. Cloud, Mund to assist on location.


  1. Invite local chiefs to Spring Board meeting.
  2. Next Meeting June 12, 2015. St. Cloud – In conjunction with MSFDA Executive Committee