Grants are welcomed from groups ranging from £200 to a maximum of £1,000 in any round of funding.
Before completing the application form please view the Police and Crime Plan Priorities to ensure your project meets the criteria
Q1 Contact Details
Name of your group or organisation
Any other name you use or name of your project if this is different
Main contact for this application
This must be someone who knows about your project and can be contacted during office hours. This is normally the person completing the form.
Title First Name Surname
Position held in the group or organisation
Contact address
Email address
Telephone: Day Evening
Q2 What are the aims and objectives of your organisation or group?
Q3 Please tick the priorities of the Police and Crime Commissioner that you believe are in line with your project
Accessibility and AccountabilityOlder but not overlooked
Young people becoming adults
Safe Days and nights for all
Safe and social driving
Cyber crime
How will your project be linked to the above priority?
Q4 Describe the project you plan to use this grant for
Q5 Who will benefit from this project?
Q6 How do you know there is a need for it?
Q7 How long will your project last?
Q8 What plans do you have to make it self sufficient?
Q9 What will be the benefits to the wider community?
Q10 If you have already been delivering similar provision, please give clear examples of the differences it has made to the wider community in the last year.
Q11 Have you received funding from any other sources for this project? If yes, how much and from which source/s?
Q12 What is the total cost of your project or activity and give us a breakdown of what the money is for. Remember to add VAT where it applies and make sure that any quotes you have for the work is up to date. This total will tell us the total cost of your project.
For example: eligible costs which can be listed are equipment, printing, marketing, venue hire, consultancy costs, professional fees, sessional worker costs etc
Item or activity
/ Total costof item
or activity
/ £Q13 Grant payments will be sent direct to your Bank or Building Society if your application is successful. Please provide us with your Bank or Building Society Account details.
Please double check that the information you provide is accurate. Check with your Bank / Building Society if you are unsure.
You can only apply for a grant if you have a Bank / Building Society account in the name of your group.
Your Group Account Name
Bank / Building Society Name
Bank / Building Society Address
Sort Code Bank Account Number (must be eight digits)
Building Society Roll Number
(use this box only if you have a Building Society Roll Number)
Q14 Signature of main contact
I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all the information in this application form is true and correct. I understand that you may ask for additional information at any stage of the application process.
Signed Date
Please send your application form to:
FAO Mr Mike Hammond, Community and Facilities, Stroud District Council, Ebley Mill, Ebley Wharf,
Stroud, Glos, GL5 4UB