April4, 2013
Attendance: See attendance sheet
TOPIC / DISCUSSION / RESOLUTION1. Welcome / Betsy Brown called the meeting to order at__600_pm.
Strategic Plan Review: We are meeting Community-Education and Networking goals.
2. Review minutes from
February 7, 2013 meeting / February 2013 minutes approved
3.Treasury Report /
- Terry reviewed current treasury report (see separate report)
- Current balance $3838.65
4.Membership committee /
- Terry reviewed paid memberships for 2013
- Currently have 54 members that renewed out of 63 members
- Reviewed that National ONS will begin assigning a chapter and a $10.00 chapter fee is planned to be tacked on the National Membership sometime in 2013.
- Dues were due in March: $25.00 membership as advised by National ONS because they do not have an effective date for the chapter assignments yet.
- Continue to recruit members / Need to contact members who did not renew and see if they plan to renew.
- We will see some change when National members are added to chapter membership. May incorporate Warren-Venango-Mercer county members in the future.
- Updates will be provided as National ONS updates board members.
5. Virtual Community (VC) /
- Encouraged members to view the VC website.
- Chapter communication (newsletters, meeting minutes, chapter activities) are on the VC
- Chelle Wescott has done excellent work in setting up the VC. The site is useful to all members and is available as a resource to check on all chapter activities.
6.Programs Committee
(Susan Roche reported
As Julie Space – absent) /
- Educational event planned for May 17 @ Belaire
- G/U cancers are the topic. Several speakers lined up. 7.25 contact hours available for attendance.
- Fall seminar will be three lecture series in evening.
- Possibility of Simulation Program in June: Details are being worked on between ONS and UPMC Hamot.
- Successful simulation learning event.
- GU cancers in both female and male patients. Mailers going out for registration.
7. Scholarships/Awards /
- Educational MSN scholarship $1000.00 awarded to Betsy Brown as she is pursuing her MSN.
- Three $100.00 scholarships were awarded: Chelle Wescott, Sue Kilburn, and Yvonne Butts-Peterson for Columbus Ohio Regional ONS program. (April 4-5)
- If interested in future scholarships please see Christina Peterson or contact her at
8. Community Events /
- Relay for Life scheduled at McDowell July 12 and 13.
- Jenn Dougan and Julie Space-captains
- Jenn reviewed current progress and plans for RFL Fundraisers and activities: Lanyards, bracelets, candles for sale. Jenn brought water bottles to fill with change and bring back for the team with $$$.
- Chapter members encouraged to participate in ONS: CPS3 study. Several sites for ease of registration and sign up in order to acquire enough people for the study.
- Need participants for RFL- sign up to walk and help our team.
- Anticipate volunteers in next CPS3 with making strides walk in October.
- Encourage members to participate and sign up for CPS 3 as study participants. ACS Flyer passed around to tables.
- Continue ONS representation in community events.
9.General Updates /
- Still waiting to hear back from ONS national regarding our chapter voting percentage this year. Betsy has been in contact and is waiting for answer.
- Leadership seminar in Pittsburgh in July- will send President and one other person TBD.
- Next Chapter meeting to be held in June 2013. Venue and topic to be announced.
- Election year—Ballots will be in the works- encourage participation to see some new Board members.
- Betsy followed up with Ntl. ONS re: Voting percentage for chapter.
- Will discuss Board members to attend Leadership meeting at April Board Meeting.
- Discuss preparation for Ballot for October 2013.
10. Meeting dates /
- Next meeting June 13, 2013. Avastin/Angiogenesis Montana’s Rib and Chop House _Meadville Pa.
11. Adjournment / Betsy adjourned the meeting at __635_pm
Respectfully submitted,
Betsy Brown RN, OCN, CRNI
Approved ______