Name: ______Period: ______

Animal Science Production Exam

Multiple Choice

  1. What is the leading state in beef production?
  2. Texas
  3. Colorado
  4. South Dakota
  5. Utah
  6. Besides food what were pigs domesticated for?
  7. Milk
  8. Sport
  9. Transportation
  10. None of the above
  11. What is a pig that has been castrated called?
  12. Gilt
  13. Steer
  14. Weither
  15. Barrow
  16. What was the first domesticated animal?
  17. Dog
  18. Cat
  19. Chicken
  20. Lambs
  21. What is the top producing state in swine?
  22. Texas
  23. Arkansas
  24. California
  25. Iowa
  26. A female sheep is called a?
  27. Sow
  28. Mare
  29. Ewe
  30. Gilt
  31. ______is a wild domesticated animal that goes back into the wild.
  32. Feral
  33. Swine
  34. Equine
  35. None of the above
  36. Which of the following are not considered an animal contribution to food?
  37. Meat
  38. Milk
  39. Eggs
  40. Soy Milk
  41. Which of the following are not considered and animal contribution to clothing?
  42. Wool
  43. Leather
  44. Hair
  45. Cotton
  46. Which of the following is not considered an animal contribution to power?
  47. Horses
  48. Mules
  49. Donkeys
  50. Rodeo
  51. Which of the following is a segment of animal science?
  52. Hockey
  53. Beef
  54. Welding
  55. Landscaping

True of False

  1. T or F Sow in a female pig that has never given birth?
  2. T or F Boar is a male hog that have been castrated?
  3. T or F A mare is a female horse?
  4. T or F A heifer is a female cow that has never given birth?
  5. T or F A Weither is a castrated ram?
  6. T of F Utah is a leading state in poultry production?
  7. T or F Idaho in the nearest leading state in dairy production to Utah?
  8. T or F California is a leading state in a lot of areas because it has two growing seasons?
  9. T or F Utah has a very diverse range of production agriculture?

Short Answer

  1. What is the difference between a commercial feedlot and a farm feedlot?
  2. What is the goal of a purebred producer?
  3. What is the meaning of the phrase, Conception to Consumption?


  1. Describe how domestication came about and why it is so important?