Module 1 / Place Value, Rounding, and Algorithms for Addition and SubtractionTopic 1: Numeration August 11th-19th (7 Days)
Topic 2: Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers August 20th-28th (7 Days)
*The Topic Numbers listed under lesson/topic on this pacing guide correlate to the math adoption, EnVisionMATH. However, this is just a guide and other supplements may be used to teach standards. Math Notebooks are a way to incorporate vocabulary into the lessons.
Aug.11th-19th / SPI 0406. / Common Core / Lesson/Topic 1 / Essential Understanding/Focus
Day 1 / 2.1, 2.3 / 4.NBT.2 / 1-1 Thousands / What are some ways to represent numbers in the thousands? Standard Form, Expanded Form, and Word Form.
Day 2 / 2.1, 2.3 / 4.NBT.2 / 1-2 Millions / What are some ways to represent numbers in the millions? Read and write numbers in the millions.
Day 3 / 2.3 / 4.NBT.3 / 1-4 Rounding / How do you round numbers? Use place value to round whole numbers.
Day 4 / 2.3 / 4.NBT.3 / Review Rounding
Day 5 / 2.3 / 4.NBT.1 / 1-5 Money to Decimal / How are decimals related to money? Read, write, and compare decimals in tenths and hundredths using money.
Day 6 / 2.1 ,2.3 / 4.NBT.1, .2, .3 / Review/Reteach / Extra Practice / Enrichment
Day 7 / 2.1, 2.3 / 4.NBT.1, .2, .3 / T-1 Assessment / Assessment
Aug. 20th-28th / SPI 0406. / Common Core / Lesson/Topic 2 / Essential Understanding/Focus
Day 1 / 1.1, 2.4 / 4.OA.3 / 2-1 Mental Math to Add/Sub. / How can you use mental math to add and subtract? Apply a variety of methods.
Day 2 / 2.10 / 4.NBT.4 / 2-3 Problem Solving: missing/extra information / What information is missing and needed to solve a problem? Give problems with missing information and tell what is needed to solve.
Day 3 / Reviews 0306.2.9 / 4.NBT.4 / 2-4, 2-5 Adding/Subtracting Whole Numbers / How do you add/subtract whole numbers? The standard algorithms for multi digit numbers break into simpler calculations using place value.
Day 4 / Reviews
0306.2.9 / 4.NBT.4 / 2-6 Subtracting Across Zeros / How do you subtract across zeros? Subtract across zeros to thousands using standard algorithm.
Day 5 / 2.10 / 4.NBT.4 / 2-7 Problem Solving: Picture and equation. / How can a bar diagram help you to solve an addition/subtraction problem?
Day 6 / 1.1,2.4,2.10 / 4.NBT.4, 4.OA.3 / Review/Reteach / Extra Practice/Enrichment
Day 7 / 1.1,2.4,2.10 / 4.NBT.4, 4.OA.3 / T-2 Assessment / Assessment
Module 2-7 / Multi-Digit Multiplication and Division
Topic 3: Multiplication Facts August 29th-September 5th (5 Days)
Topic 4: Division Facts September 8th-12th (5 Days) *Sept.5th Progress Report
Topic 5: Multiplying by 1 Digit Number September 15th-26th (10 Days)
Topic 7: Multiplying by 2-Digit Numbers September 29th-Oct.3rd (5 Days)*End of Grading Period Oct. 3rd
Topic 8: Dividing by 1-Digit Divisors October 13th- October 24th (10 Days)
- Refer to tncoretaskarcs for this module. These tasks should be supplemented into these lessons.
Aug. 29th-Sept.5th / SPI 0406. / Common Core / Lesson/Topic 3 / Essential Understanding/Focus
Day 1 / 2.4 / 4.OA.1,2,4 / 3-2 Patterns for facts; Supplement source: Determine factor or multiple, prime or composite / What patterns can help you remember multiples of factors? Determine whether one number is a factor or multiple of another and if it is prime or composite.
Day 2 / 1.1, 1.4 / 3.OA.5 / 3-3 Multiplication Properties
Supplement Source: Include Distributive Property / What are the properties that help with multiplication? Use and explain the Commutative, Associative, and Distributive Property of Multiplication to find product.
Day 3 / 1.1, 1.4, 2.7 / 4.OA.1,4,5 / 3-4, 3-5, 3-6 Multiplication factors
Supplement Source: arrays and models for multiplication / What strategies can you use to illustrate and explain multiplication?
Use a variety of strategies including properties of operations, patterns, equations, illustrations, models, calculations.
Day 4 / 2.10 / 4.OA.1,2 / 3-7 Problem Solving: Picture and Equation
Supplement: Review/Reteach multiplication factors / How can a diagram help you solve a problem? Solve problems by completing a diagram and equation.
Day 5 / 1.1,1.4,2.4, 2.7, 2.10 / 4.OA.1,2,4,5 / T- 3 Assessment / Assessment-the assessment of these facts should be assessed throughout the year during Math fluency.
Sept. 8th-12th / SPI 0406. / Common Core / Lesson/ Topic 4 / Essential Understanding/ Focus
Day 1 / 2.10 / 4.NBT.6 / 4-1 Meaning of Division
Supplement: Arrays and models / How can you use diagrams/models to show that division can be repeated subtraction? Use repeated subtraction to show the meaning of division.
Day 2 / 2.10 / 4.NBT.6
4.OA.2 / 4-2, 4-4 Relating and Using Multiplication for Division / How are multiplication and division related? Use diagrams to model how multiplication is the inverse operation to division.
Day 3 / 2.5, 2.10 / 4.NBT.6 / 4-3, 4-5 Special Quotients and Problem Solving with diagram and equation / What strategies can I use to illustrate and explain my division? Use diagrams and equations to solve division problems.
Day 4 / 2.5,2.10 / 4.NBT.6, 4.OA.2 / Review/Reteach / Extra Practice/ Enrichment
Day 5 / 2.5, 2.10 / 4.NBT.6, 4.OA.2 / T- 4 Assessment / Assessment: the assessment of these facts should be assessed throughout the year during Math fluency.
Sept. 15th-26th / SPI 0406. / Common Core / Lesson/Topic 5 / Essential Understanding/Focus
Day 1 / 0306.2.7
2.11 / 4.NBT.1.5 / 5-1 Multiplying by Multiples of 10 and 100 / What place value patterns can be seen when you multiply 1-digit number by multiples of 10 and 100? Use place value, multiplication facts, and patterns to multiply by 10 and 100.
Day 2 / 1.1, 2.11 / 4.OA.3, 4.NBT.5 / 5-2 Use Mental Math to Multiply / What are ways to multiply mentally? Use a variety of mental math strategies. Use the area model to represent the distributive property.
Day 3 / 2.11 / 4.NBT.3,5 / 5-3 Using Rounding to Estimate / How can you use rounding to estimate when you multiply? Round and use compatible numbers to estimate products.
Day 4 / 2.10 / 4.OA.3, 4.NBT.3,5 / 5-4 Problem Solving: Reasonableness / How do you know if an answer is reasonable? Solve problems and check for the reasonableness of answers.
Day 5 / 2.11 / 4.NBT.5 / 5-5 Using an Expanded Algorithm / How can you use other algorithms for multiplication? Use multiple ways to solve multiplication problems including partial product (expanded algorithm), models, and the distributive property.
Day 6 / 2.11 / 4.NBT.5 / 5-6 Multiplying 2-digit by 1-digit Numbers / How do you multiply 2-digit numbers by a 1-digit number? Teach by regrouping and connect it to partial products and the area model.
Day 7 / 2.11 / 4.NBT.5 / 5-7 Multiplying 3-digit by 1-digit Numbers / How do you multiply 3-digit numbers by a 1-digit number? Extend the multiplication algorithm to the hundreds place and connect it to partial products and the area model.
Day 8 / 2.10, 2.11 / 4.OA.1,2
4.NBT.5 / 5-8 Problem Solving: Draw a Picture and Write and Equation / How can you draw a picture and write an equation to solve a problem? Understand and solve problems using picture, diagram, writing, number sentence, or equation.
Day 9 / 1.1, 2.10, 2.11 / 4.OA.1,2,3
4.NBT.3,5 / Reteach/Review / Extra Practice/ Enrichment
Day 10 / 1.1, 2.10, 2.11 / 4.OA.1,2,3
4.NBT.3,5 / T-5 Assessment / Assessment
Sept. 29th-Oct. 3rd / SPI. 0406. / Common Core / Lesson/Topic 7 / Essential Understanding/Focus
Day 1 / 2.11 / 4.OA.3
4.NBT.1,3,5 / 7-1 Use Mental Math to Multiply 2-digit Numbers
7-2 Estimating Products / What are some ways to use mental math for multiplication? Use place value, multiplication facts, and patterns to mentally multiply by multiples of 10, 100, 1000. Use rounding and place value to estimate products of larger numbers.
Day 2 / 2.11 / 4.NBT.5 / 7-3 Arrays and an Expanded Algorithm
Supplement source: Partial Products and area model / How can an array help you to multiply 2-digit numbers? Use multiple representation to solve multiplication problems including partial product (expanded algorithm) and the area model to connect it to the distributive property of multiplication.
Day 3 / 2.11 / 4.NBT.5 / 7-4 Multiply 2-digit by Multiple of Ten
7-5 Multiply 2-digit by 2-digit Numbers / How do you multiply two-digit by two-digit numbers? Connect the addition of partical products to the standard algorithm to multiply tow digit numbers by multiples of ten and by two digit numbers.
Day 4 / 2.11 / 4.OA.3
4.NBT.1,3,5 / Reteach/Review / Extra Practice/Assessment
Day 5 / 2.11 / 4.OA.3 , 4.NBT.1,3,5 / T-7 Assessment / Assessment
*End of the Nine Week Grading Period/ Have Topics 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 Standards completed before Fall Break.
Fall Break October 6th-10th
*Fall Benchmark Testing Window Oct. 1st-17th
Oct. 13th- 24th / SPI 0406. / Common Core / Lesson/Topic 8 / Essential Understanding/FocusDay 1 / 2.4 / 4.OA.4 / 8-8 Factors
Supplemental Source-Factors / How can you use multiplication to find all the factors of a number? Use multiplication facts and arrays to find the factors of numbers; find common factors
Day 2 / 2.4 / 4.OA.4 / 8-9 Prime and Composite Numbers / How can you sort numbers by their factors? Identify prime and composite numbers.
Day 3 / 2.12 / 4.NBT.6 / 8-1 Using Mental Math to Divide / How can you use place value and patterns to help you divide mentally? Use multiples of ten and basic facts to find quotients.
Day 4 / 2.12 / 4.OA.3 / 8-2 Estimating Quotients
Supplemental Source-Use compatible numbers / When and how do you estimate quotients to solve problems? Substitute compatible numbers to estimate quotients and develop the partial quotients algorithm.
Day 5 / 2.12 / 4.OA.3
4.NBT.6 / 8-3 Dividing w/Remainders
Supplement Source: Partial Quotients algorithm, multiple strategies for Division. / What does it mean when you divide and some are leftover? Use the standard algorithm, partial quotients algorithm to solve division problems with and without remainders.
Day 6 / 2.12 / 4.OA.3
4.NBT.6 / 8-4 Connecting Models and Symbols
Supplement Source: Partial Quotients algorithm, place value, multiple strategies for Division. / How can place value help you to divide? Use partial quotients algorithm, place value to solve division problems with and without remainders. Use place value model blocks to divide beyond basic facts.
Day 7 / 2.12 / 4.NBT.6 / 8-5 Dividing 2-Digit by 1-Digit Numbers / What is a common way to record division? Make connections among the standard division algorithm, partial product, and models.
Day 8 / 2.12 / 4.NBT.6 / 8-6 Dividing 3-Digit by 1-Digit Numbers
8-7 Deciding where to Start Dividing 2-Digit Divisors / How can you divide numbers in the hundreds? Make connections among the standard division algorithm, partial product, and models.
Day 9 / 2.11,2.12 / 4.OA.1,2,3 / Supplement Source: Multiplication and Division Tasks/Stories / How do you solve a multiplication and division problem? Write and solve story problems/tasks that match multiplication and division expressions and equations.
Day 10 / 2.4,11,12 / 4.NBT.4,6
4.OA1,2,3,4 / Topic 8 Assessment / Assessment
Module 5-6 / Fraction Equivalence, Ordering, and Operations/ Decimal Fractions
Topic 10: Understanding Fractions October 27th- November 14th(14 Days)
Topic 11: Adding, Subtracting and Multiplying Fractions November 17th-December 3rd (10 Days)
- Use tncore task arcs for supplement source for fractions
*Progress Reports Nov. 14th
*Grading Period Ends Dec. 19th
Oct. 27th-Nov. 14th / SPI 0406. / Common Core / Lesson/Topic 10 / Essential Understanding/ Focus
Day 1 / Review 0306.2.11
2.5 / 4.NF.1,2,3a,b / 10-1 Regions and Sets
Supplement Source: Fraction Kit, Games, Tasks for parts of a whole, 10-2 Fractions and Division / How can you name and show parts of a region? Recognize fractional parts of a whole and the relationships among the parts. Recognize a fraction describes the division of the whole, set, segments into equal parts.
Day 2 / 2.5 ,2.6 / 4.NF.2
4.MD.B.4 / 10-3 Estimating Fractional Amounts
Supplement Source: Benchmark Fractions, Number Line / How can you estimate fractional parts? Estimate fractional parts of regions and sets. Estimate fractions for points on the number line.
Day 3 / 2.5 / 4.NF.1,2 / 10-4 Equivalent Fractions
Supplement Source: Fraction Kit, Task / How can you find two fractions that name the same part of a whole? Use models and objects to show equivalent fractions.
Day 4 / 2.5 / 4.NF.1 / 10-5 Fractions in Simplest Form / How do you get a fraction in simplest form? Express equivalent fractions in simplest form by dividing both the numerator and denominator by the common factor other than 1.
Day 5 / 2.5 / 4.NF.1,2 / Continue Reviewing Benchmark, Equivalent Fractions, and Simplifying Fractions using Supplemental Source. / Review/Reteach the week’s essential understanding and focus’
Day 6 / 2.6,2.7 / 4.NF.3b, 4a / 10-6 Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers
Supplemental Source: Fraction Kit, fraction strips, diagrams, models. / How can you name whole regions and parts of regions in two different ways? Write mixed numbers and improper fractions to describe regions. Use fraction strips and diagrams to model.
Day 7 / 2.6,2.7 / 4.NF.3b,4a / Continue Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers
Supplemental Source: Use division and multiplication / Identify and write mixed numbers as improper fractions and improper fractions as mixed numbers. Use the computational method of multiplication and division strategies.
Day 8 / 2.5 / 4.NF.2 / 10-7 Comparing Fractions / How can you use Benchmark Fractions to compare fractions? Use benchmark fractions to compare fractions with unlike denominators.
Day 9 / 2.6 / 4.NF.2 / 10-8 Ordering Fractions
Supplement Source: Comparing Fractions / How can you use equivalent fractions to compare and order fractions? Use common denominators and equivalent fractions to order fractions with unlike denominators.
Day 10 / 2.6 / 4.NF.2 / Continue Ordering Fractions
Supplement Source: Number Lines, Task, Comparing Fractions / Use multiple strategies for comparing fractions with and without like denominators. Use benchmark fractions, equivalent fractions, and multiplication strategies.
Day 11 / 2.5,10 / 4.NF.1,2 / Problem Solving: Writing to Explain
Supplement Source: Task / How do you write a good math explanation? Critique and write math explanations to solutions.
Day 12 / 2.5,10 / 4.NF.1,2 / Continue Problem Solving using Fraction Task from Supplemental Source. / Write a good math explanation using words, equations, and diagrams.
Day 13 / 2.5,6,7,10 / 4.NF.1,2,3,4 / Review/Reteach T. 10 / Extra Practice
Day 14 / 2.5,6,7,10 / 4.NF.1,2,3b,4a / Assessment T.10 / Assessment
*November 14th Progress Reports/ Thanksgiving Break Nov. 26th-28th
Nov. 17th- Dec. 3rd. / SPI 0406. / Common Core / Lesson/ Topic 11 / Essential Understanding/ FocusDay 1 / 2.8,10 / 4.NF.3,a,d / 11-1 Adding/Subtracting Fractions with like Denominators / How can you add and subtract fractions with like denominators? Use fraction models to add and subtract fractions with like denominators.
Day 2 / 2.8,10 / 4.NF.1
5.NF.1 / 11-2 Adding Fractions with unlike Denominators
Supplements Source: Finding fractions equivalencies. Finding Common denominators / How can you add fractions with unlike denominators? Use models and computation to add fractions with unlike denominators. Reinforce equivalent fractions for help.
Day 3 / 2.8,10 / 4.NF.1
5.NF.1 / 11-3 Subtracting Fractions with unlike Denominators
Supplement Source: Finding fractions equivalencies. Finding Common denominators / How can you subtract fractions with unlike denominators? Use models and computation to add fractions with unlike denominators. Reinforce equivalent fractions for help
Day 4 / 2.8,10 / 4.NF.1
5.NF.1 / Continue Review/Reteach Adding/Subtracting Fractions
Supplement Source: Task / Extra Practice for understanding
Day 5 / 4.NF.4 / No Topic Lesson-Supplement Source: Multiplying Fractions / How do you multiply fractions? Connect repeated addition of fractions to multiplication and recognize multiples of fractions.
Day 6 / 4.NF.4 / No Topic Lesson-Supplement Source: Multiplying a Fraction by a Whole Number / How do you multiply fractions by a whole number? Use models to find the product of a whole number and a fraction.
Day 7 / 2.8,10 / 4.NF.1,4
5.NF.1 / 11-4 Problem Solving: Draw a Picture and Write an Equation
Supplement Source: Tasks that involve all operations of fractions. / What operation is needed to solve a problem with fractions? Draw a picture to help choose an operation and write the needed number sentence.
Day 8 / 2.8,10 / 4.NF.1,4
5.NF.1 / Continue Reviewing/Reteaching using Tasks. / Extra practice with Tasks of all operations to reinforce understanding.
Day 9 / 2.8,10 / 4.NF.1,3ab,4
4.MD.2 / Review/ Reteach T. 11 / Extra Practice
Day 10 / 2.8,10 / 4.NF.1,3ab,4
4.MD.2 / Assessment Topic 11 / Assessment
Dec. 4th-17th / SPI 0406. / Common Core / Lesson/Topic 12 / Essential Understanding/Focus
Day 1 / 2.1 / 4.NF.7 / 12-1 Understanding Decimals / What are some ways to represent decimals? Use place value to show tenths and hundredths expressed as decimals.
Day 2 / 2.6 / 4.NF.7 / 12-2 Comparing and Ordering Decimals
Supplement Source: Decimals on a Number Line / How do you compare decimals? Use greater than and less than to compare decimals. Place decimals on a number line.
Day 3 / 2.5 / 4.NF.1,5,6 / 12-3 Fractions and Decimals
Supplement Source: Equivalent fractions with denominators of 10 and 100 / How can you write a fraction as a decimal? Use decimal models to write fractions as a decimal. Use equivalent fractions and place value strategies to convert fractions to decimals.
Day 4 / 2.7 / 4.NF.6 / No Topic Lesson-Supplement Source: Improper Fractions as Decimals / How can you turn an Improper fraction to a Decimal? Write fractions as decimals and mixed numbers.
Day 5 / 2.2,5 / 3.NF.2
4.NF.5,6 / 12-4 Fractions and Decimals on a Number Line / How can you locate points for decimals and fractions on a number line? Locate and name fractions/decimals on a number line.
Day 6 / 2.2,5 / 4.NF.5,6 / 12-5 Mixed Numbers and Decimals on the Number Line / How can you locate mixed numbers and decimals on a number line? Locate and name fractions/decimals on a number line.
Day 7 / 2.2,7 / 4.MD.2 / 12-6 Problem Solving: Draw a Picture / How can you draw a picture to solve a problem? Solve problems using the strategy of drawing pictures or diagrams.
Day 8 / 2.1,2,5,7 / 4.NF.1,5,6,7
4.MD.2 / Reteach/Review T. 12
Supplemental Source: Task / Extra Practice
Day 9 / 2.1,2,5,7 / 4.NF.1,5,6,7
4.MD.2 / Reteach/Review T. 12 / Extra Practice
Day 10 / 2.1,2,5,7 / 4.NF.1,5,6,7
4.MD.2 / Topic 12 Assessment / Assessment
*December 19th grading period ends./Have Topics 10, 11, and 12 standards completed before Christmas Break Christmas Break Dec. 22nd-Jan. 2nd
Module2- 7 / Exploring Operations with Patterns, Expressions, and EquationsTopic 6: Patterns and Expressions January 6th-9th (4 Days)
Topic 18: Equations January 12th-16th (5 Days)
*Winter Benchmark Testing Window January 8th-16th
Jan. 6th-9th / SPI. 0406 / Common Core / Lesson/Topic 6 / Essential Understanding/Focus
Day 1 / 3.1,3.3 / 4.OA.3,5 / 6-1 Variables and Expressions / How can you use expressions with variables? Replace variable with correct numbers to solve the equation.
Day 2 / 3.1,3.3 / 4.OA.3,5 / 6-2 Addition and Subtraction Expressions
Supplemental: Problem Solving using objects and reasoning. / How can you find a rule and write an addition and subtraction expression? Use patterns to identify a relationship between two quantities.
Day 3 / 3.1,3.3 / 4.OA.3,5 / 6-3 Multiplication and Division Expressions / How can you find a rule and write a multiplication and division expression?
Day 4 / 3.1,3.3 / 4.OA.3.5 / Topic 6 Assessment / Assessment
Jan. 12th-16th / SPI. 0406 / Common
Core / Lesson/Topic 18 / Essential Understanding/Focus
Day 1 / 0306.3.2 / 4.OA.3 / 18-1 Equal or Not Equal / How can you change both sides of an equation so that is stays true? Compare the values of expressions on each side of the equal sign.
Day 2 / 3.1 / 4.OA.3 / 18-2 Solving Addition and Subtraction Equations / How can you use addition and subtraction to solve equations? Model inverse operations to solve addition/subtraction equations.
Day 3 / 3.1 / 4.OA.3 / 18-3 Solving Multiplication and Division Equations / How can you use multiplication and division to solve equations? Model inverse operations to solve multiplication/division equations.
Day 4 / 2.10 / 4.OA.3 / 18-5 Problem Solving: Work Backward / How can you solve a problem by working backward? Work backward to solve problems use reasoning to solve contextual problems.
Day 5 / 3.1,2.10 / 4.OA.3 / Topic 18 Assessment / Assessment
Module 4,7 / Angle Measure and Plane Figures
Topic 9: Lines, Angles, and Shapes January 20th-30th (9 Days)
Topic 14:Area and Perimeter February 2nd-12th (9 Days)
(Use tncore tasks arcs and supplements for these topics)
*January 19th- MLK-No School
*Progress Reports February 13th
Jan. 20th-30th / SPI. 0406 / Common Core / Lesson/Topic 9 / Essential Understanding/Focus
Day 1 / 4.1 / 4.G.1 / 9-1 Line Segments, Rays, and Planes / What are some important geometric names for lines? Identify pairs of lines as parallel, intersecting, or perpendicular.
Day 2 / 4.4 / 4.MD.5
4.G.A.3 / 9-2 Line Segments, Rays, and Angles
Supplement Source: Symmetry / What geometric terms describe types of angles? Identify angles as right, acute, obtuse, and straight.
Day 3 / 4.4 / 4.MD.5
4.MD.6 / 9-3 Measuring Angles
Supplement Activity: How to use a protractor. / How can you draw an angle? Use protractors to draw angles and tell degree of angles using a protractor.
Day 4 / 4.5 / 4.G.2 / 9-4 Polygons / How do you identify polygons? Sort and classify polygons.
Day 5 / 4.4 / 4.G.1,2 / 9-5 Triangles / How can you classify triangles? Use polygons to sort and classify triangles.
Day 6 / 4.4 / 4.G.2 / 9-6 Quadrilaterals / How can you classify quadrilaterals? Use polygons to classify quadrilaterals.
Day 7 / 1.4 / 4.OA.5
4.G.2 / 9-7 Problem Solving: Make and Test Generalizations
Supplement Activity if needed. / How can you test generalizations? Test generalizations about triangles.
Day 8 / 1.4, 4.1,4,5 / 4.G.1,2,3
4.OA.5 / Review/Reteach T. 9 / Extra Practice
Day 9 / 1.4, 4.1,4,5 / 4.G.1,2,3
4.OA.5 / Assessment T.9 / Assessment
Module 2 / Multidigit Multiplication and Division with Area and Perimeter
Feb. 2nd-12th / SPI. 0406 / Common Core / Lesson/ Topic 14 / Essential Understanding/Focus
Day 1 / 4.9 / 3.MD.5 / 14-1 Understanding Area / How do you estimate the area of objects and figures? Use estimation to measure area.
Day 2 / 4.9 / 4.MD.3 / 14-2 Area of Squares and Rectangles / How do you measure the amount of space a figure covers? Find area of a figure.
Day 3 / 4.9 / 4.MD.3 / 14-3,4 Area of Irregular Shapes including Parallelograms.
Supplement hands on activities / How can you find the areas of Irregular shapes?
Day 4 / 4.9 / 4.MD.3 / 14-6 Perimeter / How do you find the distance around an object? Find perimeter of an object using a formula.
Day 5 / 4.9 / 4.MD.3 / 14-7 Same Perimeter, Different Area
14-8 Same Area, Different Perimeter / How can rectangles with the same perimeter have different area? Find and compare rectangles with the same perimeter but different areas. Vice Versa
Day 6 / 3.3 / MP.8 / 14-9 Problem Solving: Solve a Simpler Problem and Make a Table / How can you solve a simpler problem by creating a table? Solve problems by making a table for more complex problems.
Day 7 / 3.3,4.9 / 4.MD.3 / Review/Reteach T.14 / Extra Practice
Day 8 / 3.3,4.9 / 4.MD.3 / Review/Reteach T.14 / Extra Practice
Day 9 / Extra Practice / 4.MD.3 / Assessment T.14 / Assessment
*President’s Day February 16th- No School