On Monday, April 11, 2005, the Preble Town Board held its monthly meeting. The meeting was called to order by the Supervisor, Betty Ann Pitman, with the salute to the flag at 8:00.

Board members present: Kate Edinger, Peter Knapp, Dick Martin and Dave Morse, Councilmen.

Others present: Don Armstrong, Jeff Griswold, John Steger, Barb Frier. Dan O’Shea, Frank Hogg, Todd Sinko and Dennis Kennedy


Motion made byKate Edinger, seconded by Peter Knapp

RESOLUTION #31a:To accept the March 14, 2005 minutes as submitted

Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin(aye) Dave Morse(aye)


DOG CONTROL:-January - No activity

-February - 1 complaint; 1 sick/injured cat

-March - 1 dog impounded; still at shelter

1 complaint of dog at large

JUSTICE REPORT:$9,535. submitted to the Town of Preble for March.


-No more damage than usual this past week with all the flooding. All road are open except Vormwald Road which should be open Tuesday.


-Chevy pickup’s brake lines, fuel lines and oil pan are all rusty and leaking. At this time the furl lines, sender and some brake lines will be replaced, hopefully to get through the summer. If the oil pan goes, it could be another $950.00. Jeff suggests that the truck be replaced ASAP. Jeff has given estimates to the Board of what it may cost to keep this truck another year. Jeff has checked on a replacement; would be $22,217.20 which includes: Base truck $17,436.00

Delivery charge 90.00

Limited slip axle 244.85

Plow Prep Pkg. 257.30

Trailer Prep Pkg 195.05

8' Plow 3,556.00

Timbren bushing 210.00

Bed Liner 228.00

with /Zebart Undercoating 348.88$22,565.20

Motion made by Peter Knapp, seconded by Dave Morse

RESOLUTION #32:To authorize the purchase of a new truck as per specs listed on the State bid, including undercoating

Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin(aye) Dave Morse(aye)


-Nothing to report


-Jeff would like approval to go to the Highway School this June in Ithaca.

-Kevin Baldwin is getting married Saturday, April 16.


-Jeff went to Albany on March 23rd.

-Raked around the Town Hall

RECREATION:-Dave reported the ballfield is ready. There is only 1 team this year. Dave also wants to put a new fence around the ballfield.

COUNTY LEGISLATURE:-The recycling center is backed up due to the recent water.

-Amnesty Day will be the week of May 16th; tentative dates for Preble cleanup are May 14th and 15th.

-FEMA was here Thursday, April 7; nothing has been approved. Highway Superintendents are to turn in estimates for their towns.

ZONING & CODE ENFORCEMENT:-0 building permits granted

-1 permit pending

-28 telephone inquiries

-3 30- day notices sent

-5 violations pending in court

PLANNING BOARD:-April meeting is the 28th at 7 o=clock

HISTORIAN:-Anne was absent..

TOWN CLERK:-$827.25 - fees collected in March. Disbursed $10.57 to CC Treasurer; and $4.72 to NYS DEC and $811.96 to Elizabeth Pitman, Supervisor

DON ARMSTRONG:Noted that he had received correspondence regarding a recent boundary line issue.


Tower & Wireless Facilities Water Protection & Zoning, Land Use - Tabled.

Property on Song Mt. Road - Nothing resolved

Barden Homes Road (Thomas Albert Dr.) speed -Have received nothing from the state..

Letter in regard to traffic fines - A letter received stating that the Town will be receiving a refund from the State.


Post Office Checks - Check for $541.67 received

Don Armstrong to attend meeting - Don will represent the town at a seminar in Syracuse on Enforcement of Land Use; fee $130.00.

Motion made by Peter Knapp, seconded by Dick Martin

RESOLUTION #33:To have Don Armstrong attend a seminar in Syracuse representing the town.

Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin(aye) Dave Morse(aye)

Song Mt. Road Change - Discussion of placing signs on the Song Mt. Road from Otisco Valley Rd. to Song Lake Rd. It was mentioned that the County would be unable to put signs on the west end of the road because there are no shoulders. Therefore, following discussion, it was agreed to put signs from Curtain Road to Song Lake Rd. The County Highway felt that it would be unenforceable; Don felt it would be. Peter suggested that Jeff talk with Don Chambers.

Farm Land Protection- Betty Ann asked John Steger to check on this item.

NYMIR Newsletter - Each board member received a copy.

Tentative Special Franchise Assessment - A notice received from the State Board of Real Property Services of tentative changes to the tax roll for utilities (NYSEG; Niagara Mohawk; Verizon NY, Inc.; Time Warner of Syracuse)

South Slopes - Their tax exemption has been amended to include Homer Central School District.

Peter noted that Jeff has asked for approval to attend Highway School in Ithaca.

Motion made by Peter Knapp, seconded by Dick Martin

RESOLUTION #34:To approve Jeff Griswold’s request to attend Highway School in June.

Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin(aye) Dave Morse(aye)

Betty Ann stated that she has finished Workers’ Compensation training, and if there are any cases, to notify her.


Barb Frier inquiring about Memorial Day parade.

Dennis Kennedy asking about repairing Song Lake Road.


Motion made by Kate Edinger, seconded by Dave Morse

RESOLUTION #35:To pay the General Fund Vouchers, Abstract No. 4, Nos. 56 to 72, totaling $4,487.67

Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin(aye) Dave Morse(aye)

Motion made by Dick Martin, seconded byPeter Knapp

RESOLUTION #36:To pay the Highway Fund Vouchers, Abstract No. 4, Nos. 21 to 25, totaling $2,593.69

Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin(aye) Dave Morse(aye)

Betty Ann asked for a motion to enter executive session regarding the land purchase

Motion made by Kate Edinger, seconded by Peter Knapp

RESOLUTION #37:To move to executive session at 8:34

Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin(aye) Dave Morse(aye)

Motion made by Peter Knapp, seconded by Dave Morse

RESOLUTION #38:To exit executive session at 8:50

Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin(aye) Dave Morse(aye)

The public returned to the meeting room.

Motion made by Kate Edinger, seconded by Dave Morse

RESOLUTION #39:To authorize Elizabeth Pitman, Supervisor, to sign the purchase offer on Perfektion Auto building owned by Wesley Hall and property owned by Don Ellsworth, with contingencies.

Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin(aye) Dave Morse(aye

There being no further business, Betty Ann asked for a motion to adjourn. Motion made by Peter, seconded by Dave; meeting adjourned at 8:54.

Respectfully submitted,

Unofficial 4/11/2005Jane W. Davenport

Official5/9/2005Town Clerk