Elementary Grade 2
Lafayette County C-1 School District
Summer School Registration Form
June 6, 2016 – July 1, 2016
8:00 A.M. - 2:25 P.M.
Breakfast served prior to 8:00 A.M. - Lunch served during instructional day.
(first) (middle initial) (last)
Birth Date Age Gender Male Female
(month) (day) (year)
Parent/Guardian Name
(street) (city) (state) (zip code)
Phone Numbers
(home) (mobile) (other)
Emergency Contact Phone
Second Grade core skills will be taught in the morning (Math and ELA). The afternoons will consist of enrichment classes. Your child must attend the entire day but will get a choice on their enrichment afternoon class. Please choose an enrichment choice for the first 2 weeks and one for the second 2 weeks of summer school. If an enrichment choice becomes too full, we will contact you for a second choice. They will be filled on a first come first served basis.
1st Two Weeks 2nd Two Weeks
_____Technology 101(Students will enhance their ____Fun with Science (hands-on experiments to answer new questions
problem solving and computer skills as they create their own every day. Exciting, inquiry-based activities will focus the students’ desire to
digital slideshows and animated movies. explore science while developing their thinking and reasoning skills.
_____Pirates (Ahoy Matey!! Hoist the mast and set _____Animal Kingdom (Walk on the wild side through the 7 sail for an adventure learning about Pirates. Arrgh!!) Continents in search of the most amazing animals on Earth)
Regular bus transportation is not provided for Summer School- Please contact Mr. Aaron Knipmeyer, Director of Special Services at 660-584-3631 if you have special transportation needs.
Please return completed forms to the Grandview Office by Friday, April 8, 2016
A confirmation form will be provided to the student prior to the end of the school year.
** Student and Parent Signatures required on reverse side **
Memo of Understanding:
Course availability is subject to change due to enrollment. In the event an insufficient number of students enroll in a class, the class will either be combined with another class or will be cancelled.
Since the Summer School program covers a great deal of material in a short amount of time, punctuality and regular attendance are expected.
Parents/guardians should contact the school in the event of special attendance circumstances.
All school conduct codes for the regular school year are in effect during summer school. Students are expected to behave in a manner that does not disrupt the learning process. Students who engage in inappropriate conduct, including sleeping, may be removed from the summer school program by the program administrator.
Summer Dress:
Appropriate dress is required. All school dress codes are in effect for summer school.
§ Shoes must be worn at all times
§ No hats may be worn in the building
§ No halter tops, midriffs, cut-off shorts, bareback, or low cut shirts
§ The length of skirts and shorts must extend below the finger tips
No offensive writing (profanity, obscenity, sexual references, or references to alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs)
I have read this Memo of Understanding. I agree to follow all policies and procedures. I further understand that I may be dismissed from the summer program for failure to follow these policies and procedures.
Elementary Student’s Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
Please return completed forms to The Grandview Office by Friday, April 8 , 2016