Instructions for changing the school site logo
These instructions provide details of the actions required to change the school logo for the site.
The school logo must be created with the following image dimensions:
Width: 350px
Height: 80px
The file format for the school logo should be:
PNG (Preferably with a transparent background)
The file name must be:
schoolLogo.png (Case sensitive)
Replacing the default logo
By default each site is created with a default school logo already in place, this file is stored in the School Images picture library. To add the schools personalised logo it is necessary to replace this logo in the School Images picture library.
1. Log into the school portal (e.g. using your account;
2. On the school Home page click on the ‘School Images’ link from the left hand navigation. (See Figure 1. below)
3. When the ‘School Images’ picture library loads select ‘Upload’ from the toolbar. (See Figure 2. below)
4. A popup window will appear, use the browse button to open up a file dialog and locate your school logo image file. (See Figure 3. below)
5. Locate the new school logo image; select the file in the file browser and click ‘Open’. (See Figure 4. below)
6. Click the ‘OK’ button from the popup window.
a. NOTE: When uploading the image to the picture library using Internet Explorer 8 you may be presented with a mixed content warning (See Figure 4a. below). If this dialog box appears click on the ‘No’ option to continue.
7. The screen should now re-load and you will be presented with another popup window. None of the details on this screen need to be changed, scroll to the bottom of the popup window and click ‘Save’. (See Figure 5. below)
8. The new school logo has now been saved and will be appearing in the site header.
Figure 1 - Locate School Images
Figure 2 - Upload new school logo image
Figure 3 - School logo file location
Figure 4 - File dialog, Browse for schoolLogo.png
Figure 4a - Internet Explorer 8, mixed content warning
Figure 5 - Save new logo
Version 1.1 17th February 2011