SRP #11
Science Research Project
Entire Research Paper with Results and Conclusions
1. Refresh Table of Contents[Mrs. K1]Research Question
2. Each section on a separate page.Hypothesis
3. Follow spacing (1" from top) guidelines.Literature Review
4. Headings should be CAPS AND UNDERLINEDMaterials
NO BOLD!!!Procedures
5. Triple blank lines[Mrs. K2]after headings.Results
6. Double space Conclusions
7. Page numbers in upper right cornerReferences
This section includes the 3 parts listed below:
1. SUMMARYWrite an explanation of the statistics from your table in paragraph form. Be sure to include a reference to your table and graph at some point in this summary ( shown in Table 1 ...... ). Your summary should include a topic sentence[Mrs. K3], identification of the variables, whether the data is qualitative or quantitative (nominal, ordinal, ratio or interval), a description of the statistics done, what the null hypothesis is, whether it was rejected or not, and if the original hypothesis was supported or refuted.[Mrs. K4] Make sure you review your original hypothesis and do not change it to match your experimental outcome.
Refer to the attached for examples of how to write this section. This section should 1 – 2 pages.
2. TABLEThis is NOTa table of your raw data. It is a summary of the statistics done (see examples in STATS handout)
Columns and rows must be straight and neat (typed).
Headings (with UNITS) are required on all columns and rows.
Titles go above the table, typed in ALL CAPS (TABLE 1: PLANT HEIGHT (cm) VERSUS LIGHT EXPOSURE).
2. GRAPHCan be either a line graph or a bar graph. Line graphs show trends or relationships. Bar graphs are used for comparison.
The independent variable goes on the X-axis, the dependent variable goes on the Y-axis. Label axes with names and units. Include a key.
Titles go below the graph, typed in ALL CAPS (FIGURE 1: PLANT HEIGHT (cm) VERSUS LIGHT EXPOSURE)
Use software packages to create graphs when possible. No graphs are to be done on loose leaf paper with hand drawn lines.
The following questions should be addressed in the conclusion in paragraph form:
What was the purpose of the experiment?
Is the hypothesis supported or refuted?
What do the results mean?
What is the reason for the results? (Why did plant 1 grow taller that plant 2?)
How do your results compare to the results of other related experiments discussed in the literature review?
Was any new information discovered?
What value does this information have to society?
Any possible sources of error?
How could this experiment be improved?
Any other ideas for experimentation?
Do you have plans to continue?
If something went wrong or your experiment didn’t work, explain why this happened.
This section should be at least 1 – 2 pages in length.
[Mrs. K1]Messed Up
Download another template and copy & paste
[Mrs. K2]
[Mrs. K3]
[Mrs. K4]In some cases null and original both may be refuted.
Remember the t test (p<0.05) only tells you that there is a difference between your control & the experimental group. You will then need to look at averages to find out which one is more/less.