Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G23, 7 June 2017

Northern Territory of Australia

Government Gazette


No.G237 June 2017

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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G23, 7 June 2017

Northern Territory of Australia

Public Holidays Act

Additional Public Holidays

I, Gerald Francis McCarthy,Minister for Public Employment, under section6 of the Public Holidays Act, appoint each of the following days to be a public holiday to be observed in each specified part of the Territory by all sections of the community in that part of the Territory:

(a)for the part of the Territory north of the parallel of south latitude 13degrees 34minutes and of the parts of the Territory being the whole of Groote Eylandt and the whole of the Daly River area described in Schedule1 to the Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act1976(Cth):

(i)Friday 27 July 2018 (Darwin Regional Show Day);and

(ii)Friday 26 July 2019 (Darwin Regional Show Day);and

(iii)Friday 24 July 2020 (Darwin Regional Show Day);

(b)for the part of the Territory described in Schedule 1:

(i)Friday 20 July 2018 (Katherine Regional Show Day);and

(ii)Friday 19 July 2019 (Katherine Regional Show Day);and

(iii)Friday 17 July 2020 (Katherine Regional Show Day);

(c)for the part of the Territory described in Schedule 2:

(i)Friday 13 July 2018 (Tennant Creek Regional Show Day);and

(ii)Friday 12 July 2019 (Tennant Creek Regional Show Day);and

(iii)Friday 10 July 2020 (Tennant Creek Regional Show Day);

(d)for the part of the Territory described in Schedule 3:

(i)Friday 6 July 2018 (Alice Springs Regional Show Day);and

(ii)Friday 5 July 2019 (Alice Springs Regional Show Day);and

(iii)Friday 3 July 2020 (Alice Springs Regional Show Day);

(e)for the part of the Territory described in Schedule 4:

(i)Friday 29 June 2018 (Borroloola Regional Show Day);and

(ii)Friday 28 June 2019 (Borroloola Regional Show Day);and

(iii)Friday 26 June 2020 (Borroloola Regional Show Day).

Dated 22 May 2017

G. F. McCarthy

Minister for Public Employment

Schedule 1

All that parcel of land in the Northern Territory of Australia bounded by lines described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the parallel of south latitude 13degrees 34minutes with the sea coast of the Gulf of Carpentaria; thence generally southerly and south-easterly by the said sea coast to intersect the parallel of south latitude 15degrees 30minutes; thence west by the said parallel to intersect the meridian of east longitude 135degrees; thence south by the said meridian to intersect the easterly prolongation of the northern boundary of Northern Territory Portion2845; thence westerly by the said prolongation, the northern boundary of Northern Territory Portion2845 and part of the northern boundary of Perpetual Pastoral Lease1003 (CattleCreek) to intersect the meridian of east longitude 132degrees; thence south by the said meridian to intersect the easterly prolongation of the northern boundary of Pastoral Lease826 (Suplejack); thence westerly by the said prolongation, the northern boundary of Pastoral Lease826 and its westerly prolongation to intersect the meridian of east longitude 129degrees being Northern Territory and Western Australia border; thence north by the said meridian to intersect the sea coast of the Timor Sea; thence generally easterly by the said sea coast to intersect the left bank of the Fitzmaurice River; thence generally easterly by the said left bank to intersect the southerly prolongation of the most easterly boundary of Northern Territory Portion1637; thence northerly, westerly and again northerly by the said prolongation, an eastern, a northern and an eastern boundary of the said Portion to intersect the parallel of south point of commencement, and including all Northern Territory of Australia coastal islands between the parallels of south latitude 13degrees 34minutes and 15degrees 30minutes, but excluding therefrom the whole of Groote Eylandt.

Schedule 2

All that parcel of land in the Northern Territory of Australia bounded by lines described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the parallel of south latitude 21degrees 12minutes with the meridian of east longitude 138degrees being a point on the Northern Territory and Queensland border; thence west by the said parallel to intersect the meridian of east longitude 132degrees; thence north by the said meridian to intersect the northern boundary of Perpetual Pastoral Lease1003 (Cattle Creek); thence easterly by part of the said boundary, the northern boundary of Northern Territory Portion2845 and its easterly prolongation to intersect the meridian of east longitude 135degrees; thence sought by the said meridian to intersect the parallel of south latitude 18degrees 30minutes; thence east by the said parallel to intersect the meridian of east longitude 138degrees being the Northern Territory and Queensland border; thence south by the said border to the point of commencement.

Schedule 3

All that parcel of land in the Northern Territory of Australia bounded by lines described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the parallel of south latitude 21degrees 12minutes with the meridian of east longitude 138degrees being a point on the Northern Territory and Queensland border; thence south by the said meridian to intersect parallel of south latitude 26degrees being the south-eastern corner of the Northern Territory; thence west by the said parallel to intersect meridian of east longitude 129degrees being the south-western corner of the Northern Territory; thence north by the said meridian to intersect the westerly prolongation of the northern boundary of Pastoral Lease826 (Supplejack); thence easterly by the said prolongation, the northern boundary of Pastoral Lease826 and its prolongation easterly to intersect meridian of east longitude 132degrees; thence south by the said meridian to intersect parallel of south latitude 21degrees 12minutes; thence east by the said parallel to the point of commencement.

Schedule 4

All that parcel of land in the Northern Territory of Australia bounded by lines described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the parallel of south latitude 18degrees thirty minutes with the meridian of east longitude 138degrees being a point on the Northern Territory and Queensland border; thence west by the said parallel to intersect the meridian of east longitude 135degrees; thence north by the said meridian to intersect the parallel of south latitude 15degrees 30minutes; thence east by the said parallel to intersect the sea coast of the Gulf of Carpentaria, thence generally southeasterly by the said sea coast to intersect the meridian of east longitude 138degrees; thence south by the said meridian to the point of commencement, and including all Northern Territory of Australia coastal islands south of parallel of south latitude 15degrees 30minutes.

Northern Territory of Australia

Swimming Pool Safety Act

Termination of Appointment of Swimming Pool Safety Adviser

I, Jennifer Anne Harlock,a delegate of the Swimming Pool Safety Authority, under section40(1) of the Swimming Pool Safety Act and with reference to section44(1) of the Interpretation Act, terminate the appointment of KylieJaneCarey as a swimming pool safety adviser.

Dated 24 May 2017

Jennifer Anne Harlock

Notice of Dissolution of Partnership between Mr. Dharam Pal Bali and Mr.HimanshuBahtia and Eyewatch Security Pty Ltd and Associated Entitites as from 8 May 2017.

Mr. Dharam Pal Bali no longer has any association or liability with regard to any business or associated entity owned or conducted by Mr. Himanshu Bhatia or Eyewatch Security Pty Ltd ACN 140 340 432 The names of these businesses and entities include but may not be limited to:

Mint Leaf Restaurant, Oasis Shopping Centre
36/15 Temple Terrace, Palmerston City, NT 0830
Tel No 89310104
Fish & Wings
Oasis Shopping Centre
38/15 Temple Terrace
Palmerston City, NT0830
Mint Leaf
Casuarina Shopping Centre (Food Eatery)
3 Bradshaw Terrace
Casuarina NT 0810

Northern Territory of Australia

Strehlow Research Centre Act

Strehlow Research Centre Board
Appointment of Member

I, Lauren Jane Moss, Minister for Tourism and Culture, under section14(1)(c) of the Strehlow Research Centre Act, appoint Phillip Gordon to be a member of the Strehlow Research Centre Board for 3years.

Dated 23 May 2017

L. J. Moss

Minister for Tourism and Culture

Notification of Parking

Usage Schedule

2017/2018 Financial Year

(Darwin Parking Local Rates)

I hereby advise that pursuant to Regulation 6 of the Local Government (DarwinParking Local Rates) Regulations:

(a)that a parking usage schedule has been prepared as at 1 June 2017.

(b)this schedule may be inspected at Customer Services, ground floor of the CivicCentre, Harry Chan Avenue, Darwin between 8.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday

(c)that Thursday 6 July 2017 at 5.00pm is the last day for any appeal to be lodged against the Parking usage Schedule.

Enquiries should be directed to Councils revenue team leader, Mr. Ewan Grenenger on 08 8930 0576.

Appeals must be lodged with the Chief Executive Officer, Department of LocalGovernment and Community Services, GPO Box 4450, Darwin NT 0801.

Dated 1 June 2017

Brendan Dowd

Chief Executive Officer

Northern Territory of Australia

Defamation Act

Order for Maximum Damages Amount for NonEconomicLossinDefamation Proceedings

I, Natasha Kate Fyles, AttorneyGeneral and Minister for Justice, under section32(3) of the Defamation Act, declare, for the purposes of section 32(1) of the Act, that from 1 July 2017 the maximum amount of damages for noneconomic loss that may be awarded in defamation proceedings is$389500.

Dated 29 May 2017

N. K. Fyles

Attorney-General and Minister for Justice

Police Administration Act

Sale of Goods

Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 166 of the Police Administration Act, the following property as shown on the attached schedule has been in the possession of the Officer in Charge, Police Station, Peter McAulay Centre, for a period in excess of 3 months and this property will be sold or otherwise disposed of in a manner as determined by the Commissioner of Police, if after twenty-eight (28) days from the publication of this notice the property remains unclaimed.

Nouvelle Reed


iCOP 2020

CIO Branch

1 June 2017

Exhibits Auction

Exhibit number / Item Description
463884/005/002 / Blue/orange Blue tooth speaker
468988/020 / Jackhammer chisel tool
Tekcraft wood chisel set
Blue metal toolbox containing plumbing equipment
Craftright toolbox containing plumbing equipment
Craftright toolbox containing assorted screws/fixing
Craftright toolbox containing assorted spanners
Craftright toolbox containing jumper leads and compressor
466255/009 / SP 32 piece 3/8 metric socket set
Red Carrera toy boat
468966/002/010 / Silver/black Citizen Eco-drive men’s watch
Red wallet
1 x rose gold bracelet with heart
Gold Lorus watch
21cm silver necklace
Small Honeywell tool set
476441/007 / Black Fuse mini Blue tooth speaker
466253/003 / 1.5 med led convex light bar
Bushranger exhaust jack
Blue Saber electric pressure washer
479202/001 / Black Sony Cyber-Shot G camera
478849/001 / Gold necklace with pendant
478555/001 / Long Riviera skate board
478481/001 / Yellow auto ranging multimeter
478326/007 / Gold bracelet
Gold bracelet
Silver bracelet – large links
Silver bracelet with 5 charms
Gold lady’s ring green stone
Gold lady’s ring with clear stone
478320/006 / Black Casio Baby G man’s watch
477836/001 / Gold wedding band with Gaelic pattern
478173/001 / Gold Rolex with broken band
463884/005/001 / $6.05
479498/002 / $270.00
479265/005 / $3.60
479194/003 / $1.95
478845/002 / $2.00
478770/002 / $258
478518/002 / 0.15c
478507/003 / $4.50
478319/002 / $6.50
477860/002 / $30.00
477852/001 / $64.75 in coins
477732/001/001 / $3.05
449540/002 / Running shorts
Running singlet
479540/003 / White ZTE Telstra mobile phone
Black Telstra flip mobile phone
479498/001 / ID card
479404/001 / Tow ball
479328/001 / Black Samsung Galaxy mobile phone
479325/001 / 1 Black Samsung Galaxy mobile phone
479317/001 / Silver Lenovo laptop
479306/001 / Grey Telstra mobile phone
479270/002 / White Huawei mobile phone
Pink Samsung flip mobile phone
479265/004 / Notebook
Black phone charger
Black Samsung mobile phone
Reading glasses
479194/002 / White Telstra mobile phone
Black wallet with contents
479162/001 / Black Telstra mobile phone
479128/001 / Telstra ZTC mobile phone
479100/002 / White Samsung mobile phone
Black HTC mobile phone
Black Samsung mobile phone
Black Samsung mobile phone
Black Huawei mobile phone
Black ZTE mobile phone
Black Telstra mobile phone
White iPod
478981/001 / Grey iPhone mobile phone
478846/001 / Gold iPhone mobile
478845/001 / Wallet and contents
478821/001 / Silver Samsung mobile phone
478770/001 / Wallet and contents
478688/002 / Grey iPhone mobile
473937/004 / Remington SSB S/N C18058
472027/005 / 1 x black 1 x white Samsung mobiles
470278/001 / Winchester .22 RLA S/N F220522
468988/014 / White Samsung mobile
463884/003 / Black HTC mobile
445899/010/001 / Samsung mobile
Black Samsung mobile
478628/001 / White Apple iPod
478603/001 / White Telstra mobile phone
478557/001 / White iPad (smashed screen)
478518/001 / Wallet and contents
478516/003 / White Apple iPhone mobile
Black Nokia mobile phone
HP IPAQ mobile phone
478507/002 / Black back pack with contents
Teddy bear
478380/001 / Black Samsung mobile phone
478319/001 / Wallet and contents
478326/009 / 4 x USBs
White iPad
Black Samsung tablet
478320/005 / Black Nokia mobile
White Optus mobile
Black Telstra mobile
Black Alcotel mobile
Lenovo tablet
478283/002 / Black iPhone
Silver Telstra mobile
478080/001 / Black Telstra mobile
477860/001 / Wallet and contents
477847/002 / Silver Samsung mobile
CBA bank card
477839/001 / Black Asusnotebook
477732/006 / Bag with contents
Black Huawei mobile phone
White Telstra mobile phone
Grey Telstra mobile phone
Black Telstra mobile phone
Black Telstra mobile phone
477649/001 / Silver Apple MacBook Pro
477619/001 / Black Apple iPhone mobile
453202/004 / Arizmenoi air rifle .177 SNL60528
465509/002 / Purple Sony Experia
481768/009 / Akkar shotgun SN TC00450
Baikel under/over shotgun SN 022752686
Gamo Deltamax 0177 air rifle
Baikel single barrel shotgun SN 95027526
Rossi, Amedeo shotgun SN S979097
Baikel shotgun SN A14047
Winchester Ranger 30.30 RLA SN 547913
Stirling Armscor .22 RBA SN 638690
Savage Arms shotgun SN D259580
452976/001 / White Huawei mobile phone
426589/009 / Grey Puma shorts
Black shorts
Green sleeping bag
Back pack
Adidas shorts
Adidas shoes
Pair of thongs
Jar protein powder
Mobile phone accessories
468966/008 / Black Samsung mobile phone
Black/violet Acer tablet
Black/silver iPhone
Grey/silver Toshiba tablet
Silver/black Panasonic electric razor
Black Sony PS3
Black/orange Slazenger bag
Grey/silver iPod
Silver/white iPod
Green/white iPod
Blue/silver iPod
Green/white iPod
Silver/silver iPod
Black hard drive
Black Samsung phone
Silver/white iPod
Grey/silver Nokia
Black X-Box
Black Telstra tablet
Black Toshiba NB500 laptop
476441/008 / Black Telstra STET126
471186/008 / Black Telstra mobile phone
483547/007 / Boito A681 Defence SSD SN: A06324813
CZ Winchester .308 RBA SN: B002539
Mauser 1895 RBA SN: B1510
Mosin-Nagant 1944 RBA SN: KB01316
Ruger M77 RBA SN: 71150347
Steyr 1895 RBA SN: 8369E
Various ammo
484664/002 / Aetna 12 G single barrel shotgun SN: 57815
Mossberg bolt action shotgun SN: 20835
484697/025 / Hollis & Sons 1856 56 Cal S/N U57
BSA Lee Speed 303 RBA S/N 11867
SA Martini Henry 450/577 RBA S/N 8239
BSA Martini Metford RLA S/N 897
Browning BL22 RLA S/N 20270ZT242
CZ 527 223 Remington RBA S/N A901647
CZ 555 Springfield RBA S/N A327694
CZ ZKM22 VRT 22 LR RBA S/N A655817
Enfield Martini 303 RSS S/N 9734
Enfield P1839 75 CAL S/N 45
Finnish Nagant M39 RBA S/N 39164
Francotte, August Martini S/N 66440
Gamo Hunter 177 RAR S/N 041C47244008
Hollis & Sons Snider RSS S/N 25
Mauser 1871/84 11MM RBA S/N 1885
Mauser 36 7.5X54 FrenchRBA S/N 37808
Parker-Hale P1853 58 CAL S/N 1824
Parker-Hale P1861 58 Cal S/N 3078
Remington Springfield RBA S/N 3917243
Schmitd-Rubin K1911SWISS RBA S/N 97753
Springfield governmentRSS S/N 453425
Springfield M1898 KragRBA S/N 471378
Winchester 1886 RLA S/N 20023ZV86A
Winchester 1892RLA S/N 00451ZM92B
477582/005 / BRNO .22 RB S/N 63511
440024/010 / Smith & Wesson semi-auto pistol S/N nil
SBS shotgun S/N 32744
Smith & Wesson revolver S/N 42640
Luger 9mm pistol S/N 9636
474622/010 / Winchester model 84 44-40 RLA S/N NIL
469354/001 / Springfield Armoury 1911-A1 S/N NM582598
377682/007 / CBC SSB 151 S/N 1102426
480064/005 / Sawn off 22 Winchester S/N nil
452976/002 / Samsung mobile
486946/001 / Gamo .177 RAR S/N 041C01920607
484218/001 / Lanber 12 gauge under/over S/N 13030272212
478914/001 / Black/red Repco BMX
478666/001 / Blue Southern Star Trixter BMX
478494/003 / Black Cyclops BMX
Raleigh Eliminator mountain bike
Pink Repco Grace mountain bike
478651/001 / Purple Southern Star children’s bike
476665/001 / Blue Toyota Hilux NT rego 915253
461693/001 / Blue Toyota Starlet hatch back
480348/001 / Red Honda 4WD quad
442657/002 / White BMW sedan (nil plates)
Key for BMW vehicle - broken

Police Administration Act

Sale of Goods

Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 166 of the Police Administration Act, the following property as shown on the attached schedule has been in the possession of the Officer in Charge, Police Station, Alyangula, for a period in excess of 3 months and this property will be sold or otherwise disposed of in a manner as determined by the Commissioner of Police, if after twenty-eight (28) days from the publication of this notice the property remains unclaimed.

W. Jackson


Arafura Division


Exhibit/MPR Destruction

Exhibit number / Item Description / Shelf Location
311999 / Boito shotgun / Alyangula
480726 / Tool kit / Alyangula

Bikes Auction

Exhibit number / Item Description / Shelf Location
415758 / Guitar / Alyangula
421793 / Bicycle / Alyangula
423362 / Bicycle / Alyangula
425771 / Bicycle and helmet / Alyangula
429522 / Bicycle / Alyangula
436968/001 / Bicycle / Alyangula
457585 / Bicycle / Alyangula

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