Bianca-Rae Jones
July 6, 2016
Quiz 1
A)Explain the function of a computer.
Machines that can produce information or data. Pg.4
B)Describe the evolution of computers and the various generations it went through.
The evolution of computers started in the 1930s and 1940s to the modern fourth-generation devices. The various generations it went through were First-Generation Computers, Second-Generation Computers, Third-Generation Computers, and Fourth-Generation Computers. These first-generation computers were massive in size and used vacuum tubes and manual switches to process data. Second-Generation Computers had transistors which are tiny electronic switches, were invented in 1947 and led to second-generation computers in the 1950s and 1960s. Third Generation Computers developed in the 1960s had integrated circuits are chips that contain large numbers of tiny transistors that are integrated into a semiconducting material called silicon. The Fourth-Generation Computers the integrated circuit made the development of the microprocessor possible in the 1970s. A microprocessor is a complex integrated circuit that contains the central processing unit (CPU) of a computer. Pg.6-Pg.8
C)Explain Moore’s Law and its importance.
Moore’s Law predicted this this exponential growth would continue. The current trend is closer to doubling every 18 months and is expected to continue for another 10 to 20 years. The increase in the capabilities of integrated circuits directly affects the processing speed and storage capacity of modern electronic devices. Moore stated in a 1996 article: “More than anything, once something like this gets established, it becomes more or less a self-fulfilling prophecy. Thus, Moore’s Law really became a technology plan that guides the industry. Pg.8
D)Describe how computers represent data using binary codes.
Computers represent data using binary codes by using the binary number system which has only two digits (0 and 1). Binary code works like a bank of light switches. This code can be used for situations with only two possibilities, such as yes/no, true/false, or boy/girl, but it fails when there are more than two choices (yes/no/maybe). Pg.16
E)List the various types and characteristics of personal computers.
Desktop computers, Notebook computers, Mac, and Pc. Desktop computers offer the most speed, power, and upgradeability for the lowest cost. Notebook, or laptop, computers are portable personal computers. Today’s notebook computers rival desktops in power and storage capacity- but at a price. Mac advantages are easy to set up and use, great multimedia capabilities, secure and stable, iLife software suite included. Pc advantages are less expensive for similar capabilities, can run many versions of Windows and Linux, More configuration choices, the preferred platform in most businesses, most computer games are only for Windows PCs. Pgs. 18-20
F)Give examples of other personal computing devices.
Examples of other personal computing devices are: Handheld and Mobile devices, Smartphones and Tablets Gps and Wearables, and Video Games Systems. Pgs. 24-26
G)List the various types and characteristics of multiuser computers.
Multiuser computers are systems that allow multiple, simultaneous users to connect to them. Multiuser computer include servers which are computers that provide services, such as Internet access, email, or file and print services, to client systems such as your home or office computer. Also, they have supercomputers which are very expensive computer systems that are used to perform complex mathematical calculations, such as those used in weather forecasting and medical research. And last, they have distributed and grid computing which distributes the processing of a task across a group of computers. Pgs.28-30
H)Explain the terms “ubiquitous computing” and “convergence.”
The word “ubiquitous computing” means the technology recedes into the background and is part of our environment. Convergence or integration of technology on multifunction devices, such as smartphones, has accustomed us to carrying technology with us.