Yaxley Parish Council.
Minutes of the Meeting of Yaxley Parish Council held on 4th October 2017.
Councillor I LuffCouncillor A LuffCouncillor J Hawes
Councillor M FisherCouncillor K PawseyCouncillor C Wright
Councillor R HallCouncillor J Moore
District Councillor D Burn.
P Freeman Parish Clerk.
No members of the public.
- Apologies for Absence.
- Councillor Feaver and County Councillor J Fleming.
- Councillor’s Declaration of Interests in Agenda Items.
- None.
- Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 23rd August 2017.
- The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record and were signed by the Chairman. Proposed by Councillor Hall and seconded by Councillor I Luff.
- Matters arising from the minutes:
Action Points:
Notes on the action are in red.
- Write to Darren Hearne to cancel his allotment tenancy. Action: The Clerk.Completed.
- Report fly tipping on Judas Lane 1,234 yards from the junction on the Mellis Road. Action: The Clerk.Completed RIF319155
- List of equipment to be costed for the emergency plan. Action: Councillor I Luff.
- Update rota for the bottle bank to include defibrillator. Action: The Clerk.Completed.
- Prepare risk assessments on the defibrillator and the speed indicator device. Action: The Clerk.
- Write to Mr Bull about the access from the Community Hall car park. Action: The Clerk.Completed.
- Update asset register. Action: The Clerk.Completed.
- Respond to planning applications. Action: The Clerk.Completed.
- Contact Lord Henniker about the hedge by the entrance to the Community Hall. Action: The Clerk.Completed.The hedge had not yet been cut.
- Yaxley Messenger - Emergency Plan - vulnerable people information, home security and link to the Joint Local Plan. Action: The Clerk.Completed.
- David Newcombe to cut hedge, particularly the brambles that are growing towards the memorials. Action: The Clerk.Completed.
- Arrange for work on a tree in the cemetery. Action: The Clerk. Completed.It was agreed to ask the contractor to leave the wood for local people.
- The Community Centre Community Committee has asked if the Parish Council would, as the owner, take responsibility for the cost of the insurance of the building. Following a discussion, it was agreed that once the Parish Council had confirmation of the cost of the premium, it will consider taking it on. If it does so the responsibility for the insurance premium for the work and operation of the Community Centre would remain with the Committee. Action: The Clerk.
- Notification of any urgent business.
- None.
Meeting closed at 7.45 p.m.
Public Forum.
- Presentation about planning application by Crown Chicken LTD.
In response to questions from Councillors the following points were made:
There would be approximately 23 lorries each day. They will use set routes to avoid villages and they will begin to arrive at 6.00 a.m.
There were no other options on the land at the moment.
The vehicles will enter the site from the A140. There would be a right turn lane and a ‘slip’ lane.
There was considerable traffic associated with the school in Castleton Way.
The entrance to the new substation could be opposite the entrance.
The Weybread site had grown incrementally.
There would be an entirely different relationship between the factory and Yaxley not as there had been between the factory and Weybread.
The building on Eye Airfield would be a different facility to that at Weybread, where there was older technology.
There was a plan to treat all the effluent on site. The car park will have a permeable surface and rain water will be collected from the roof of the factory. The discharge of effluent will be minimal.
Councillor Burn - the area at the bottom of the plan is within the buffer zone and there would not be screening from the south because of the Drax power station. There will be a full application in due course.
The Chairman thanked the representatives from Crown Chicken LTD for attending the meeting and for the information they had given.
In the discussion that followed there was a suggestion that the Parish Council could link with Eye Town Council during the planning process.
District Councillor’s Report – D Burn:
- The Councils’ move to Endeavour House, Ipswich
This has been delayed because negotiations with the union over details of the new staff contracts have taken longer than expected. The move from Mid Suffolk’s Needham Market HQ and Babergh’s in Hadleigh will now take place throughout October. The new customer access points at 54 Ipswich Street, Stowmarket and the Town Hall, Sudbury are now staffed and open for business. The move had been delayed because of negotiations with the Unions over contracts. - Mid Suffolk in top three for happiness
Research releasedlast week by the Office of National Statistics shows people in Mid Suffolk are the third happiest in the UK. The district was pipped to the postonly byCraven in North Yorkshire and the Orkney Islands in the survey, whichasked residents to rate their happiness out of ten. Residents in Mid Suffolk rated theirs as 8.18, well above the UK average of 7.7. See this article in the EADT for more details. - The Boundary Commission’s Electoral Review of the District
The Boundary Commission has now assimilated the responses to the recent consultation, which closed on 14 August and has produced its draft recommendations for further consultation, running from 3 October to 11 December. Its proposals include moving Yaxley parish from a modified Palgrave Ward into a ward that includes Gislingham, extending eastwards to Braiseworth and southwards to Thwaite.
County Council Report by County Councillor Jessica Fleming.
- Highways and Transport, A 140 Upgrades – Suffolk County Council learned as of Thursday 19th Oct that it has been successful in bidding for National Productivity Infrastructure Funds to improve the A140 at Eye. Both Castleton Way and the B1077 junctions were included in the bid therefore it appears likely that both these schemes may go ahead. Refer to the Press Notice– including interactive map - and -
- Progress Power/ Drax – I have been informed by our planning officers that Drax may begin some hedgerow removals adjacent to the A140 in around January or February 2018 so that this work can be completed before nesting season restrictions come into effect in March. This work may pre-empt the next capacity auction which we were led to believe is in February 2018, however the timing of these actions will be confirmed at the meeting noticed by Drax for 30th October in Eye and which no doubt the Parish Council will attend.
Also, Drax is in the process of deciding its community benefit area with council officers which was originally identified as Eye, Yaxley, Mellis and Thrandeston. I will provide more information about this process when known.
- Schools Admissions Policy - Suffolk County Council is consulting on amendments to its admissions policy for the 2019/2020 school year (excluding voluntary aided, foundation, free schools and academies). This runs from 2nd October – 13th November 2017.
To view the consultation documents and respond to the proposals, please visit
- Correspondence received.
Signed: ______Date: ______
4th October 2017.
Yaxley Parish Council.
- Various documents from SALC.
- Various emails from Suffolk Community Foundation.
- Town and Parish Council Newsletter.
- Various emails from the Highways Department Suffolk County Council.
- Clerks and Councils Direct.
- The Local Councillor.
- Request for memorial stone.
- InfoLink.
- Lord Henniker.
- Suffolk on-Board.
- Jessica Fleming - bus routes.
- New police constable.
- Data Protection registration.
- Community magazine printing.
- Invitation to Mid Suffolk CAB AGM.
- Invitation to Stowmarket Delivering and Vision for Prosperity.
- Precept Consultation.
- Suffolk Highways and Suffolk’s Highways.
- Suffolk Most Active Community Competition.
Signed: ______Date: ______
4th October 2017.
Yaxley Parish Council.
- Yaxley Allotments:
- Update on allotment gardens and tenancy agreement.
- Report on the number of vacant plots: 19.
- Applications for plots:Jane King from Wortham: the application was agreed.
- Tenancy agreements for 2017/2018 and annual rent: the rent was agreed and set at £30, proposed by Councillor Hawes and seconded by Councillor A Luff. It was agreed that the vacant plots will be advertised in the Yaxley Messenger.
- Unused plots:
- Nothing to report.
- Highway matters:
- Portable Speed Aware Device.
- It was agreed that the site and battery would be changed each month.
- Pedestrians, including young children, using Mellis Road at peak times.
- Nothing to report.
- Finances and financial report.
- Balances on Accounts: 25th September 2017.
- Current account: £4,676.33.
- Deposit account: £5,569.06
- External Audit Report.
- The external audit report highlighted the issues which had been raised under the internal audit report, and they had been actioned.
- Financial report.
- Detailed accounts, had been given to Councillors, which recorded all items of income and expenditure, and compared them to the budget. The spreadsheet also showed both as a percentage of the budget.
- The accounts were to the date of this meeting.
- There were no questions from Councillors.
- To authorise cheques for signature:
N.B. Cheque signatories to initial cheque stub and invoice.
Payee / Details / Cheque Number / Amount / PowerP Freeman / Clerk’s Pay and Expenses / 101093 / £204.86 / LGA 1972 S112 (i)
HMRC / PAYE / 101094 / £50.40 / LGA 1972 S111
David Newcombe / Grass cutting / 101095 / £70.00 / LGA 1972 S111
Yaxley Community Centre / Recycling Credits / 101096 / £156.02 / LGA 1972 S111
Yaxley PCC / Recycling Credits / 101097 / £156.02 / LGA 1972 S111
Business Services at CAS Ltd / Insurance premium / 101098 / £528.56 / LGA 1972 S111
Signed: ______Date: ______
4th October 2017.
Yaxley Parish Council.
- It was unanimously agreed to pay the invoices listed above, proposed by CouncillorWright and seconded by Councillor Moore.
- Requests for financial support: none.
- Receipts:
- Precept - £2,625.00
- Recycling credit: £312.05
- Memorial: £90.00
These were noted.
- Update on Emergency Plan.
- Councillor I Luff had researched what would be required to support the Emergency Plan.
- It was agreed to purchase dry food (£180, which should last for 5 years), soup (£30, would last for 2 months) and paper and pens. It was agreed to purchase what was required at a cost of £272. Proposed by Councillor I Luff and seconded by Councillor Hawes.Action: Councillor I Luff.
- The accommodation would be required for one night.
- Review of Risk Assessments:
- Defibrillator.
- The risk assessment was agreed.
- Speed Indicator Device.
- Councillors were asked to email the Clerk any comments on this risk assessment. Action: Councillors.
- Report on Babergh and Mid Suffolk Joint Local Plan Consultation.
The following report was given to Councillors and had been compiled by the Chairman. He and Councillor Moore had attended the briefing. It was agreed the Clerk should register the Parish Council online and print off the questionnaire. Action: The Clerk. Councillors were asked to look at the sites which had been put forward in Yaxley. Action: Councillors.
- Yaxley Community Centre:
- Car Park and Security of the Community Centre.
- Nothing to report.
- Parish Council matters for publication in the Yaxley Messenger.
- The availability of allotments.
- The Emergency Plan will be active by the end of the year.
- Planning:
- Applications:
- Application Number: DC/17/03920
Proposal: Erection of straw barn and biomass building.
Location Church Farm, Nicks Lane, Brome and Oakley.
- It was agreed that the Parish Council should make no comment. Proposed by Councillor Hawes and seconded by Councillor I Luff.
- Application Number: DC/17/04605
Proposal: erection of 10 dwellings (including 6 affordable), 2 flats and one retail unit.
Location: Land off Cherry Tree Close, Yaxley.
Yaxley Parish Council objects to this planning application for the following reasons:
- There have been serious problems for the past fourteen years in the adoption of the existing development of Cherry Tree Close by Suffolk County Council. To further develop this area, without the existing development being adopted, would be a serious mistake.
- The existing amenity area on Cherry Tree Close was considered as part of the development. To build on it would alter the structure of, and facilities for, Cherry Tree Close.
- The local infrastructure would not sustain the building of this number of additional properties in Yaxley:
- There are insufficient health care facilities locally.
- The local schools have limited capacity to cope with additional children.
- There is little public transport in the area.
- There is no footpath alongside the road to the nearest primary school and this would increase the use of private cars to take children from a new development to the school.
- The original site of the development on Cherry Tree Close had significant levels of contamination and it is likely that the site, where the development of the 10 dwellings is planned, will also be contaminated.
- By adding 10 new dwellings there would be a significant increase in congestion on Cherry Tree Close caused by parked cars at night and during weekends. This would cause problems for access to Cherry Tree Close, in particular, by emergency vehicles and, through the Close to the development where the 10 new dwellings would be situated.
- The main part of the development would be outside the existing settlement boundary.
- Applications – no decisions to date:
- Application Number: DC/17/04028
Proposal: outline planning application (access to be considered) – Erection of 2 No dwellings and garages.
Location: Conifers, Mellis Road, Yaxley IP23 8DB.
- Planning decisions:
- Approved:
- Application Number: DC/17/02810
Proposal: householder planning application - direction of side and rear extension. Install new rooflights, replace windows and repair render throughout.
Location: 13 Maple Close, Yaxley IP23 8DQ.
- Refused:
- Discharge of conditions application for 1822/16 - condition 4.
Location: Yaxley Manor House, Mellis Road, Yaxley.
- Withdrawn: None.
- Appeal by: None.
- Play area:
- To receive Play Area Inspection Report.
Councillor Fisher made the following points:
- It was pleasing to see that the Annual Inspection Report did not find any major problems with the equipment.
- She had replaced the plastic capon the main climbing frame that had been highlighted as missing.
- Jobs to be done.
- The bench could do with a coat of protective paint before winter.
- The platform under the slide needed repairing/replacing before it rots further.
- The left swing had metal exposed.
- There were trip hazards under the big swings, but the platforms were turning up at the corners and that’s not something the bark will sort out.
- A considerable quantity of weeds was coming through the bark across the whole area and some of these were brambles. As the autumn leaves were falling this will make the work to remove them more difficult.
- The bin was well used over the last period. There had been a problem with beer cans left lying on the ground and more recently some wooden ‘slat’ rubbish had been scattered over the area. Itwas not from the immediate area because some was painted gloss white.
- Annual Play Inspection Report.
- This will be considered at the next meeting.
- Yaxley Cemetery:
- To consider inspection report - Councillor J Hawes.
- The memorials were all safe.
- The grass and hedges had been cut.
- Councillor Hawes had met Chris Farrant, tree surgeon, and there was an estimate for the work of £160. The cost will be shared with Yaxley Parochial Church Council.
- To receive Councillor’s reports.
- Councillor Luff – EPR.
- Nothing to report.
- Nothing to report.
- Councillor Moore - Yaxley Town Estates Fund.
- Nothing to report.
- AOB - Any items raised earlier but not for an extended discussion or decisions and items for inclusion at the meeting on25th October 2017 and 15thNovember 2017.
- Councillor Hall reported that an accident had occurred on the play area in June 2017. He will send the details to the Clerk and they will be recorded. Action: Councillor Hall and the Clerk.
- The signpost on the A140, at the first Yaxley junction from the Ipswich direction, was being obscured and the hedge needed to be cut back.
Meeting closed at 9:25 p.m.
Signed: ______Date: ______
4th October 2017.