New Jersey Association of County & City Health Officials
Strategic Planning Checklist
The following checklist is designed to help you finalize your strategic plan for submission to PHAB as a prerequisite for accreditation application. PHAB Requirements, indicated below, must be included in your strategic plan.
Content / PHABMusts / Comment / Done
Membership of Planning Group / Yes / Includes:
1. List of participants and their titles
2. Participants include governing entity members or representatives
3. Documentation of meeting (minutes or a report)
Description of planning steps / Yes / 1. Summary of process
a. No. of meetings
b. Duration of process
c. Methods used
2. Description of steps
b. Environmental Scan
c. Stakeholder analysis
d. Etc.
Date of Plan / Yes / (Must be within the last 5 years)
Duration of Plan / Yes / Must define HD’s roles, priorities, and direction over 3 to 5 years
Strategic Plan Content:
Mission, Vision & Values / Yes
Strategic Priorities / Yes
Goals and Objectives / Yes / Must be measurable and time-framed
External trends, events and factors / Yes / Factors that may impact community health or the LHD
Linkages with the CHIP / Yes / Include HD’s roles & responsibilities for CHIP
Linkages with HD’s QI Plan / Yes
Implementation of Strategic Plan
Implementation plan / No / However, very important component to assure plan is implemented smoothly.
Annual Reports / Yes / Documenting progress and including:
1. Hot targets are monitored
2. Revisions/updates to the plan
Milne & Associates, LLC