Approved 10/5/05
WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2005, 4:30 P.M.
Present: Selectmen Skipper Manter, Glenn Hearn, John Early, Jen Rand
Guests: Tom Pachico, Steve Berlucchi, Art Smadbeck, Sarah Johnson, Dick Johnson, Tristan Isreal, Woody Williams, Jim Newman, Michael Donaroma, Ray La Porte, Linda Hearn, Margaret Serpa, D. Cabot, E. Mendenhall, I. Fein, B. Potts, D. Cabot, J. Revere
Sarah Johnson/Landscape Plan: Sarah presented her plan for landscaping around the renovated town hall, which she created as an entry to the agricultural fair and won first prize for. She showed a detailed plan with plant varieties and costs associated both with the purchase of those plants and the annual maintenance. The Board thanked her for her hard work.
County Government Discussion: Skipper said he had invited the other town Boards of Selectmen for a discussion about whether they feel a study of County government is warranted, and if so, how would that be accomplished. He said he did not wish to get into a discussion of the merits of the County, that would be left up to whom every studied the County. Tristan said that was fine, but he didn’t think everyone would have come to the meeting if they didn’t feel there was a problem with the County. Ray said that there was a study committee about 20 years ago, and a look at the County should begin with that report. Glenn said he would like that Committee to look at how other counties have been abolished. Art said that Edgartown might be willing to participate in a study to look at how the County works, and he thought it was important to highlight what the County provides to towns also. Skipper said he thought the Committee should not include elected officials; Tristan disagreed because the elected officials have more interaction with the County and have some basis for understanding the issues. Tom said he thought it would be a good idea to hire an outsider to conduct the study because they would be unbiased. Ted Stanley said he had been on the original committee and thought the first step would be to read that report. Steve said he thought the County Commissioners should be included in the process. Tristan suggested that each town Board of Selectman appoint one person to be on a small committee to get the study going. John said he thought in addition, a member of the County Commissioners should be on the committee.
CPA Bylaw: The decision was made to add that the Selectmen’s designee shall not be a Selectman. The Board decided that it was important to get this committee moving, so a special town meeting was scheduled.
J. Early motioned to hold a special town meeting on October 18, 2005 and further to close the warrant on September 23, 2005. G. Hearn seconded the motion. The vote on the motion was unanimous in favor.
Appointments: J. Early motioned to appoint Maeve Sheehen to the Personnel Board for a term of three years. G. Hearn seconded the motion. The vote on the motion was unanimous in favor.
J. Early motioned to appoint Patricia Durfee to the Conservation Commission for a term of one year. G. Hearn seconded the motion. The vote on the motion was unanimous in favor.
Minutes: G. Hearn motioned to approve the minutes of 8/24/05. J. Early seconded the motion. The vote on motion was unanimous in favor.
VTA Bus Stop: Jen said she had spoken to the Whitings and while they were okay with the VTA bus stop being moved to the cemetery lot, they did not want it to become permanent. They also suggested that the road be laid out where it would be for the cemetery so the field is disturbed as little as possible. Jen suggested sending a letter to the Whitings assuring them the stop would be temporary and be removed at the completion of the town hall renovation.
Stabilization Fund: J. Early motion to approve the Stabilization Fund Policy. G. Hearn seconded the motion. The vote on the motion was unanimous in favor.
Respectfully Submitted by Jennifer Rand, Executive Secretary