Missouri Folklore Society Board Meeting
Thursday November 1, 2012
Old Peace Chapel Basement
Daniel Boone Home
Defiance MO
Present: Meredith Rau (presiding), Adam Davis (secretary), Dave Para (treasurer), Cathy Barton-Para, Cecil Williams, Ruth Williams, Judy Domeny, Jim Caudle, LuAnne Roth, Gary Buxton, Barb Price, Betsy Delmonico, Lyn Wolz
Meredith called the meeting ot order at 4:25
Introductions went around the room.
Reports of Secretary and Treasurer (Davis and Para)
Minutes reported from the meeting at Ste Genevieve (November 2011), both Thursday & Saturday meetings. Adam apologized for losing the meeting minutes from March in Columbia (flashdrive failure). Ellen moved, Betsy second, minutes passed
Dave brought forward treasurer’s report (attached). The membership continues its gradual decline. Balances are good, but earnings poor – verylow interest rates. In the past we’ve used these to fund student awards, but we have ample cash on hand for the purpose. Now that publications are moving to digital delivery, our bulk mail permit doesn’t make sense anymore (renewal due in December)
Adam left membership line off the registration form; this must be rectified in 2013. Some additional registrations are continuing to arrive. We expect expenses from Lyn’s and the Fishers’ journal, $2-3000late this year. Acceptance of reports moved by Jim V, seconded Barb Price, approved on voice vote.
Discussion: we need to use the annual meeting announcement to re-register and get people to renew membership. What is the reason for becoming a member?
Announcements regarding Defiance meeting (co-presidents Rau & Fuller)
Plans for 2013 – Trout Lodge (Faries, Caudle, Massey) suspended until Saturday.
Plans for 2014
Previous resolution to alternate between center and metro areas noted
Publications reports
Lyn – page proofs 27-28 2005-6; we’re trying to keep things sequential. We need to firm up the copyright policy, re-affirm the sequence and move ahead.
Will we agree to the JAF/Indiana proposal to digitize back issues and newsletter? Communication committee will meet.
Adam reported the newsletter current and the website at 50000 hits.
Jim V reported process of digitizing journals suspended, since JSTOR & others may be interested in taking over.
Committee Reports
a) Schroeder endowment fund see treasurer’s report. Nobody applied this year
b) long term communication group (Wolz, Vandergriff, Rogers, Para, et al) will meet.
New Business
a) MFS honorary awards (Para, Barton-Para, others) working with Becky
b) MFS brochure report to come from Liz
c) nominations for the board 2009-2012 rolled over to 2012-2015
nominating Liz and Jan and Ellen as co presidents
Meredith nominated, Betsy seconded passed
Additions to board -- encouraged
The meeting was adjourned at 5:20
Respectfully submitted,
Adam Davis