Present:-D.Hughes, L.Walker, K.Powers, A. Seyfried, A.Needle, J.Farris.

Apologies:-J.Nicholas, S.Allman, K.Sansum, T.Budd, B.Meades.

  1. Minutes of last meeting.

Read and agreed.

  1. Matters arising.

The 2 cycle racks are now in place.

On the same day as the Health Promotion day, Jayne Nicholas gave an excellent presentation about dementia which was helpful and practical. It was attended by the Health Coaches.

LW has put in a further bid for funding to make changes to the waiting room and for redecoration.

  1. Health Coaches.

Two Health coaches Mary Guppy and Lianne Steer, attended the meeting to talk about their new role as part of the Symphony project.

They told us that it was enhanced primarycare to stop patients from being admitted to hospital, or to help on discharge. The process is evolving and there are now 50 coaches across Somerset.

The practice identifies the patients who have complex care needs and the coaches are pro-active with non clinical support. They will help patients to manage their condition and will liaise with the practice nurses.

It already appears that hospital admissions are going down. DH thanked them for their attendance.

  1. Report from the Health Promotion Day.

This was attended by BM, JF and AS. The dietician had provided an interesting and thought provoking exhibition, but sadly not many people attended. It was agreed however that it was worth doing.

  1. Friends and Family survey.

The latest report is on the website.

  1. Received comments.

There was one comment requesting a drinks machine in the waiting room. It was agreed that this was expensive and not practical. Patients could bring their own drinks, and staff are always willing to get a glass of water for anyone who needs it.

  1. AOB.

AS talked about the report on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder which can affect people in all walks of life, not just military personel. She stressed that diagnosis was important. There is a veteran’s survival book which could be held in the surgery.

Flu Fun Day. It was suggested that the Fire officer might like to attend again. LW to ask him.

The dietician could be askedifshe would like a stand, but we could also perhaps do a food quiz sheet.

September News Letter. a. Health Coaches, b. Health Promotion day, c. On line access.

Date of next meeting 6.30pm Wednesday July27th.