Professor Theo Farrell’s Publication List


A Transformation Gap? American Innovations and European Military Change (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, forthcoming 2009) [co-edited with Terry Terriff and Frans Osinga].

Security Studies: Critical Approaches to International Relations, 5 volumes, editor (London and New York: Routledge, forthcoming 2009).

International Law and International Relations (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007) [co-authored with David Armstrong and Hélène Lambert], 304pp.

Force and Legitimacy in World Politics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005) [co-edited with Bice Maiguashca and David Armstrong], iv + 266pp.

The Norms of War: Cultural Beliefs and Modern Conflict (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 2005), vii + 225pp.

Governance and Resistance in World Politics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004) [co-edited with Bice Maiguashca and David Armstrong].

The Sources of Military Change: Norms, Politics, Technology (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 2002), vii + 301 [co-edited with Terry Terriff], vii + 301pp.

  • Published in simple-character Chinese (Taiwan: Ministry of National Defense, 2006), 329pp.

Weapons Without A Cause: The Politics of Weapons Acquisition in the United States (Basingstoke and New York: Macmillan and St. Martin’s Press, 1997), xv + 230pp.

Journal articles

‘The Dynamics of British Military Transformation,’International Affairs 84/4 (2008): 777-808.

‘Strategic Culture and American Empire,’ The SAIS Review of International Affairs 25/2 (2005): 3-18.

‘World Culture and Military Power’, Security Studies 14/3 (2005): 448-488.

‘Constructivist Security Studies: Portrait of a Research Programme’, International Studies Review 4/1 (2002): 49-72.

  • reprinted in Paul F. Diehl, ed., War: Vol. 2 (Sage, 2004).
  • translated and published as: ‘A Segurança Sob a Ótica Construtivista: Retrato de um Programa de Pesquisa,’ Cena Internacional 6/2 (2004): 119-143

‘Memory, Imagination and War’, History 87/285 (2002): 61-73.

‘Courting Controversy: International Law, National Norms, and American Nuclear Use’, Review of International Studies 27/3 (2001): 309-326 [co-authored with Hélène Lambert].

‘Transnational Norms and Military Development: Constructing Ireland’s Professional Army, European Journal of International Relations 7/1 (2001): 63-102.

‘America’s Misguided Mission’, International Affairs 76/3 (2000): 709-718.

Isms and Schisms: Culturalism versus Realism in Security Studies’, International Security 24/ 1 (1999): 161-168.

‘Counting the Costs of the Nuclear Age’, International Affairs 75/ 1 (1999): 151-158.

‘Professionalization and Suicidal Defence Planning by the Irish Army, 1921-41’, Journal of Strategic Studies 21/3 (1998): 67-85.

‘Culture and Military Power’, Review of International Studies 24/3 (1998): 407-416.

‘“The Model Army”: Military Imitation and the Enfeeblement of the Army in Post-Revolutionary Ireland, 1922-42’, Irish Studies in International Affairs 8 (1997): 111-127.

‘Figuring Out Fighting Organisations: The New Organisational Analysis in Strategic Studies’, The Journal of Strategic Studies 19/1 (1996): 122-135.

‘Sliding into War: The Somalia Imbroglio and US Army Peace Operations Doctrine’, International Peacekeeping 2/2 (1995): 194-214.

‘Waste in Weapons Acquisition: How the Americans Do It All Wrong’, Contemporary Security Policy 16/2 (1995): 192-218.

‘Weapons Without A Cause: Buying Stealth Bombers the American Way’, Arms Control 14/2 (1993): 115-150.

Chapters in edited collections

‘International Law and Stability Operations,’ in James J. Wirtz and Jeffrey A. Larsen (eds.)Naval Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Operations: Stability from the Sea (London: Routledge, forthcoming 2009), pp. 42-57.

‘The Limits of Security Governance: Technology, Law and War’, in Brian Rappert, eds., Technology and Security: Governing Threats in the New Millennium (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2007), pp. 111-132.

‘Global Norms and Military Effectiveness’, in Risa A. Brooks and Elizabeth A. Stanley, eds., Creating Military Power: The Sources of Military Effectiveness (Stanford, CA: StanfordUniversity Press, 2007), pp. 136-157.

‘Humanitarian Intervention and Peacekeeping’, in John Baylis, Colin Gray, and James Wirtz and Eliot Cohen, eds., Strategy in the Contemporary World , second edition (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2007), pp. 313-334. (revised version)

‘Force and Legitimacy in World Politics,’ in Armstrong et al (eds)., Force and Legitimacy in World Politics (Cambridge University Press, 2005), pp. 3-13.

‘The Suicidal Army: Civil-Military Relations and Strategy in Independent Ireland,’ in Tom Garvin, Maurice Manning and Richard Sinnott, eds., Dissecting Irish Politics (Dublin: UCD Press, 2004), pp. 48-65.

‘Humanitarian Intervention and Peacekeeping’, in Eliot Cohen, John Baylis, Colin Gray, and James Wirtz, eds., Strategy in the Contemporary World (Oxford and New York: OxfordUniversity Press, 2002), pp. 286-308.

‘The Sources of Military Change’ and ‘Military Change into the new Millennium’, both in Farrell and Terriff, eds., The Sources of Military Change (Boulder, CO.: Lynne Rienner, 2002), pp. 3-20, 265-277 [both co-authored with Terry Terriff].

‘World Culture and the Irish Army, 1922-1942’, in Farrell and Terriff, eds., The Sources of Military Change (Boulder, CO.: Lynne Rienner, 2002), pp. 69-90.

‘Culture and Military Studies’, in Theo Farrell, Michael Duffy and Geoff Sloan, eds., Strategic Policy Studies 3: Culture and Command (SPSG, 2000), pp. 1-10.

‘United States Marine Corps Operations in Somalia: a Model for the Future’, in Theo Farrell, Geoffrey Till, and Mark Grove, eds., Amphibious Warfare (Camberley: Strategic and Combat Studies Institute, 1997), pp.43-56.

‘Making Sense of Doctrine’, in Duffy, Farrell and Sloan, eds., Strategic Policy Studies 1: Doctrine and Military Effectiveness (Exeter: SPSG, 1997), pp. 1-5.

‘Superpower Summitry’, in David H. Dunn, ed., Diplomacy at the Highest Level (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1996), pp.67-87 [co-authored with Michael Anderson].

Research grants

Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) conference grant (2006): £4,850

ESRC-SSRC Visiting Fellowship award (2006): £5,000 [with Terry Terriff]

ESRC grant (2005): £137,000 [co-applicant with Terry Terriff]

Arts and Humanities Research Board award (1998): £7,200.

21st Century Trust grant (1998): £2,300.

ESRC grant (1997): £22,700.

ESRC postgraduate award (1991): £2,000.

British Foreign and Commonwealth Office scholarship (1989): £9,000.

Conference and seminar papers

Conference Papers

‘Weapons Without A Cause: The Politics of Weapons Acquisition in the United States’, BISA Swansea (12/1992).

‘Weapons Without A Cause’, European Consortium for Political Research Joint Sessions of Workshops (ECPR) Limerick (04/1992).

‘Can a Leopard Change its Spots? The Rhetoric and Reality of NATO’s Transformation’, ECPR Leiden (04/1993)

‘Why America Failed to Restore Hope in Somalia: Culture, Politics and Learning in US Military Organisations’, BISA York (12/1994).

‘Why America Failed to Restore Hope in Somalia’, American Studies Group of the Political Studies Association annual conference, Keele (01/1995).

‘Innovation and Adaptation in Military Organisations: US Army Peacekeepers at War in Somalia’, ECPR, Bordeaux (04/1995).

‘Innovation and Adaptation in Military Organisations’, BISA Southampton (12/1995).

‘Military Innovation in Organisations Without Enemies’, ISA San Diego (04/1996)

‘United States Marine Corps Operations in Somalia: A Model for the Future’, Maritime Security Working Group Conference, Britannia Royal Naval College (06/1996).

‘The Suicidal Army: Military Imitation and the Enfeeblement of the Irish Army’, BISA Durham (12/1996).

‘Culture and Military Power’, BISA Leeds (12/1997).

‘“When Theory Ruins Practice”: Military Professionalism and Suicidal Defence Planning by the Irish Army during World War Two’, BISA Leeds (12/1997).

‘Norms and New Armies’, ISA Minneapolis (04/1998).

‘Constructing Nuclear Use: Deterrence Norms and International Law in State Practice’, ISA-ECPR Vienna (09/1998).

‘Constructivist Security Studies’, BISA Manchester (12/1999).

‘Constructivist Security Studies’, ISA Los Angeles (04/2000).

‘Global Norms and Military Effectiveness’, ISA Montreal (03/2004).

‘Why British Scholars Must Read Mearsheimer,’ ISA Montreal (03/2004).

‘Strategic Culture and American Empire’, BISA Warwick (12/2004).

‘Civilians, Combatants, and the Changing Rules of LOAC,’ Royal United Service Institute (RUSI) conference on Rules of Engagement (07/2006).

‘New Trends in Warfare,’ 7th Annual RUSI/DEM Future Land Warfare Conference, Tomorrow’s Army: Today’s Challenges, London (06/2007)

‘Military Transformation, Strategic Culture, and the Future of US Power Projection’, BISA US Foreign Policy Working Group Annual Conference, Manchester (09/2007).

‘The Transformation Gap?’, RUSI conference on Transatlantic Defence Trade (10/2007).

‘The Dynamics of British Military Transformation,’ IISS Montreal (10/2007).

‘NATO Officer Attitudes to Military Transformation,’ Transforming Network Centric Warfare conference, London (01/2008).

‘British Military Transformation,’ presentation to the Danish Defence Commission, RUSI, London (03/2008).

Workshop/Seminar Papers

‘Superpower Summitry’, GraduateSchool of International Studies, University of Birmingham (1994).

‘The New Organisational Analysis in Strategic Studies’, Security Studies Research Programme, University of Birmingham (1996).

‘Norms, New Armies and the Making of Irish Military Weakness’, Department of Politics, University of Bristol (1997).

Humanitarian Intervention and Peace Operations’, Project on Contemporary Strategy, US Naval PostgraduateSchool, Monterey (1999).

‘Transnational Norms and Military Development’, Center for International Security and Cooperation, StanfordUniversity (2000).

‘The Norms of War’, Dept of Politics, UniversityCollegeDublin (2001).

‘The Logics of US Nuclear Transformation’, Dept. of Government, University of Manchester (2003).

‘Global Norms and Military Effectiveness’, Project on Military Effectiveness, Northwestern University (2004).

‘World Culture and Military Power’, Dept. of War Studies, King’s College London (2004)

‘World Culture and Military Power’, Centre of International Studies, University of Cambridge (2004)

‘Humanitarian Intervention and Peace Operations’, Project on Contemporary Strategy, US Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey (2005).

‘Cultural Analysis in Strategic Studies,’ Project on Comparative Strategic Culture, US Naval PostgraduateSchool, Monterey (2005).

‘Rethinking Security and Power,’ IPPR/LSE workshop on Progressive Foreign Policy for the United Kingdom (07/2006).

‘Strategic Culture and the Future of Warfare’, Project on Comparative Strategic Culture, University of Reading (08/2006).

‘The Dynamics of Military Transformation,’ Center for Naval Analysis, WashingtonD.C. (04/2007) [with Terry Terriff].

‘British Military Transformation,’ workshop on European Military Transformation, King’s College London (09/2007) [with Tim Bird].

‘The Dynamics of British Military Transformation’, Oxford Strategic Studies Club, University of Oxford (03/2008).