2017 – 2018 SEASON /
Returning member / New member
FAMILY NAME: / Title (Mr Mrs Miss Ms etc):
First Name: / Occupation:
Address: / Postcode:
Phone numbers - Home: / Work: / Mobile:
Email address:
Date of Birth: / Have you played tennis before? / Yes / / No /
If yes, to what level?Beginner / Average / / Better than average /
Are you interested in playing Interclub? / Yes / / No /
Are you interested in receiving coaching? / Yes / / No /
Are you a returning: Senior Midweek Intermediate Superannuitant
Tertiary Student Social/Casual
I agree to be bound by the existing rules and by-laws of the Lynfield Tennis Club, Inc; current at the time of joining (these are available on request).
Fees are payable on application for membership. If my application is not successful I understand my fees will be refunded by the Club. Receipts are issued for cash, otherwise on request. (Subscriptions are inclusive of affiliation fees, asset development levy & GST.)
This form will be used by the Lynfield Tennis Club Inc. to compile a membership list. This will be provided to Auckland Tennis (as obliged under the Incorporated Societies Act). I consent to my name and contact details forming part of the Club membership list and Year Book.
SENIOR: New* / $250 / until 31 December2017
SENIOR: Returning / $350 / or$320if paid by 1 September 2017
$380 if not paid in full by 31 December
$370.00 if not paid in full by 31December 2014
MIDWEEK / $245
SOCIAL/CASUAL** / $60 / please note conditions
INTERCLUB FEE ($15 per season for members wishing to play interclub)
*A New Senior is a person who has never been a member, or has had a break of 3 or more years.
**Social/Casual memberships are for partners or friends of existing members who would like to come down for the occasional hit but do not wish to take on a full membership (conditions apply). No key will be given as part of this membership and the member cannot play interclub.
Family Membership discounts of 10% are available for 3 or more members of immediate family living at the same address. Please note if taking family discount all family members subs must be paid with one cheque.
We would prefer fees to be paid DIRECT CREDIT to ASB 12 3082 0079878 00
(useplayer’s fullname and Reference Number above as reference)
PLEASE MAKE CHEQUES PAYABLE TO:LYNFIELD TENNIS CLUB and post to (along with this form): The Treasurer, Lynfield Tennis Club, PO BOX 163005, Lynfield, Auckland 1443
LTC Senior Enrolment FormAugust 2017