Nova Southeastern University

Fischler School of Education and Human Services

Faculty Information Summary (FISF) Form Instructions

Please note that while this first-time use of the form may take some time to complete, annual updates will then be minimal. It is desirable to be able to provide a standard format for faculty information (i.e., resumé) for program reviews for state approval, reaccreditation purposes, etc. Your assistance in completing the Faculty Information Summary (FISF) form is very much appreciated. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Linda Stark via email at or by phone at (954) 262-8393.

  1. Using your web browser(Internet Explorer 6 or 7), type in
  1. At the log-in screen (see figure 1), type in your Nova email username and password, and then return. This is the same information as when you login to WebCT.

Figure 1

  1. Click on the orange bar titled “Faculty Information Summary Form (FISF)”.

Figure 2

  1. Name and Contact Info – Type in any missing information (see figure 3). When finished, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on the“Next” button to save and proceed.

(NOTE: You may go in and out of any of the various screens (i.e., publications, etc.) by clicking on that subject area listed on the left side of each screen. Just click on that item, and it will take you to that screen.)

Figure 3

  1. Areas of Expertise – Use key words for primaryteaching discipline (maximum of 100 characters), secondary teaching discipline (maximum of 100 characters) and documented areas of expertise. Space is limited. When finished, click on the “Next” button at the bottom of the screen.

Figure 4

  1. Degrees – Some information may already appear here (see figure 5). If so, this is information obtained from your transcripts, and you are not able to change any information already appearing. If something appears to be incorrect, follow the instructions on the screen to add as “new” information; scroll to the bottom of the screen, click the “Add New” button,a new box (see figure 6) will appear where you may add as new information, and click “Save.” Click the “Add New” button each time to add each degree not already appearing.

Figure 5

After entering a new degree or correct degree information, click on “Save” each time.

When finished, click on the “Next” button.

Figure 6

  1. Professional Licenses/Certifications – Click the “Add New” button to add any areas of state certification (i.e., Administration, Elementary Education, Exceptional Student Education, etc., etc.), National Board certification, professional licenses, etc.

Figure 7

Click “save” for each new item added. When finished, click on the “Next” button.

Figure 8

  1. Teaching Experience– Click the “Add New” button each time to add each of your teaching experiences, starting with the most recent or current position. Use key words for “courses taught” (i.e., Math, Psychology, Elementary, K-12, etc.). Space is limited. Click “save” each time you add another experience. When finished listing your teaching experiences, click on the “Next” button.

Figure 9

  1. Related Work Experience – Click the “Add New” button each time to add each of your related work experiences (non-teaching experiences)(most recent first).Click on “save” each time you add an item. When finished, click on the “Next” button.

Figure 10

  1. Committees Served – Click the “Add New” button each time to list each committee upon which you have served at Nova and elsewhere. Each time you add a committee item, click “save.” When finished, click on the “Next” button.

Figure 11

  1. Honors and Awards – Click the “Add New” button each time to list each honor and/or award received. Click “save” each time you enter an honor/award. When finished, click on the “Next” button.

Figure 12

  1. Conference Presentations – Click the “Add New” button each time to list each presentation made at conferences. Click “save” for each time you enter a presentation. When finished, click on the “Next” button.

Figure 13

  1. Publications – Please only include publications beginning with the year 2000 to the present(most recent first). Click the “Add New” button each time to list each publication, and then click “Save” each time to add that item. When finished, click on the “Next” button.

Figure 14

  1. Submit for Review/Approval–

You may review everything you have completed by scrolling down the page. If you need to modify something, click on “Modify” next to that item. Once you have reviewed, modified, and have completed the form, be sure to click on the “Submit for Approval” button (back near top/center of page).” This will automatically submit your completed form to the Fischler School of Education and Human Services at NovaSoutheasternUniversity. It will not be submitted until you click on “Submit for Approval.”

Figure 15

  1. Acknowledgment – Thank you for your assistance. You have now successfully submitted the Faculty Information Summary Form (FISF).


If you have documents that you would like to scan and attach here electronically, click on “Yes” (see figure 16 below). If you click on “Yes,” you will be taken to the next screen.

If you do not wish to scan and attach any documents here, click on “No” (which will take you back to the very first screen), and then click on “Logout” at the upper right corner of the screen.

Figure 16

  1. Support Documentation – If you have documents you want to attach here electronically (not transcripts), you will need to scan the documents first to your computer. Once you have scanned the documents to your computer, click on “Browse” and select the documents you want to attach.Click on “Add Document” and it should then be listed below under “Uploaded Documents.”

NOTE: Any new degree listed will require an official transcript to be mailed to Employee Services at the Fischler School of Education and Human Services at Nova Southeastern University, 1750 N.E. 167 Street, N. Miami Beach, FL 33162.

Copies of certifications/licensures may also be scanned and attached here.

Figure 17

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