Purpose: To provide significant and sustainablefunding, in the form of sponsorship and/or donations, to ‘outcomes partners’, these being charitable organisations having a major and key role in contributing to the delivery of priority outcomes in the medium- to long-term.
Value:Approximately £14 millionper annum (2013/14)
Application: The Partnership Fund is not open to general application by organisations. The Board of LLAL will, informed by recommendations from its shareholder, choose to support those organisations and activities that it considers are making a significant contribution to the achievement of the objectives of this policy, and of priority outcomes for the people of Luton.
Assessment:LLAL is working in partnership with Luton Borough Council in order to ensure that it makes the appropriate interventions to achieve the priority outcomes set out in Luton’s Sustainable Communities Strategy. Theme Leads and Relationship Managers from LBC will be working with organisations to assess delivery against outcomes and to identify emerging needs, in order to assist the Board of Directors of LLAL in making decisions on donations from its Partnership Fund.
Contact:For matters relating to LLAL’s community Funding Policy in general, contact:
Mark Turner, Chief Finance Officer
T: 01582 546353
For matters relating to specific funding themes, see the contact details given below.
Themes:For strategic and administrative purposes, LLAL’s Partnership Fund is organised into eight funding Themes. These are:
Children & Families
To make Luton a place where children are able to live well, and healthily, and to aspire and achieve, safely and securely within a strong and supportive environment
Theme Lead: Bridget Cameron
T: 01582 548177
Citizen Enablement
To make Luton a place where citizens have seamless access to information, advice and advocacy, understand their rights and responsibilities; can make informed decisions; maximise their income, and enjoy fair access to justice and improved quality of life within a caring and responsible community
Theme Lead: Sue Nelson
T: 01582 547094
Community Involvement
To make Luton a place where people are able to live, work and socialise in harmony and mutual respect, through strengthening the bonds both within and across communities
Theme Lead: Sandra Hayes
T: 01582 548777
Community Safety
To make Luton a place where residents, communities and businesses can live and work free from the fear and impact of crime and anti-social behaviour
Theme Lead: Nikki Middleton
T: 01582 547253
Environment & Economy
To make Luton a place where people can secure good jobs, where businesses thrive and prosper, and where the built and natural environment is protected and improved
Theme Lead: Laura Church
T: 01582 546433
Health & Wellbeing
To make Luton a place where people are enabled and supported to live healthy and independent lives
Theme Lead: Michael McMahon
T: 01582 546201
Leisure & Culture
Tomake Luton a place where people can enjoy a vibrant urban lifestyle enhanced by participation in a wide range of leisure and cultural pursuits
Theme Lead: Adam Divney
T: 01582 547850
Young People
To make Luton a place where young people are supported in the transition to adulthood and those most disadvantaged or vulnerable helped to overcome challenge and reach their potential
Theme Lead: Jo Fisher
T: 01582 548006
Theme Visions:The attached documents set out, in more detail, the objectives, outcomes and areas of activity covered by each Theme, its links with other Themes, the evidence for the need for intervention, the outcomes by which success can be measured, and the interventions considered necessary and appropriate to bring about those outcomes.