Job Title:Donations Sorter (Books)

Responsible to:Warehouse and Commercial Manager

Accountable to:Commercial Director

Pay Point:3

Hours:37.5 hours per week

Job Summary

To sort and prepare donated books for sale in our Charity Shops throughout Worcestershire, following set procedures to ensure high standards of quality control at all times. The post holder will work as part of the Shops and Commercial team, with responsibility to sort through donated books at our Warehouse. The key objections will be to maximise book sales in our existing shops and ensure that appropriate stock is prepared for new outlets as and when required. The post holder will advise and assist Shop Managersand volunteers in all aspects of book sales and facilitate stock movement. Whilst the post will be based at the Warehouse in Leigh Sinton, there will be a requirement to spend time in shops throughout Worcestershire to provide training, cover and merchandising as directed bythe Line Manager.

Key Duties and Responsibilities

  • To process books following set procedures to separate saleable and un-saleable items.
  • To price books appropriately using St Richard’s Hospice guidelines.
  • To understand saleable books and knowing which are worth more research.
  • To plan and delegate daily workloads for warehouse volunteers as required.
  • To help train and develop volunteers in the warehouse and shops, increasing knowledge of book sales.
  • To work with Shop Managers and volunteers on how best to use the space in their shop and help merchandise the stock.
  • To investigate current book sales in our shops and identify how these could be increased.
  • To use appropriate internet websites to increase sales.
  • Toidentify items which are Gift Aided and take appropriate action.
  • To be aware of Trading Standards regulations concerning the resale of second hand goods.
  • To attend meetings and to report on progress identifying areas requiring action
  • To attend staff meetings as necessary
  • To comply with Health and Safety Regulations including safe manual handling procedures and complete daily warehouse Health Safety checks and temperature checks if required to do so, reporting immediate problems or incidents to the Line Manager or Commercial Director as required.


All staff are required to abide by St Richard’s Hospice policies and procedures, including confidentiality, equal opportunities and data protection.

This job description is not exhaustive and may be reviewed periodically.
