The Quitman County Board of Education met in a regular session onMay 1, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. in the Boardroom of the Administrative Office, 215 Kaigler Road. Mr. Loyd T. Lewis, Chairman, presided.
PRESENT: Mr. Loyd T. Lewis, Chairman; Mr. Willie J. Anderson, Vice Chairman; Mr.Billy Shirah, Sr. and Dr. Bobby D. Willis; Board members; and Mr. Allen Fort, Superintendent.
ABSENT: Mrs. Cynthia Balkcom.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lewis with a moment of silence followed by the Pledge.
On a motion by Dr. Willis and a second by Mr. Shirah, the Board voted unanimously (4, 0), to accept the agendaas printed. The motion passed.
The Superintendent recommended the approval of April 10, 2012 Board minutes. On a motion by Mr. Shirah and a second by Mr. Anderson, the Board voted unanimously (4, 0) to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation. The motion passed.
The Superintendent recommended the approval of April 17, 2012 Board minutes. The Board minutes were not approved due to an item missing that was discussed. Minutes will be approved when an attachment is ready or an amendment is added.
The Superintendent supplied the Board with information concerning copier leasing from Eufaula Business Machines. The Board said they would do bidding when the current lease expires.
The Superintendent and Board briefly discussed the housing and planning for the proposed Alternative School.
The Superintendent informed the Board about a change in cost by Cobb Electric.
The Superintendent reported that the next regular Board meeting would be held on June 5, 2012at 6:30 p.m.
The Superintendent recommended entering executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel. On a motion by Dr. Willis and a second by Mr. Anderson, the Board voted unanimously (4, 0), to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation. The motion passed.
On a motion by Mr. Anderson and a second by Mr. Shirah, the Board voted unanimously (4, 0), to resume regular session. The motion passed.
Chairman Lewis stated that the Board had met in executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel. No decisions were made and no votes were taken; only discussion took place. However, the Superintendent may have some recommendations resulting from the executive session.
The Superintendent recommended Mr. Jon-Eric Jones as principal of the Quitman County K-12 Schools. On a motion by Dr. Willis and a second by Mr. Anderson, the Board voted unanimously (4, 0), to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation. The motion passed.
The Superintendent recommended the list of reduction-in-force. On a motion by Mr. Shirah and a second by Mr. Anderson, the Board voted unanimously (4, 0), to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation. The motion passed.
The Superintendent recommended approval to employ Ms. Kelby Horton as a substitute teacher. On a motion by Mr. Shirah and a second by Mr. Anderson, the Board voted (4, 0) to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation. The motion passed.
The Superintendent and Board discussed the Superintendent’s Evaluation. The Evaluation will take place during the month of June in Executive Session. TheBoard said the Superintendent would need to arrange a time with the Board members, prior to his evaluation, to establish a grading system.
The Superintendent recommended Mr. Radney Williams continue to serve as a park ranger by the Teach-Ranger program and be paid by their program through our payroll department. The Board asked the Superintendent to look into how the process took place last year and supply them with further information.
1.Financial Report & Expenditures for April, 2012
The Superintendent recommended approval of the financial report and approval of expenditures for April, 2012. On a motion by Mr. Shirah and a second by Mr. Anderson,the Board voted unanimously (4, 0), to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation. The motion passed.
2.Tax Collections
The Superintendent reported the tax collections for the month of March, 2012. The Superintendent reported that the tax commissioner would be getting us a check on Monday or Tuesday for timberland. The check should be around $220,000, excluding our regular monthly amount.
1.Advertisement for Bids
The Superintendent recommended approval to advertise all annual goods and services for the 2012-2013 school year, as discussed from the list of items at the April 17, 2012 work session. On a motion by Mr. Shirah and a second by Mr. Anderson, the Board voted unanimously (4, 0), to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation. The motion passed.
2.Surplus Items
The Superintendent recommended approval to accept bids on the washer and dryer from the surplus items. The Board said instead of bidding item by item an auction should be held. The items that are not bought can be disposed of by proper channels. The old school buses need to also be added to the list. It was cleared from the Board’s attorney from the last auction that Board members are allowed to bid. The Superintendent said he would plan the auction during the month of June after school is closed.
3.Lunchroom Equipment Maintenance
The Superintendent recommended Safety Plus Fire Equipment for the upgrading of tanks and system to meet standards for the cafeteria. Their bid was $590.00. A bid was also submitted from Columbus Fire and Safety Equipment Company for $590.00. The Superintendent said he recommended Safety Plus because they had done the work in the past. The expiration of the last inspection expires May 2012. The Board would like for the Superintendent to check with the attorney concerning his recommendation and make sure his response is in writing.
4.2012-2013 Student Handbook
The Superintendent recommended placing the 2012-2013 Student Handbook on first reading. On a motion by Dr. Willis and a second by Mr. Shirah, the Board voted unanimously (4, 0), to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation. The motion passed.
5.Fund Balance Policy
The Superintendent recommended approval of the Fund Balance policy, descriptor code: DCL. The fund balance in the general fund at fiscal year-end was set to be not less than 5% of total revenues. On a motion by Mr. Anderson and a second by Dr. Willis, the Board voted unanimously (4, 0), to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation. The motion passed.
The Superintendent and Board briefly discussed the proposed bus shop and supplies.
The Superintendent informed the Board to contact him regarding any questions, feedback, or information needed on the proposed alternative school.
The Superintendent recommended the approval to have a basketball camp. Coach Butler will be conducting the program. The program will be for grades 6-12 and the cost will be $50.00. All proceeds would go toward the basketball account. The camp would be held 3 days per week. On a motion by Mr. Anderson and a second by Dr. Willis, the Board voted unanimously (4, 0), to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation. The motion passed.
Chairman Lewis stated that he would not be running as a Board member or Chairman for the upcoming election, July 2012. There will be a vacancy. It is an at-large position. Interested persons can sign up May 23-25, 2012.
With there being no other business to discuss, the Board voted unanimously (4, 0), to adjourn.