22nd May, 2011

Status : Closed Invitation

Organizers : Racecraft

3-6-168/5, Hyderguda,

Hyderabad - 500029.
Phone : 040-64566446
email :


(National Sports Federation recognized by the Government of India)


This event is held under the International Sporting Code of the Federation Internationale de’ Motocyclisme (FIM), the National Competition Rules (NCR) of The Federation of Motor Sports Clubs of India (FMSCI) and these Supplementary Regulations (SRs).


Entries open with the publication of these regulations.

Closing of Entries / Friday, 20th May, 2011 @ 21:00 hrs
Pre-Event Scrutiny / Venue : KartCave
Saturday, 21st May, 2011 @ 09:00 hrs
Compulsory Participants briefing / Venue : KartCave
Saturday, 21st May, 2011 @ 09:30 hrs
Start of practice / Saturday, 21st May, 2011 @ 09:45 hrs
Parc Ferme Opens / Sunday, 22nd May, 2011 @ 8:30 hrs
Parc Ferme Closes / Sunday, 22nd May, 2011 @ 09:00 hrs
Start of the event / Sunday, 22nd May, 2011 @ 09:15 hrs
Posting of Provision Results / Sunday, 22nd May, 2011 @ 12:00 hrs
Declaration of Official Results / Sunday, 22nd May, 2011 @ 12:30 hrs
Prize Distribution / Venue : KartCave
Sunday, 22nd May, 2011 @ 12:45 hrs

1. Official Notice Boards

Venue / Date
KartCave / From : Friday, 20th May, 2011 @ 11:00 hrs
To : Sunday, 22nd May, 2011 @ 18:00 hrs

Venue / Date
KartCave / From : Wednesday, 18th May, 2011 @ 11:00 hrs
To : Friday, 20th May, 2011 @ 20:30 hrs

Venue / Date
KartCave / From : Wednesday, 18th May, 2011 @ 11:30 hrs
To : Friday, 20th May, 2011 @ 21:00 hrs

Snow World, Lower Tank Bund road, Hyderabad - 500080. Ph : 040-64566446

5. Description of the course

The surface will be smooth tarmac and course will be 3 sets of figures of 8 and 0 around pre-determined obstacles. Participants have to complete the course without touching their foot / feet to the ground. The participant with the fastest time will be the winner.

6. Safety Plan

The whole course has a permanent steel barricading. Officials have a cabin to operate from. Spectators are restricted to a gallery on the mezanine floor. 2 Ambulances with Doctor and paramedics will be available for the entire duration of the event including the practice session. 20 fire extinguishers are always available besides a full sprinkler system consisting of 187 sprinklers. Adequate security is always in place.

Sponsor : KartCave
Organizer : Racecraft

2.1 Organizing Committee

Mazdayar Vatcha / Mudassar Khatri
Damanjit Vatcha / Devansh Mehta
Kainath Khatri / Syed Taher
Vignesh Mohan / Mandeep Singh Dhingra
Dr. Barkat Ali Khan / Md. Kaleem

1. Officials of the Meet

Chief Steward / Samir Patel
Steward / Vignesh Mohan
Steward / Mandeep Singh Dhingra
Chief Scrutineer / Mazdayar Vatcha
Scrutineer / Devansh Mehta
Clerk of the Course / Mazdayar Vatcha
Dy. Clerk of the Course / Devansh Mehta
Secretary of the Meet / Damanjit Vatcha
Addl. Secretary of the Meet / Kainath Khatri
Chief Track Marshal / Md. Kaleem
Competition Relations Officer / Mudassar Khatri
Chief Medical Officer / Dr. Barkat Ali Khan

2.3 Definitions and Abbreviations

FIM - Federation Internationale de Motocyclisme, Geneva

NCR - National competition Rules of the FMSCI

FMSCI - The Federation of Motor Sports Clubs of India

RC - Racecraft

CIB - Competitors Information Bulletin

Competitor - Any person or legal entity accepted for participation in the event

Race / Event - A race of a set number of laps or of certain duration of time

Parc Ferme - A zone in which no repairs or intervention is allowed except in cases expressly provided for in these regulations and / or any additions or amendments made thereto.

Finisher - A rider who has covered 100% of the course prescribed in the correct pattern and direction without putting his foot / feet on the ground.

Manufacturers Entry

Any entry will be considered a manufacturers entry if :

  • The entry is made by a vehicle / ancillary manufacturer, their franchisee holder, accredited dealer, agent or sub agent.
  • The entry is / or becomes a member of a vehicle manufacturer’s team or an ancillary manufacturer’s team
  • The entry in respect of a vehicle which, in the opinion of the organizers, has been provided by the vehicle / ancillary manufacturer or any organization or individual acting as their agent

Commercial Entry

  • The entry is sponsored by commercial organisation/s
  • The competitor carries the publicity of his sponsor/s on his riding gear and / or his vehicle

2.4 Organizers Contact Address




Ph : 040-64566446

email :

  1. Rights and Obligations of the Organizers

1. The organizers may issue any bulletin to participants at any time, approved by the FMSCI / Stewards. Written bulletin when issued shall be signed by each participant as proof of receipt and shall have the same legal force as these SRs. All bulletins will be communicated, dated and sequentially numbered. These bulletins shall have the force and will constitute an integral part of these regulations and will be posted at the official notice board. As far as possible, these bulletins shall be brought to the notice of the individual participant. However, it is the responsibility of the participants to acquaint themselves with the bulletins posted at the official notice boards.

  1. Alterations to the SRs : No alteration shall be made to the SRs after commencement of the period for receiving entries unless:
  • The FMSCI and all competitors already entered voluntarily agree to the alteration, or
  • The Stewards of the Meeting so decide for reasons of safety or force majeure as per the NCR
  • No document, including the final SRs relating to the provisions contained in the SRs shall be issued or published without the approval of the FMSCI.
  • The Stewards of the meet are empowered to take decisions on any case not covered by the regulations or its amendments and additions.
  • The organizers may at their discretion, can cancel, postpone the events in case of unforeseen circumstances i.e. under force majeure conditions as per the NCR.
  • The organizers and / or the Clerk of the Course reserve the right to delete or add in any manner, change any part of the track or the time requirements or the number of laps should they deem it necessary at any time due to force majeure conditions or for any other reason with the approval of the Stewards.
  • The organizers reserve the right to refuse entry of any entrant or participant with the approval of the FMSCI / Stewards
  • The organizers may at their absolute discretion amalgamate inferior classes with superior classes, as and when they deem it necessary, according to the number of entries received. A class will be formed if a minimum of 5 (five) entries are received, and all the 5 (five) vehicles come under the starters order.
  • The organizers and / or Clerk of the Course may appoint Judges of Fact who shall be named with their specific duty on what to judge. All the time control marshals at the start are nominated as judges of fact for judging jump or false start.


3.1 Status : Closed Invitation

3.2 FMSCI Permit No. : TBA

3.3 Interpretation of these regulations and any decisions regarding unforeseen circumstances shall rest with the Stewards of the Meet.

3.4 Any ruling by the Stewards of the meet will be final and binding and subject only to the right of appeal as provided for in the NCR.

1. Track Information

  1. This event will be run over a tarmac surface. Participants have to cover the course in the correct pattern and direction without putting their foot / feet on the ground.

2. Detailed information of the final track for each event will be released prior to the event.

  1. Track Rules
  2. The rules laid down herewith apply to all entrants and competitors and should be strictly adhered to. Disregard of any of these may entail EXCLUSION from the event.
  3. Only the competitors are permitted on to the circuit when called. Only the competing riders are allowed to ride the motorcycles and no one else is permitted to accompany the riders to the start line, with the exception of marshals and officials.
  4. Throughout the duration of the event, entrants, competitors and pit crew members must strictly adhere to the instruction of the Clerk of the Course and other officials.
  5. Competitors may proceed to the start line with the permission of the paddock marshal. Competitors returning to the pits must never cross the circuit or proceed in a direction opposite to the direction in which the course is running. Very strong disciplinary action will be taken by the Stewards, on notification by the Clerk of the Course, against any competitor violating safety regulations or any track rules.
  6. Any rider or motorcycle accidentally falling down must be cleared to the side of track immediately. Riders may start and continue without any outside assistance.
  7. Any rider or motorcycle accidentally breaking the course or leaving the marked area of the track shall rejoin the course where he or it has left it. Any infringement of this rule may entail EXCLUSION from the event, at the discretion of the Stewards, after it is reported to by the Clerk of the Course.
  8. It is binding on all competitors to obey flag signals. The different types of signals and flags are mentioned elsewhere in these regulations and are in accordance with the NCR.
  9. No competitor will compete under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any harmful stimulant. Any infringement of this rule will result in the competitor not being allowed to start or entail immediate EXCLUSION by the Stewards upon the recommendation of the Clerk of the Course.


  1. Entrant’s eligibility
  2. Each entrant should be the holder of a valid competition license issued by the FMSCI. For Group “D”, the rider must possess ‘One Event’ competition license. For all other groups viz. A, B,C FMSCI Full Competition License is a must. If the entrant is different from that of the first named rider or is a team, then FMSCI entrant license is a must.
  3. In case the competitor is other than the entrant, the competitor will be the official agent of his entrant and will thus, obey all rules that apply to the entrant.
  4. All competitors must be physically and mentally fit to compete and must be in possession of a valid medical certificate.
  1. Machine eligibility
  2. Fuel : The use of the following listed fuels is permitted.
  • Commercially available fuel with an upper octane rating not bigger than 93
  • Commercial aviation fuel conforming to 100/130 Av Gas
  • The use of aromatic or alcoholic fuel is prohibited. Power boosters and octane boosters are prohibited.


1. Any entrant wishing to enter a vehicle for this event must ensure that, at the date of scrutiny, the vehicle is prepared according to the FMSCI Two Wheeler Technical Regulations for the groups and classes he wished to enter.

2. The organizers reserve the rights to add or remove a class. The same will be informed by a bulletin.

Class / Stroke / Category / Vehicle Type & cc rating / Group
1 / 4 / Open / Indian Motorcycles upto 500cc / D
2 / 4 / Open / Foreign Motorcycles upto 1500cc / A
3 / 4 / Open / Indian Scooters upto 200cc / D
  1. Race Programme / Laps

Class / Race 1
Time / Laps
1 / 09:15 hrs / 1
2 / 10:00 hrs / 1
3 / 10:30 hrs / 1


  1. Entries may be made forthwith, but must be in the hands of the organizers not later than as per the programme
  2. Entry forms which are incomplete, except as provided by these regulations, or which are not accompanied with the appropriate fees and documents may be rejected.
  3. No amendments may be made to the entry form except in cases provided for in these regulations and amendments thereof.
  4. By the very fact of signing the entry form, the entrant and competitor submit and bind themselves to resort only to the NCR and jurisdiction specified therein and these regulations and amendments thereof.
  5. An entry may be submitted by telegram, provided it is received before the time mentioned above for closure of entries and a confirmations letter along with the entry fee is despatched simultaneously. A proof of this may be required. An entrant or competitor submitting an entry by telegram will not be permitted to compete unless he has completed all formalities and signed the entry form, indemnity declaration and undertaking as required under these regulations.
  6. An entry which contains false and/or incorrect statements will be deemed null and void and the entrant and competitor may be deemed guilty of breach of the NCR of the FMSCI and these regulations and the entry fees will be forfeited and the entrant and competitor EXCLUDED from the event.
  7. Maximum number of entries as specified below will be accepted on first come basis. Entries over this will be taken as reserve entries and be accepted on first come basis if vacancies arise.

Class / Maximum entries
1 / 50
2 / 50
3 / 50
  1. The organizers will advise the intending entrant or competitor whether their entry has been accepted.
  1. Entry Fees (in Indian Rupees)

Class / Own Members / Other FMSCI Club Members / Non Members / Commercial/
Manuf. entry
Std / Std / Std / Std
1 / 500 / 500 / 500 / 500
2 / 500 / 500 / 500 / 500
3 / 500 / 500 / 500 / 500
  1. All remittances must be made payable to Name of the Club, payable at City. All bank orders, drafts, postal order must be crossed “A/c Payee Only”. Payment in cash will be accepted at the club office.
  1. The organizers are not responsible for loss or damage to any cheque or postal order or draft sent by the entrant by post. Unless and until the entrant or competitor obtains the official receipt for payment of appropriate fees, the entry is incomplete.
  1. Entry fees or a part thereof will be refunded only in the following circumstance.

a. If any entry is not accepted – 100 %

b. If the event is cancelled – 100 %

c. If the date of the event is altered – 100 %


7.1 Acquaintance with and submission to rules:

Each person/body/group of persons shall by and upon entering for competition, lodging any appeal to the FMSCI set up under the NCR of the FMSCI, shall be deemed to have

  1. Made themselves acquainted with and unconditionally accepted the provisions of the NCR and
  2. Submitted themselves without reserve to the consequences arising therefrom and these rules and any subsequent alteration thereof, and
  3. Renounced under pain of disqualification, the right to have recourse without the written consent of the FMSCI. to any arbitrator or tribunal not provided for in the NCR. All entrants and competitors must also expressly agree and undertake not to agitate, litigate or seek the direction of a court of law, except in the manner provided for by the NCR on any matter or question directly concerning or relating to these event commencing from the submission of entries upto the conclusion of the events, declaration and distribution of prizes and including any difference in time registered by different time-keeping devices.

These are the conditions precedent attached to the submission of entries and participating in these events and all entrants and competitors of all vehicles participating in this event will be bound by them and also the rules hereinafter set out or amendments made thereto.


1. The organisers decline liability for any accident caused by or to any entrant or competitor or third party or to the competing vehicle either before or during the events. The organisers also decline liability for breach of any law in which the competitor may be involved in and each competitor shall declare to the duly authorised official or to the organisers, in regards to any and all incidents from which liability may arise and shall indemnity the organisers, sponsors, FMSCI, FIM, relevant State Governments, & Govt. of India in regards to all liabilities. The entrant and his executor/administrators and legal representatives shall not have any claim whatsoever on the organisers, sponsors, FMSCI, FIM, relevant State Governments, Govt. of India, their officials, agents, representatives, employees, owners of the race tracks and all persons assisting them in the events either before or during the event.

  1. Declaration and Insurance

All competitors must sign the indemnity and declaration which are printed on the reverse of the Entry form which are :

  1. I have read the regulations issued for this event and agree to be bound by them. In consideration of the acceptance of the entry of this vehicle I agree to save harmless and keep indemnified the Government of India, the relevant State Government, the FIM, the FMSCI, Organizers, Sponsors and their officials, agents, representatives, employees and all persons assisting them in this event and all owners and tenants of private property traversed from and against all actions, claims, costs, expenses and demands in respect of death or injury to myself or any other person or persons or loss or damage to any property including the vehicle concerned in this event or otherwise howsoever and notwithstanding that the same may have been contributed to or occasioned by the negligence of Organizers and their officials, agents, representatives, employees and all persons assisting them in this event. The indemnity shall be binding on my heirs, executors, administrator and legal representatives.
  1. I declare that the rider possess the standard of competence necessary for an event of this type to which this entry relates, also that the vehicle entered is suitable and road worthy for the event. I agree and undertake to abide by the rules and regulations framed for this event including the conditions precedent set out therein and all other Rules and Regulations, which may hereinafter be framed.
  1. IMPORTANT: Any indemnity and/or declaration as prescribed by the paragraph above if signed by a person under the age of 18 years, shall be countersigned by that person’s parent or guardian whose full name and address shall be given.
  1. Failure to do so will result in the competitor not being allowed to start.
  2. The insurance of each competing vehicle against Third Party risk is compulsory as per the laws in India and must be obtained by the competitor. Proof will be required prior to the closing of entries.