Quiz 5

Chapters 15, 17, 18 (Exercise Issues—Motivation and Adherence)

  1. Having a goal to "win the race" is an example of a(n) ____ goal, whereas having a goal to "improve my best time is an example of a(n) ____ goal.
  1. outcome, process
  2. process, outcome
  3. outcome, performance
  4. subjective, objective
  5. a and c
  1. Focusing on performance (as opposed to outcome goals) during competition has been shown to be associated with ____ anxiety and ____ performance.
  1. more, power
  2. less, superior
  3. more, superior
  4. less, poorer
  5. none of the above
  1. Burton contends that athletes who set outcome goals will experience more anxiety and lower self-confidence in competition, this is
  1. because their goals are not in their complete control
  2. one of the mechanistic explanations for goal-setting's effectiveness
  3. one of the indirect thought-process explanations for goal-setting's effectiveness
  4. all of the above
  5. a and c
  1. According to the text, goals should be
  1. extremely difficult so that only 10% of your players can reach them
  2. easy enough to achieve so that self-esteem is enhanced
  3. difficult enough to be a challenge, yet realistic enough to achieve
  4. set to the same value (e.g., the same score, the same time) for everyone on the same team; that way no one is singled out as a favorite
  5. c and d
  1. It is recommended that appropriate goals should be
  1. short-term only
  2. long-term only
  3. a combination of short and long-term
  4. short-term early in the season, then long-term midway through the season
  5. either short-term or long-term depending on the way you phrase your generalized goals
  1. "Chipping a bucket of golf balls onto a practice green three days a week" is an example of
  1. a goal that is much too general to be effective
  2. a good way to define a performance goal that is both specific and realistic
  3. a strategy for attaining a goal of "lower my handicap by three strokes"
  4. an inflexible strategy for attaining a goal because it leaves no room for possible interruptions in your schedule
  5. a and d
  1. Dishman (1988) found that a spouse's support is
  1. a critical factor affection exercise adherence
  2. probably not relevant for developing a systematic goal-setting program
  3. recognized as one of the problems associated with the setting and writing down of appropriate goals
  4. a and c
  5. all of the above
  1. One of the most common errors made when setting goals is
  1. providing too mush feedback concerning goal-setting progress
  2. setting goals that effectively improve performance while at the same time determining ways to improve skills
  3. failing to provide for goal evaluation and feedback
  4. failing to set outcome goals
  5. none of the above
  1. It is important to ____ throughout the entire goal-setting process.
  1. provide feedback
  2. provide support
  3. provide encouragement
  4. reevaluate goals
  5. all of the above
  1. The most frequent problem to watch out for, as noted by the text, when helping individuals in sport and exercise settings to set their goals is
  1. their failure to set specific goals
  2. their failure to set outcome goals
  3. their failure to set enough goals
  4. their failure to set long-term goals
  5. all of the above
  1. Which of the following is (are) true?
  1. Aerobic exercise is associated with more consistent reductions in state anxiety that is anaerobic exercise
  2. reductions in state anxiety might be due to the time-out effect
  3. Activities such as weightlifting and yoga have been found to be associated with positive psychological well-being
  4. all of the above
  5. a and b
  1. Which of the following regarding the relationship between exercise and depression is (are) true?
  1. both acute and chronic exercise are related to reductions in depression
  2. only acute exercise is related to reductions in depression
  3. exercise is better for reducing depression in women than in men
  4. a and b
  5. a and c
  1. The relationship between exercise and hardiness has recently been investigated. A hardy personality style is characterized by
  1. a sense of personal control over external events
  2. a sense of commitment and purpose in daily life
  3. the flexibility to adapt to unexpected changes in life
  4. all of the above
  5. a and c
  1. The "runner's high" has been described as
  1. complete joy in the run
  2. mind very alert
  3. free of worry and guilt
  4. all of the above
  5. a and c
  1. Which of the following physiological explanations has NOT been put forth to help describe the positive relationship between exercise and psychological well-being?
  1. increases in cerebral blood flow
  2. reductions in muscle tension
  3. structural changes in the brain
  4. increases in endorphins
  5. decreased maximal oxygen consumption to the tissues
  1. Which of the following psychological explanations has NOT been put forth to help describe the positive relationship between exercise and psychological well-being?
  1. enhanced feeling of control
  2. "time-out"
  3. positive changes in personality
  4. positive social interactions
  5. feelings of competency
  1. If a person feels withdrawal symptoms after 24 to 36 hours without exercise, they are considered
  1. positively addicted to exercise
  2. negatively addicted to exercise
  3. neurotic
  4. psychotic
  5. none of the above
  1. A negative addiction can result in
  1. depression
  2. strains on interpersonal relationships
  3. decrease in work productivity
  4. all of the above
  5. a and c
  1. What conclusion have researchers reached concerning the effects of exercise on cognitive functioning?
  1. intense exercise bouts enhance cognitive functioning
  2. overall, there is a moderate relationship between exercise and improved cognitive functioning
  3. exercise programs conducted over longer periods of time are associated with gains in cognitive functioning
  4. b and c
  5. a and b
  1. New research on exercise and sleep has found that exercise
  1. has no effect on the time it takes to fall asleep
  2. produces small increases in total sleep time (about 10 minutes)
  3. produces large increases in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep
  4. all of the above
  5. a and b
  1. According to research on adherence to exercise programs, what percentage of individuals starting an exercise program will likely drop out after 6 months?
  1. 50%
  2. 75%
  3. 25%
  4. 10%
  5. 65%
  1. Which of the following will have a positive effect on adherence to a new exercise program?
  1. previous participation in supervised exercise programs
  2. participation in intercollegiate sports
  3. class size
  4. b and c
  5. a and b
  1. The Health Model has as its basic premise that individuals will engage in preventive health behaviors depending on the individual's perception of the
  1. severity of past illnesses
  2. time available to exercise
  3. social support network
  4. previous exercise history
  5. none of the above
  1. In terms of environmental factors affecting adherence, which of the following is (are) FALSE?
  1. people exercising in groups display higher adherence than people exercising alone
  2. people in walking programs have lower adherence than people in running programs
  3. people who perceive their exercise leader as knowledgeable and likable exhibit higher levels of adherence
  4. a and b
  5. b and c
  1. The key elements in social cognitive theory are that the environment affects behavior and behavior affects the environment. This is known as
  1. reciprocal control
  2. reciprocal interception
  3. self-efficacy
  4. reciprocal determinism
  5. perceived behavioral control
  1. Which of the following is NOT a stage in the Transtheoretical Model?
  1. contemplation
  2. precontemplation
  3. action and reaction
  4. preparation
  5. action
  1. According to class discussion, Joe likely will never take up which form of exercise?
  1. swimming
  2. running
  3. biking
  4. parasailing
  5. cross-country skiing
  1. The two major categories of the processes used by individuals for behavior change are
  1. cognitive and physiological
  2. cognitive and behavioral
  3. social and physiological
  4. behavioral and social
  5. cognitive and social
  1. Which of the following statements is (are) true regarding the determinants of exercise adherence?
  1. higher income is associated with more active lifestyles
  2. college-educated individuals have lower participation rates in exercise than those individuals having only a high school education
  3. high self-efficiency is associated with high levels of physical activity
  4. a and b
  5. a and c
  1. The Surgeon General's Report found that individuals exercising at ____ or lower of their aerobic capacity had the best adherence rates.
  1. 40%
  2. 50%
  3. 20%
  4. 60%
  5. 70%
  1. The Surgeon General's Report found that people exercising for ____ at a time had the best adherence rates.
  1. 20 to 30 minutes
  2. 30 to 60 minutes
  3. 10 to 20 minutes
  4. 15 to 45 minutes
  5. 30 to 45 minutes
  1. Which of the following is NOT an approach used to enhance exercise adherence?
  1. social support
  2. decision making
  3. contingency management
  4. goal setting
  5. behavior consequence
  1. Which of the following findings using behavior antecedent approaches to exercise adherence is (are) true?
  1. a poster encouraging stair climbing instead of taking the elevator immediately increased taking the stairs from 6% to 34%
  2. people willing to sign a statement of intent to comply with the exercise program had significantly better attendance that those refusing to sign such a statement
  3. individuals given a choice concerning the activities they participated in has higher levels of adherence than individuals not given a choice
  4. a and b
  5. b and c
  1. Based on research findings, which of the following statements is (are) true?
  1. attendance contracts and lotteries are successful in improving adherence rates
  2. individual feedback produces more adherence than group feedback
  3. self-reward increases adherence rates
  4. all of the above
  5. a and b
  1. According to research on goal setting and adherence,
  1. flexible goals are better than rigid goals
  2. distance-based goals are better than time-based goals
  3. short-term goals (weekly) are better that long-term goals (six weeks)
  4. all of the above
  5. none of the above
  1. According to research on association and dissociation strategies and adherence,
  1. dissociation produces better attendance than association does
  2. association produces better attendance than dissociation does
  3. dissociation produces better long-term maintenance than association does
  4. a and c
  5. b and c
  1. The major barrier to physical activity is
  1. a lack of energy
  2. a lack of motivation
  3. injury or illness
  4. a lack of time
  5. a lack of facilities
  1. Which of the following is (are) recommended for school and community programs promoting physical activity in young people?
  1. include parents in physical activity instruction
  2. implement a health education curriculum about healthy lifestyles
  3. eliminate extracurricular activities since they distract from the school's physical education instruction
  4. a and c
  5. a and b