Ramsay Research and Teaching Fund – Expression of Interest (EOI)-Project Awards2017

Chief Investigator1




Mailing Address:



Chief Investigator2**Please delete if not applicable or duplicate for additional applicants




Mailing Address:



Research project Title:

My project is described as:

Knowledge Discovery Projects (Biomedical Research)☐

Knowledge Development Projects (Clinical Research)☐

Knowledge Delivery Projects (Health Service Research) ☐

Knowledge Dissemination Projects (Education Research)☐

Knowledge Translation Projects (Implementation Research)☐

Knowledge Transfer & Adoption Projects (Research in Practice)☐

research project description

This section must not exceed 4 A4 pages (including references). All text must be contained within 2 x 2 cm margins and be formatted as Times New Roman 12 pt font

  1. What is your research question?
  1. What is the challenge or problem/s to be addressed by your research project?
  1. Who will benefit from the research project conducted?
  1. How will your research project address the challenges identified in question 2?
  1. Describe how your project is unique, adds value and/or provide a different understanding to current practice or knowledge.
  1. What are the key aims and objectives of your research project?
  1. Describe in detail your project plan. Include details about type of study, design, methodology, patient/community/staff participation, implementation pathways, partners and timelines.
  1. How will you disseminate your research outcomes?
  1. What will be the impact on the community if your research project is completed? How will you measure this success?

Budget(Do not exceed ½ page A4 Page 2cm ×2cm)

Total cost of the proposed project:

Estimated value of resources allocated to the proposed project by sources other than RRTF $

Funds requested (please provide an itemised and justified list of expenses to be supported by this award) :

Applications must be submitted as onePDF document that includes, in order;

  • A completed EOI form,
  • A copy of a brief CV (maximum 2 pages) for each listed chief investigator,
  • Evidence of the value of resources allocated to the completion of the proposed project and separate to the funds requested from the Ramsay and Research & Teaching Fund.
  • A copy of any formal quotation/s to support your application (if applicable),
  • Letter of Support from your Head of Department for the application which includes the cost centre number approved for administering the funds; and
  • Proof of enrolment in Higher Degree (where applicable).

The final document should be named Surname_FirstInitial_RRTF_2017.

The completed application must be receivedby email to: by 5.00pm 28th April 2017

The Research Office will acknowledge your application within 3 days, if you do not receive an electronic acknowledgment please contact the Office. October 25, 2018