Ramsay Research and Teaching Fund – Expression of Interest (EOI)-Project Awards2017
Chief Investigator1
Mailing Address:
Chief Investigator2**Please delete if not applicable or duplicate for additional applicants
Mailing Address:
Research project Title:
My project is described as:
Knowledge Discovery Projects (Biomedical Research)☐
Knowledge Development Projects (Clinical Research)☐
Knowledge Delivery Projects (Health Service Research) ☐
Knowledge Dissemination Projects (Education Research)☐
Knowledge Translation Projects (Implementation Research)☐
Knowledge Transfer & Adoption Projects (Research in Practice)☐
research project description
This section must not exceed 4 A4 pages (including references). All text must be contained within 2 x 2 cm margins and be formatted as Times New Roman 12 pt font
- What is your research question?
- What is the challenge or problem/s to be addressed by your research project?
- Who will benefit from the research project conducted?
- How will your research project address the challenges identified in question 2?
- Describe how your project is unique, adds value and/or provide a different understanding to current practice or knowledge.
- What are the key aims and objectives of your research project?
- Describe in detail your project plan. Include details about type of study, design, methodology, patient/community/staff participation, implementation pathways, partners and timelines.
- How will you disseminate your research outcomes?
- What will be the impact on the community if your research project is completed? How will you measure this success?
Budget(Do not exceed ½ page A4 Page 2cm ×2cm)
Total cost of the proposed project:
Estimated value of resources allocated to the proposed project by sources other than RRTF $
Funds requested (please provide an itemised and justified list of expenses to be supported by this award) :
Applications must be submitted as onePDF document that includes, in order;
- A completed EOI form,
- A copy of a brief CV (maximum 2 pages) for each listed chief investigator,
- Evidence of the value of resources allocated to the completion of the proposed project and separate to the funds requested from the Ramsay and Research & Teaching Fund.
- A copy of any formal quotation/s to support your application (if applicable),
- Letter of Support from your Head of Department for the application which includes the cost centre number approved for administering the funds; and
- Proof of enrolment in Higher Degree (where applicable).
The final document should be named Surname_FirstInitial_RRTF_2017.
The completed application must be receivedby email to: by 5.00pm 28th April 2017
The Research Office will acknowledge your application within 3 days, if you do not receive an electronic acknowledgment please contact the Office. October 25, 2018