– 1 –June 29th, 2005

Neil Russell-Taylor

22 Yatina Road • Aldgate, south australia, Australia • 5154

Mobile: 0419 858 550, International: 0061 419 858 550

29thJune 2005

Mr M Carmody,

“Commissioner of Taxation”,

Ethos House,

28-36 Ainslie Avenue,

Canberra, Australian Capital Territory2601

Dear Sir

RE: Demand for you to step down as “Commissioner of Taxation”.

Take Note, I Neil Russell-Taylor of Aldgate, South Australia bring you greetings in the name of Almighty God.

Please take notice that I demand you step down as “Commissioner of Taxation” as you currently hold no legal status.

As you are apparently aware, via Australian “High Court” cases and numerus other legal challenges against the “Australian Taxation Office”, the credibility of your “commission” and the status of the “ATO” have been known to be, for some considerable time, illegitimate.

Please take further notice that your “commission”is entirely dependent upon the following:

  1. Laws issued by a legal “Australian Parliament” granting the gathering of taxes,
  2. A legally appointed “Australian Government”, and;
  3. A Governor General with the appropriate legal status as granted by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland,

Please take further notice that as it has been revealed in courts in the United Kingdom:

  1. The ruling in the Chancery Division of the High Court in London, on Friday 25thJune 2004 (the case was heard by Master Bencher Bowman, of the Chancery Division of the British High Court, who had previously reserved his decision on 9th March 2004), has stated that “Letters Patent, issued under ‘The Great Seal of Australia,’ by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, appointing a Governor General in Australia, have been issued incorrectly.”
  2. That as a result of the ruling of the Chancery Division of the British High Court, that the Governor General of Australia holds no executive powers what so ever.
  3. That as a result of the ruling of the Chancery Division of the British High Court, all current Australian Laws assented to on behalf of a British Monarch by the Governor General of Australia, cannot hold any valid or legal executive authority as the Governor General’s appointments have not been lawfully issued and are in legal terms ultra vires.

Please take further notice that in a further hearing of David Claude Fitzgibbon and HM Attorney General before The Honourable Mr Justice Lightman, again in the Chancery Division of the British High Court in London, produced a most interesting ruling:

  1. The judgment acknowledges that the Australian Constitution is British Law,
  2. How the Australian Constitution moved out of British jurisdiction is not stated in the judgment and no-one else seems to know the answer,
  3. Sir Gavin’s judgment raises further questions; “If there is no UK legal authority over Australia how can the Queen still appoint governors and governors general on the basis of British laws that according to him, don’t give Her Majesty legal authority”,
  4. Can Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II still be Queen if there is no legal authority?
  5. According to the Judge, Australia became independent in 1901, unfortunately for Sir Gavin; a Chief Justice of the Victorian Supreme Court also tried a similar decree back in 1908 and was promptly told he was wrong by the Privy Council, Justice Lightman’s superiors.

Further, the ruling of Lord Justice Lightman also opens a Pandora’s Box:

  1. Under the Ruling of Sir Gavin Lightman 9th Feb 2005, David Fitzgibbon and Her Majesty’s Attorney General in the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice, the Commonwealth of Australian Constitution Act is an act under the authority of UK Parliament, no longer applies in Australia.
  2. Even if an attempt is made in Australia to continue to use the Australian Constitution, the Chancery Court ruling REMOVES the 8 covering clauses since they are UK law, and have NEVER had any other status.
  3. In an Australian court, under the ruling of Justice Haynes in 21st Dec 1998, Josse Vs ASIC, case M77/98, it was ruled that the entire Australian Legal System DEPENDS on clause 5 of the Constitution, a UK Law.

I have included, as attachments to this letter, documents and letters that have been sent to various persons to acquaint them with the travesty of injustice that has been imposed upon the peoples of the Commonwealth of Australia.

Take Note; that as you now have both actual and constructive notice of this legal defect you have a Duty of Care Obligation to act immediately and step down from your position, once you have notified the peoples of the Commonwealth of Australia.


Neil Russell-Taylor


Prime Minister of United Kingdom and Northern Ireland,

Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of United Kingdom and Northern Ireland.

Speaker of the House of Commons,

Speaker of the House of Lords,

The Secretary-General of the United Nations,

President of the General Assembly of the United Nations,

Selected Media outlets.


Letters to Mr Howard, Major General Michael Jeffery, AC, AVO, MC

Letters to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of United Kingdom and Northern Ireland,

Letter to the Prime Minister of United Kingdom and Northern Ireland,

Letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations,

Letter to Ms M Jackson-Nelson.