Office of Stewardship

MEMO – Office of Stewardship

PHONE (856) 583-6102 † FAX (856) 338-0766 † Email:


TO: All Pastors/ Administrators

FROM: Deacon Russell Davis, Director

CC: James J. Lanahan

DATE: September 8, 2015

RE: NOVEMBER Stewardship Bulletin Reflections

The attached information is provided as a way of presenting the message of Stewardship and is recommended for use for the five weekends in November 2015.

These monthly Stewardship Bulletin Reflections will be forwarded as an attachment to the diocesan weekly batch email each Wednesday of the month.

Please review the Stewardship Prayer of the Faithful Petitions provided. These petitions are dated and provided to match the weekly scripture readings.

Thank you for using Stewardship materials in your parish liturgy. For further information or assistance, please feel free to contact the Office of Stewardship.

You can now find copies of the Stewardship Bulletin Reflections and Prayer of the Faithful Petitions (in Word and PDF formats) on the Diocesan website

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The Diocese

Development ►Stewardship Office

Stewardship Bulletin Reflections

Note: Bulletin Announcement Concepts and Scripture associations are used with permission from the Saint Louis Archdiocese Stewardship Office.

Weekly Bulletin Announcements

Please insert the appropriate weekly bulletin announcement for the five weekends of NOVEMBER.

November 1, 2015

All Saints Day Stewardship Beatitude

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:3)

“Poor in spirit” is confusing for many of us. It simply means to place your trust in God, putting His will first and being strong in faith. As we celebrate the lives of the saints on All Saints Day, remember, we, too as Christian Stewards, are called to be saints. Dialing down our own pride and ego and turning up the humility will help us on our path to sainthood.

November 8, 2015

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time First Fruit Stewards

“Amen, I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the other contributors to the treasury. For they all contributed out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, her whole living. ” (Mark 12:43-44)

Jesus gets right to the point – we are all called to give financial support to the mission of the Church, regardless of our circumstance. No gift is too small or insignificant! Giving money to support the mission of our local parish is a matter of our Stewardship, just like praying and participating in parish ministries. When you make a financial offering, is it from your “first fruits” or from what is “left over”?

November 15, 2015

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Stewardship Lives

“And then they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.” (Mark 13:26)

We will all have that day when we are standing before God and our life is played out like a movie. When this happens and God asks each of us, “Have you lived Stewardship with the gifts that I have given you?” How will you respond?

November 22, 2015

Feast of Christ the King Stewards Eternal Kingdom

“Jesus answered, ‘My kingdom does not belong to this world.” (John 18:36a)

How often do we as Christian Stewards put all our time and energy into building a kingdom here on earth, forgetting that life here is short? The real kingdom is in the next life. Yet, how much time and energy do we invest in working for that eternal kingdom?

November 29, 2015

1st Sunday of Advent Stewards Reconcile

“But when these signs begin to happen, stand erect and raise your heads because your redemption is at hand.” (Luke 21:28)

We celebrate Advent each year in preparation of the birth of Jesus, His first coming, as we await his second coming. In this Advent season, use the sacrament of Reconciliation to live Stewardship and strengthen your relationship with Jesus.

Note: Bulletin Announcement Concepts and Scripture associations are used with permission from the Saint Louis Archdiocese Stewardship Office.

Weekly Prayer of the Faithful Petitions

November 1, 2015

We pray that as Christian Stewards, we increase our trust in God, putting Him first in all things.

November 8, 2015

We pray that when as Christian Stewards, we give our financial support to our parish, we give from our “first fruits” and not what from what is “left over”.

November 15, 2015

We pray that we as Christian Stewards, continue to develop and nurture our gifts and give back with increase.

November 22, 2015

We pray that we as Christian Stewards, help build God’s kingdom on earth, but also invest our gifts in God’s eternal kingdom.

November 29, 2015

We pray that as Christian Stewards, we strengthen our relationship with Jesus through the sacrament of Reconciliation.