Objective –Demonstrate how sound is caused by vibrations.

Names ______


Absent ______

Tuning Fork Observations


  • How can you demonstrate sound is vibrations with a tuning fork?
  • Does the pitch of a tuning fork change based on its size?


  • Medium – something that through which sound can travel.
  • Pitch – sound that varies in tone (high or low)
  • Vibration – rapid movement of something – air or some other object.


  • Two Tuning forks (different sizes)
  • Cup with water

NOTE: Only tap your tuning fork on the sole of your shoe or on your knee. DO NOT tap your tuning fork on a hard surface. DO NOT “hit” your tuning fork against ANY object.


Part I

1. Tap your tuning fork.

2. Place it in the water and observe what happens.

I. Gather (collect data/evidence)

As you complete the activity, record what you see (observations) while you complete each step. Example – What happens when the tuning fork is placed in the water?

II. Reasoning (Analysis/Analyze/What does the data I gathered mean?)

Review the data/evidence in Step I. Write your analysis of what it means.

III. Communication (Conclusion/This is what my data means)

Come to a conclusion and use your evidence from Part II to support your conclusion. You will be answering the question – How can you demonstrate sound is vibrations with a tuning fork?

Part II

1. Tap your tuning fork.

2. Have everyone place their ear on the table.

3. Place the bottom of the tuning fork on the table.

4. Explain why you heard sound.

Part III

1. Tap one tuning fork.

2. Have all group members listen to the tuning fork.

3. Tap the other tuning fork.

4. Have all group members listen to the tuning fork.

I. Gather (collect data/evidence)

As you complete the activity, record what you see (observations) while you complete each step. Example – Listening to the tuning forks.

II. Reasoning (Analysis/Analyze/What does the data I gathered mean?)

Review the data/evidence in Step I. Write your analysis of what it means.

III. Communication (Conclusion/This is what my data means)

Come to a conclusion and use your evidence from Part II to support your conclusion. You will be answering the question – Does the pitch of a tuning fork change based on its size?
