Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Federal State Educational Institution оf
higher education
"Russian University of EconomicsG.V.Plekhanov "
at a meeting of the Board of the Faculty of Finance
Record № 2 of "8" in November 2012
Chairman of the Board
______Bolvachev A.I.
Finance Department
PROGRAM final state certification
Training direction080100 Economy
Training profileCorporate Finance
Qualification (degree)Bachelor
Moscow 2013
Compiled by:
· PhD, Professor KV Yekimova
· Associate Professor Vashenko TV
· PhD, Professor IP Savelyev, and marketing VPO (NRU) SUSU;
· PhD, Professor VPO RG VG Plekhanov Keschyan
Final state certification program bachelor prepared in accordance with the requirements of the GEF VPO direction 080100 "Economics" profile "Corporate Finance" for students of the Faculty of Finance.
The program presents the basic requirements for the content and order of the final state interdisciplinary examination, as well as requirements for the implementation and protection of final qualifying Bachelor.
Final state certification program approved at a meeting of the department "Financial Management", protocol number 7 on December 20, 2012
Head of Department of KVYekimova
In accordance with the Federal Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education» № 125-F3 and the federal state educational standards of higher education toward bachelor 080100 "Economics" profile "Corporate Finance" final certification of graduates of bachelors - completing training program of higher professional education in higher education is mandatory.
The final state certification of graduates includes:
- Interdisciplinary final state exam;
- Protection of final qualifying work.
The purpose of the final state certification is to establish the level of training of graduates to perform professional tasks and its compliance with the requirements of preparing GEF VPO toward bachelor 080100 "Economy".
According to the results of the final state certification of graduates of the State Examination Board decides on the awarding of bachelor and diploma of higher professional education.
Final state exam interdisciplinary Bachelor of Economics profile "Corporate Finance" along with the requirements for the content of disciplines also takes into account the general requirements to graduate in the direction 080100 "Economics" specific to the specified profile, GEF provided WEI bachelor.
For the final state exam interdisciplinary and protection of final qualifying work allowed persons who have completed a full course of vocational education program and successfully passed all previous certification tests provided training planom.Za month before the state certification dean's office prepares and provides the state certification commission the following documents:
- Academic certificate (completed Matriculation students) for state certification committee for each graduate student indicating he had received ratings on theoretical disciplines, coursework, internships;
- Order of the rector of the University of student admission to the final state certification.
Passing the final state examination and defense of the final qualifying Bachelor conducted in open meetings of state examination committee consisting of academic staff of the university and the persons invited from external organizations.State examinations and defense of final qualifying works held at a meeting of relevant examination boards with at least two thirds of thecommission.
In preparation for the answer to the national exam for the discipline the student is given at least 30 minutes.During the preparation for the examination tickets a student can use the Program final state certification, regulatory legal acts on occupational and computing means for settlement (except for mobile phones and other means of this kind).
Federal state educational standard of higher education defined state requirements for minimum content and the level of training at the bachelor directions 80100 "Economy" profile "Corporate Finance", which are included in this final state certification program.
Implementation of the competency approach in accordance with GEF VPO provides that graduate during the final state certification shows their skills with the following common cultural and professional competence:
Requirements to the results of final state certification
General cultural competenceOK-1 / owns a culture of thinking, able toperceive, compilation and analysis of information, goal setting and choice of ways to achieve it / know:how to analyze information
be able to:receive, collect and analyze information, to set goals and ways to achieve them choose
own:culture of thinking
choice of how to achieve them
OK-5 / ableto use legal documents in its activities / know:the sources of legal documents
be able to:use legal documents in its activities
possess:the ability to analyze legal documents
OK-6 / canlogically true and clear arguments to build oral and written language; / know:principles of speech and writing
be able to:logically true and clear arguments to build oral and written language
own:construction methods of speech and writing
Professional competence
PC-1 / able to collect and analyze the raw data needed to calculate the economic and socio-economic indicators of the activity of economic entities / know:the essence of the impact of the macroeconomic environment on the activity of economic entities
be able to:assess the impact of the macroeconomic environment on the functioning of organizations and state and municipal management
own:assessment tools basic data needed for raschetaekonomicheskih and socio-economic indicators ofthe activity of economic entities
PC-2 / able on the basis of standard methods and the existing regulatoryframework to calculate th economic and socio-economic indicators characterizing economic entities / Know:the nature and content of economic and socio-economic indicators of the activity of economic entities
Be ableto:analyze the indicators characterizing the activity of economic entities
Own:the toolsof analysis and forecast indicators characterizing the activity of economic entities
PC-3 / able to perform necessary for compiling economic sections, plans calculations to justify them and present the results of work in accordance with thereceived in the organization standards / Valuesbe:the design principles of the financial strategy of the organization and the various plans
Mindbe:develop an overall financial strategy and organization, using tools of strategic and financial management
Vladebe:methods to calculate and interpret results of work in accordance with accepted standards organization
PC-4 / able to collect, analyze and process the data necessary for solving the economic problems / Know:the nature and significance of the economic way of thinking
Able:to collect, analyze and process
data needed for solving the economic problems
Own:methods and techniques of data needed for solving the economic problems
PC-5 / able to select tools for processing economic data in accordance with this task, and analyze the results of calculations to substantiate the findings / Valuesbe:modern concepts organizations financial and economic activity
Mindbe:choose tools for processing economic data in accordance with the task
Own:methods of analysis and data processing, substantiation of findings
PC-6 / able on the basis of the description of economic processes and phenomena build standard theoretical and econometric models to analyze and interpret the results meaningfully / Valuesbe:quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis for management decisions
Be mind:to apply quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis for management decisions and build economic and financial models
Own:tools for quantitative and qualitative analysis for management decision-making and building economic and financial models
PC-7 / able to analyze and interpret financial, accounting and other information contained in the reports of enterprises of different ownership forms, organizations, agencies, and use the information for management decision making / Valuesbe:essence methods of strategic, tactical and operational decisions in the management of the operating (production) activities of organizations
Mindbe:use the methods of strategic, tactical and operational decisions in the management of the operating (production) activities of organizations
Vladebe:methods for making strategic, tactical and operational decisions in the management of the operating (production) activities of organizations
PC-8 / able to analyze and interpret the data of domestic and foreign statistics on socio-economic processes and phenomena, to identify trends in socio-economic indicators / Valuesbe:mathematical models of organizational systems
Mindbe:select mathematical models of organizational systems, identify trends in socio-economic indicators
Vladebe:the ability to choose the mathematical models of organizational systems and models to carry out adaptation to specific management objectives
PC-9 / capable of using domestic and foreign sources, to collect the necessary data to analyze them and prepare an informationoverview and / or analytical report / Valuesbe:principles of financial reporting
Mindbe:analyze financial statements and make informed investment, credit and financial solutions
Vladebe:tools of financial statement analysis and make informed investment, credit and financial decisions
PK-10 / able to use to solve analytical and research tasks sredsTwamodern technicaland information technology / Acqamb:methods and software for business intelligence
Be mind:to interact with the services and information technology effectively use corporate information systems in financial decision-making
Vladebe:methods and software business intelligence, able to interact with the services and information technology effectively use corporate information systems
Students not admitted to the final state certification, are expelled from the University with the right to recover for five years from the date of charge and can be on your application to get a diploma of undergraduate education.
Students who have not passed the final state certification (and / or who have not passed in a timely state examinations and / or not submitted and / or defended in a timely theses) are expelled from the University and can get a diploma of undergraduate education.In the future, they can be restored in accordance with the Regulation on the translation and reconstruction.
Students are admitted to the final state certification, but had not received it in time for legitimate reasons, is allowed to pass the final state certification in accordance with the schedule of the state certification commission.As an exception to address the rector said students can take the final state certification to graduates of other forms of training that is the same kinds of final tests.
Valid reasons must be documented.
Mr.osudarstvennyyekzamen toward bachelor 080100.62 "Economy" profile "Corporate Finance" should include questions and tasks not only on ongoing training profile, but in general the direction of bachelor "Economy" Profile-specific "Corporate Finance".
This program provides general requirements for special training (by section).Annex 1provides an illustrative list of questions included in the examination papers.
In the state exam tickets must be included tasks for determining the level of formation of skills for professional activities specified in the GEF VPO Bachelor direction 080100 "Economics" (except for research and teaching).The program state exam are examples of tasks specified activities(Annex 3).
1. Finance.Essence and finance functions and their role in implementing the strategy of the state.Financial policy, financial management, financial planning and forecasting; kontrol.Finansovaya financial system of the country, its scope, and links.Principles of organization of the finance business entities in various fields.Impact of finance on the economy and social sphere.Role of Finance in the development of international cooperation, finance and economic globalization; multinational financial institutions.
2. Money, credit, banks.Necessity and predictors of use and money.The nature and function of money.The role of money in a market economy.Types of money and their features.Cash turnover and its structure.Cash turnover and monetary circulation.Non-cash money turnover and clearing system.The notion of the monetary system pages, the genesis of its development.Causes and nature of inflation, forms of its manifestation.Regulation of inflation: techniques border controversy.Monetary systems of individual countries.Monetary relations and monetary system: the concept, category, elements and evolution.The need for credit.Essence of the loan.Functions and credit laws.Forms and types of credit.The role and limits of the loan.Credit in international economic relations.
Occurrence and nature of banks, their functions and role in economic development.The notion of the banking system, its elements.Types of banks.Central banks and the basis of their activity.Functions of central banks.Structure and function of the Bank of Russia.Framework for monetary policy.Commercial banks and their activities (operations and services).International financial and credit institutions.
3. Corporate Finance.Financial Corporation relationships and principles of their organization.Financial and non-financial objectives of the corporation.Principles of Corporate Governance.Financial resources and capital structure.Expenses and income of the company.Financial planning and forecasting within the corporation.Formation, distribution and use of income.Working capital management company.Sources of short, medium and long-term financing.Assessment of the financial condition of the company.Evaluation of investment decisions of the corporation.
4. Corporate with trahovanie.Essence and function of insurance.Insurance and its place in the system of finance.Modern insurance market and its trends.The concept of the insurance risk and insurance case.Contract (policy) insurance.Types of insurance and reinsurance ways.Private insurance.Property insurance.Liability insurance.Legal framework of insurance business in the Russian Federation.Compulsory insurance.Voluntary insurance.Fundamentals of corporate and mutual insurance.Basics of financial stability of the insurance activities
5. Valuable market's securities.Securities market as an alternative source of financing of the economy and the tool of redistribution of property.Concept of security.Classic types of securities and their characteristics.Financial instruments in the securities market.Securities market and its structure (the Western model).Primary securities market and its characteristics.Secondary stock market (stock exchange).Professional participants of the exchange.Basic operations and transactions on the exchange."Street" securities market and characteristics of its activities.Secondary market participants.The issue of securities.Depository registration mechanism of the securities market.Securities Market of the Russian Federation.Basic operation of the market.State regulation of the securities market in Russia.
6. Taxes andthe taxsystem.essence and function of taxes.Role in regulating the economy taxes, budgeting.Relationship taxes and prices.Classification of taxes.Direct and indirect taxes, benefits and drawbacks.Causes of taxes, taxes, and their role in the different historical stages of development.Theory of tax in different economic schools.Taxes and international trade.
7. Financial management.Theoretical Foundations and basic concepts of financial management.The role of the financial manager in the company.Formation of the company's capital structure optimization and sources of funding.Financial Risk Management in the company on the basis of indicators of financial leverage.Asset management company, its working capital, costs and financial results.Fundamentals of financial planning and budgeting.