Art In Motion: Identification Form
updated June 2016
AIM Member’s Identification Record: 20 −20 .
Member’s Full Legal Name:Preferred Name: / Gender: / DOB:
Address: / Zip:
Mother’s Name: / Phone:
Address: / Zip:
Place of Employment: / Phone:
Father’s Name: / Phone:
Address: / Zip:
Place of Employment: / Phone:
Who has legal custody: / Relationship:
Persons permitted to remove child:
Name: / Phone:Name: / Phone:
IN CASE of EMERGENCY, persons to be notified when parent or guardian cannot be reached:
Name: / Phone:Name: / Phone:
Member’s Physician: / Phone:
Medical conditions to be aware of
I give permission to consult the child’s physician/health resource listed above in case of an emergency if parent cannot be reached.
X:Signature of parent or legal guardian / Date
2330 Curlew Rd, Palm Harbor FL 34683