Opening (7:00pm) / Den 4 (Webelos II - Wolverines)
Prayer / Den 9 (Bear)
Skit / Den 7 (Webelos I - Flaming Griffons)
Spotlight Den / Den 6 (Wolf)
Song / Den 8 (Webelos I - Surfing Penguins)
Den Choice (Song, skit or cheer) / Den 2 (Webelos II - Spartans)
Jokes/Run-ons / Den 1 (Tiger)
Closing / Den 10 (Webelos I - King Falcons)
Cleanup / Den 10 & All
November Meeting
11:45am – Setup: Den 5 (Wolf)
12:00pm – Opening: Den 4 (Webelos II - Wolverines)
12:03pm – Prayer: Den 9 (Bear)
12:05pm – Welcome
- Welcome new scouts & families
- Theme of the month – Scout Salute
- Uniform Inspection
- Pack theme of the year – Aspects of Respect (September-November: Good Listening)
- Applause of the night – Chuck Gilbert (back-up – Oooh, Ahh, Isn’t that amazing?)
12:10pm – Award Board
-Call Den 1 (Tigers) for Uniform Inspection
-Call Den 5 (Wolf) for Uniform Inspection
12:20pm – Cubmaster Song (Boom-Chicka-Boom)
- Call Den 6 (Wolf) for Uniform Inspection
12:25pm – Rank Advancement Ceremony
- Call Den 9 (Bear) for uniform Inspection
12:40pm – Skit: Den 7 (Webelos II - Flaming Griffons)
12:45pm – Spotlight Den: Den 6 (Wolf)
12:50pm – Song: Den 8 (Webelos I - Surfing Penguins)
12:55pm – Den Choice: Den 2 (Webelos II - Spartans)
1:00pm – Jokes/Run-ons: Den 1 (Tiger)
1:05pm – General Awards, Thank Yous & Announcements
- Beads for uniform to school
- December Pack Meeting – Friday, December 18th
- Needy Family
- Los Gatos Parade: Saturday, December 5th
- Northern California Jamboree – April 16th – 18th– Need to register by the December Pack Meeting
- $45 per person (adult & youth)
- 4 days event admission
- 3 meals -- Saturday lunch & dinner, Sunday continental breakfast
- Official event patch
- Souvenir program
1:15pm – Den Awards
1:20pm – Cubmaster’s minute (Old Boots) & Closing: Den 10 (Webelos I - King Falcons)
1:25pm – Clean-up: Den 10 & All
November Advancement
Since the theme of the month is Cub Scout Salute, I am going to have our new Bobcats help me with something special.
Call Bobcats and their adult partner(s) front and center.
As part of the Bobcat requirements, these new scouts have learned many things including, the Cub Scout handshake, the Oath, the Law of the Pack and the Cub Scout Salute.
Previous to Flag Day, June 14, 1923 there were no federal or state regulations governing display of the United States Flag. It was on this date that the National Flag Code was adopted by the National Flag Conference which was attended by representatives of the Army and Navy which had evolved their own procedures, and some 66 other national groups. This purpose of providing guidance based on the Army and Navy procedures relating to display and associated questions about the U. S. Flag was adopted by all organizations in attendance. It was not until June 22, 1942 that Congress passed a joint resolution which was amended on December 22, 1942 to become Public Law. This code is the guide for all handling and display of the Stars and Stripes. It does not impose penalties for misuse of the United States Flag. That is left to the states and to the federal government for the District of Columbia. Each state has its own flag law.
Section §176. Respect for flag (k) of the United States Flag Code gives us the rules for flag retirement: “The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.”
I have a flag here that was brought to me last year at one of our popcorn show-and-sells. An older man gave this to me and said that he had seen us out there and that he needed to retire a flag and knew that we could help him out. He said that the flag had been given to him by his grandson and he had had it about 12 years. It had flown over his yard as well as over the backyard looking over the water of his summer home at Lake Tahoe. It had been carried in a Veteran’s Day Parade. The man said that he had been a Cub Scout and had earned his Arrow of light. He had bridged to Boy Scouts and attained his Life Rank, but had not made Eagle.
This is a flag that is made of synthetic material and that would give off a very harmful gas if burned. We would not let the buys retire this in our normal pack ceremony. Although, as I stated a few minutes ago, burning is preferable, it is not the only respectful way we can retire a flag. Before they are awarded their new rank, our Bobcats will help me retire this flag.
Assemble the Bobcat Color Guard:
-Two or more boys will display the flag for the last time.
-Scouts Salute
Hello, Remember me? Some people call me "Old Glory" Others call me the "Star Spangled Banner" But whatever they call me, I am your Flag, The Flag of the United States of America....
Something has been bothering me, so I thought I might talk it over with you... because it is about you.... and me.
I remember some time ago people lined up on both sides of the street to watch a parade, and naturally I was leading every parade, proudly waving in the breeze. When your Daddy saw me coming, he immediately removed his hat and placed it against his left shoulder, so that his hand was directly over his heart...Remember?
And you, I remember you. Standing there straight as a soldier. You didn't have a hat, but you were giving the right salute. Remember little sister? Not to be outdone, she was saluting the same as you, with her hand over her heart.... Remember?
What happened? I'm still the same old flag. Oh, I have a few more stars now and a lot more blood has been shed since those days long ago. But now I don't feel as proud as I used to. When I come down the street you just stand there with your hands in your pockets, and I may get a small glance, but then you look away.
Then I see children running around and shouting; they don't seem to know who I am.... I saw one man take off his hat, then he looked around and saw no one else with their hat off, so he quickly put his hat back on.
Do people think it makes them look silly to be patriotic now? Have you forgotten what I stand for? And where I've been? Anzio....Normandy... Guadal Canal....Iwo Jima.....Korea..... Vietnam.... the World Trade center and the Persian Gulf?
Take a look at any Memorial Honor Roll sometime. Note the names of those who never came back; they died to keep this republic free... One Nation Under God!
When you salute me... you are actually saluting them.
Well, it won't be long now until I'll be coming down your street again....So when you see me, stand straight, place you right hand over you heart, and I'll salute you by waiving back.... and I'll know.... YOU REMEMBERED.
-Scout Salute
-Pack recites the Pledge of Allegiance
Flag Retirement:
-Cut the flag into fourths, separating the blue field from the stripes. Cut the stripes into fourths again. Place the contents into a container and seal it shut to be disposed of later.
-Scout salute
-Play taps
Distribute Bobcat badges.
-Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia.