Regulations and Standards for Establishing an International School in Thailand
For the establishment of an international school to be uniform and its administration smooth, the following regulations and standards are stipulated by the Ministry of Education.
1. Definition
An International School is an educational institution which is responsible for providing the education for students without any restriction or limitation on nationality, religion or form of government. It adopts an international curriculum and media to which students from various countries can come. English is to be used as the medium of instruction.
2. Application for the School Establishment
The international school can be established after the applicant fulfills the
following conditions:
2.1 Establishment of the school: the project and curriculum are proposed to the Office of the Private Education Commission for their consideration. The form and content in the project have to comply with those stipulated by the Office of the Private Education Commission - annexed.
2.2 The international school has to be accredited by an international institution or organization and be in compliance with the conditions of that institution or organization after the application form is approved.
2.3 The International school project will be automatically revoked if it is not established within one year from the date it is approved by the Office of the Private Education Commission without any acceptable reasons and without prior written notice sent to the Office of the Private Education Commission.
2.4 Apart from this regulation and standard for an international school establishment, the applicant has to strictly abide by the conditions as set forth in the Private School Act and the Education Ministry Rules and Regulations involved.
3. Establishing a school: Location and Building
3.1Land The land for the school contruction site has to have the following
3.1.1.A school teaching kindergarten level must have at least 360 square meters of land.
3.1.2.A school providing primary, secondary and vocational levels has to have at least 2 rai of lang.
3.1.3.The land for establishing a school has to be owned by the
licensee or leased by the licensee in the following two manners:
- the land belongs to the Office of the Bureau of the Crown Property; Religious Affairs Department; to a Buddhist monastery; the Government Departments, or State Enterprises, or
- it is land belonging to the private sector but there is a proper lease. The term for leasing private land must commence from the date applying for the establishment of the school, and for different educational levels must be as follows:
(1). kindergarten level = at least three years
(2). primary level = at least 10 years
(3). secondary level = at least 10 years
(4). kindergarten-secondary levels = at least 15 years
(5). vocational level = at least 10 years
3.2 School Precinct: It has to be large enough for the school's activities to be organized smoothly and will not cause bad hygienic problems for the public or students. It must not be used for business other than education or be used as the residence of persons other than those involved with the school's business. It is located in an area convenient to communication and transportation, where there is a clean environment, far from industrial factories which may cause environmental problems. Nor should it be near other places which may cause disasterous problems* for the school and students. At least one third of the area has to be allocated for entertainment and/or recreational activities.
3.3 Building: The licensee has to abide by the following conditions in constructing the buildings:
3.3.1. The licensee must propose the plan of construction to the Office of the Private Education Commission for consideration and approval.
3.3.2. Sufficient rooms have to be provided for all classes and they have to have sufficient capacity. Each room has to reach the standard capacity of 1.50 square meters per student, have sufficient space for the teaching and learning activities to be organized conveniently and have sufficient light. The air in each room must also be able to pass through conveniently.
3.3.3. Other rooms have to be sufficient enough to support the school administration, teaching and learning activities and student numbers.
3.3.4. Sufficient and clean dining places have to be provided for students.
3.3.5. Separate, sufficient, hygienic and proper toilets for male and female students have to provided.
4. Curriculum: The applicant has to present the proposed curriculum to the Ministry of Education for its consideration and approval. Thai culture and language must be a compulsory course for all levels of education as required by the Ministry of Education.
5. Name of the School: It can be named in a foreign language.
6. Qualifications of Applicant, Manager, Headmaster and Teachers:
6.1 Applicant: The applicant for establishing a school can be an ordinary or juristic person who has the following qualifications:
6.1.1. Ordinary Person: He has to have Thai nationality by birth, completed at least a B.A. degree and have other qualifications such as written in the Private Schools Act B.E. 2525 and the regulation of the Ministry of Education.
6.1.2. Juristic Person
(1). The major objective must be education.
(2.). No less than half of its shareholders or directors must have Thai nationality.
(3). The authorized person signing the application form for establishing the school has to have Thai nationality by birth.
(4). It or he/she has to meet other qualification as stipulated in the private Schools Act B.E. 2525 and the Ministry of Education's regulations.
6.2 Manager: the manager has to have Thai nationality by birth, completed at least a B.A. degree and meet other qualifications as stipulated in the private Schools Act B. E. 2525 and the Ministry of Education's regulations.
6.3 Headmaster and Teachers: They have to possess the following qualifications:
6.3.1. Headmaster
(1). Thai nationality
(2). At least a B.A. degree
(3). At least three years of teaching experience
(4). Other qualifications as stipulated in the the Private Schools Act B. E. 2525 and the Ministry of Education's regulations
6.3.2. Teacher
(1). Thai nationality
(2). Possessing qualifications as stipulated in the Private Schools Act B. E. 2525 and the Ministry of Education's regulations
(3). The exception of Thai language at Prathomsuksa VI (level VI) is granted for foreign teachers who have been immunized against Thai nationality.
7. Student: Foreign and Thai students are admitted. The number of Thai students must not exceed 50 percent of the total enrolled students.
8. Tuition Fees and Other Fees
8.1 Definition
"Tuition Fee" means the charge collected by the school from the guardian and/or student for the initial enrollment tuition, library fee, sports fee, medical charges, activities or material charges, educational equipment charges, special English course fees (ESL or EFL).
"Other Fees" means the charges collected by the school from the guardian and/or the student as the fee for the school's investment budget or other service charges apart from the tuition fee.
8.2 Collected Rate
The collection of the tuition fee and other fees will be under the conditions as stipulated in the Cabinet's resolution or the Ministry of Education's policy involved. The rate has to be approved by the Ministry of Education first.
9. The School Administration
For the smooth administration of the school as required by the involved policies, rules, regulations and standards, the Ministry of Education encourages the school to appoint a Board of Directors. An appointment of the representatives from the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as directors of the board is not prohibited.
Project to Establish an International School
Any one seeking permission to set up an international school must submit a project to establish an International School which has the following details:
1. Name of school in Thai and in English.
2. What kind and what level of school.
3. Objectives
4. A diagram showing the location of the proposed school, the size of a piece of land on which the school and its buildings are to be built, details of the usage of buildings and all of the rooms. In case where there is no building or it is expected to be completed, the time for completion must be specified, including a building construction plan.
5. Amount of original investment and assets to be used in the setting-up of the school, how are they acquired as well as the operation guidelines.
6. A provision of learning and teaching equipment, stock and durable equipment needed for school’s activities as well as steps and time needed to complete this provision.
7. Schools’ curriculum and educational programmes. Details of the curriculum and of every subject to be taught, number or units and a period of completion for each subject and so on must also be submitted by filling in the relevant form of the Office of the Private Education Commission.
8. School regulations concerning the number of students to be admitted, admission procedures, tuition fee rates as well as other fees and how they will be charged.
9. Procedures concerning employment, termination of employment, personnel and the welfare of the school personnel.
10. Requests for academic or financial assistance from both local and overseas institutes.
11. The dates on which school will start its admission, the start and the end of the school’s terms.
12. Students’ dress code.
13. A provision of teachers and other personnel for school’s departments.
14. School’s administration.
15. A three-year-plan for recruiting school personnel, for example: teachers, other staff and students.
16. A three-year-plan for managing school budgets for various essentials.
17. School Accreditation.
18. Authorized signature of the person seeking permission to sey up the school.
Procedures in Seeking Permission to Set up an International School
Anyone seeking permission to set up an international school is required to submit documents and proceed as follow:
FIRST STEP : To prepare for
- The project to set up school in accordance with the form stipulated by the office of the Private Education Commission.
- Land Title Deed showing ownership on land where the school is to be built or the leasing agreement with the duration of not less than ten years. In the latter case, the leasing agreement must be registered with officials.
- Documents with details of the curriculum and of each and every subject to be taught.
- School’s regulations.
- Application procedures:
- In the central area, Documents should be submitted at the Office of the Private Education Commission.
- In the provinces. Documents should be submitted to the District Office where the school is to be located. The proposal will then be forwarded to the office of the provincial authorities and finally to the Office of the Private Education Commission for consideration and approval.
When the Office of the Private Education Commission agrees on the proposal, those seeking permission must submit the following documents:
- A request No. 11. seeking permission to follow the construction plan to build school buildings. This will have to be accompanied by the following documents:
(1)Three copies of construction plan.
(2)A certified letter of architect with a copy of the architect’s credential card.
(3)A certified letter of the engineer with a copy of the engineer’s credential card.
(4)The Land Title Deed showing ownership or leasing agreement of land where the school will be located. The copy must be certified.
(5)One set of the details of structure evaluation.
- Submission procedure.
- In the central area, submit the documents to the Office of the Private Education Commission.
- In the provinces, submit the documents to the District Office, forwarded to provincial authorities and finally to the Office of the Private Education Commission. When the Office of the Private Education Commission expresses its approval, the Provincial authorities will consider granting a permission.
When the building construction is completed, the following documents must be submitted:-
- A request to receive a permission paper (S C 1) with documents stated at the end of the request form.
- A request to receive permission to be the school manager (S C 4) with documents stated at the end of the request form.
- A request to receive permission to be the school principal (S C 7) with documents stated at the end of the request form.
- No.11 request form, seeking permission to collect tuition fees and other fees with supplemented documents.
- A plan showing school’s area.
- A plan of school buildings and all of the rooms.
- An itemised sanitation survey.
- The license which permits the school to use the construction plan.
- Submission procedures:-
- In the central area. Submit documents to the Office of the Private Education Commission.
- In the Provinces. Submit documents to the District Office where school is located and forward to the provincial authorities and to the Office of the Private Education Commission respectively. When the Office of the Private Education Commission expresses its approval the provincial authorities will consider granting a permission.
The Permission receiver must follow the proposal submitted to the Office of the Private Education Commission within the period of six months from the date the permission is granted and the permission receiver must show evidence that the proposed steps submitted to the authorities have been carried out accordingly.
In case where the permission seeker rents the land and the building(s) in order to be used as the school, the procedures are as follows:
- Proceed through the first step.
- When the request in the first step is granted, submit the certified letter of an accredited engineer giving his approval concerning the strength and the safety of the building(s).
- Follow the procedures in the third step. (No.8 is not needed.)
School procedures______
Locate at the number ______Road______
- Admission: Specify details of students as follows:
- Age. (From what age to what age)
- Sex.
- Academic Background.
- Others as needed by the school.
- Admission documents: What kind of documents the school will need from the students.
- End of Status:
- When the course is completed
- When a volunteer to resigns.
- Death.
- Others as started by the school.
- Curriculum: Specify the name of the curriculum the school will use.
- Level of teaching: From what grade to what grade.
- Time
- What time the school will open and close on each day.
- How many days in a week a class will be held and when is the weekly school holiday.
- The duration of the course.
- Holidays: According to the law, all schools must have at least one holiday in a week. Please specify.
- Testing: How the test is to be held and how it is to be assessed.
- Certification: When will the certificate be issued.
- Tuition and fees: Specify tuition and fees permitted by the Education Ministry.
- Dress Code: Specify in detail.
- Authorized signature of the person seeking permission to set up the school.
An Explanation on Curriculum Preparation
- Specify the school’s name and it’s location clearly at the top of the curriculum (course of study).
- Specify the name of the curriculum in the middle of the paper.
- Itemise the curriculum as follows:
- Structure of the curriculum.
- Principle of the curriculum.
- Duration: This means the duration of a particular curriculum (course of study) from the beginning to its completion. How many years the course of study will take to complete and how many hours the course will need to be completed.
- Academic background of student: Specify the minimum level of educational background of students in order to attend the course.
- Objectives of the curriculum (course of study): Specify the objectives that the students will achieve from the course. Itemise them and specify clearly the objectives on which the school wishes to concentrate.
- Learning time; Specify clearly the following: How many teaching days a week, how many hours in a day, how many hours in a week, at what time the course is to start, within how many years students must complete the course and number of class attendances required.
- Subject to teach: Specify clearly in detail each and every subject as well as the objectives, learning time and number of units for each subject.
- Assessment: Specify how each and every subject is to be tested and assessed, What kind of methods will be used, for example, a theoretical practical test.
- Completion of course: Specify how the students’ knowledge and academic achievement will be tested and assessed in order to complete the course.
3.10 Education materials for class: Specify texts, supplementary
learning and teaching materials: how and where they will be acquired.
3.11 Teaching equipment: Itemise the equipment (specify number
of units per person).
3.12Signing the name of the person seeking permission to set up the
Fundamental Information of International Schools
Catering General Education
Academic Year 1998 – 1999
Specific Policy Schools Division
Office of the Private Education Commission
Ministry of Education
Bangkok 10300 Thailand
Tel.(662)282-9598 (662)628-9049
Fundamental Information of International Schools
1. International School Bangkok
Established Date8 October 1957
Address39/7 Soi Nichadathani, Bangtalad, Pakkred.
Nonthaburi 11120
Tel.(662) 583-5401 - 10
Fax (662) 583-5431 - 2
School Area80 rai (approx. 32 acres)
LicenseeInternational School Association
ManagerMiss Sansanee Wanaying
HeadmistressMrs.Absorn Meesing
Education System/Learning Program
American System with IB Program
Level of EducationKindergarten - Grade 12
Accreditation@ Accredited by Western Association of
Schools and Colleges (WASC), U.S.A.
@ Being granted an equivalent certificate of
Thai education.
School Semester2 semesters
1st semester August - December
2nd semester January - June
School Hours07.30 a.m. - 14.30 p.m.
Type of SchoolDay school/Co - ed
Fees Rate/Yr./Bht.
Registration Fee(once for mew students only) 200,000