I Samuel 29-30:10

Brokenness Before Blessing


1. Who sits on the throne of your life?

2. Are you in a fit that you cannot fix?

3. I Samuel 29-30:10 David is running life himself. It’s all I, Me, My. Then God


I. THE FIX 29-30:6


Are you in a fix that you cannot fix?

I. THE FIX 29-30:6

A. Compromise Led To Betrayal 1-5

The Princes noticed the Hebrews were among the Philistines. Their

opposition is seen in 3 ways:

1. The Searching Question They Asked 3

What are these Hebrews doing here?

*Self is in control and these knew what David use to be.

*What a picture for millions of Christians: What are you doing here?

*You are in the wrong place!

*One day that self centered life style will betray you and let you down.

2. The Serious Possibility They Anticipated 4

The Philistine leaders saw what Achish did not.

*You can never trust a Self-centered…Self-controlled compromiser.

*Show me what someone has done, and I’ll show you what they will do.

3. The Singing Testimony They Acknowledged 5

Saul had slain his thousands and David his ten thousands.

*Everyone knows when you are walking in victory!

*Putting Jesus first makes a difference…new husband…new

wife…children know it…

B. Compromise Led To Belittling 8-11

It’s hard not to identify with the flesh.

It’s sad when the lost world says, It’s time to go!

“When you were following Jesus you were better.”

“You were a better dad when you went to church.”

1. Spiritual Treason… I is sitting on the throne. Inconsistent

We belittle the God we serve. We are Inconsistent:

*Inconsistent in the Word…Inconsistent in Witness…Inconsistent in


2. Spiritual Traitor…Insensitive:

*Insensitive in Our Walk…Insensitive in Our Worth

C. Compromise Led To Burdens 29:11; 30:1-3, 6

David returns to Ziklag…there is a price to pay when you walk away from


1. The Destruction 1, 2

While you were away the enemy came.

Satan will destroy everything precious while you are away.

2. The Destitution 2, 3

The wives are carried away, and the children sold into slavery.

Satan will take everything. Families are his target. He will destroy

your home while you are away.

3. The Dread 4

They cried until they could cry no more.

You walk away and you will shed many tears. The way of the

transgressor is hard!

It’s hard to follow Jesus? It’s not hard to follow Satan??????

4. The Distress 6

For the people spoke of stoning him…

Those closest to you turn their backs on you!

He is in a Fix he cannot Fix!

D. Compromise Led To Brokenness 4, 6

Distress…depression…At the end of himself, David is totally weak, and he has

no answers!

Are you in a fix that you cannot fix?


A. David Paused 6b Reflection

Is it dark? David looked up:

1. His God…this is a personal relationship. 1styou must know Him.

2. Lord…the God of Israel is my God, and He is in control.

3. He strengthened himself in the Lord His God…

*Conveys the notion of effort, persistent and continuous strengthening.

*If you seek Me you will find Me if you seek Me with a whole heart.

*Quit playing games with God.

B. David Prepared 7-9a Remembrance

He went back to some basics:

1. A Word To God… “I pray thee”

2. A Word From God…he sought God’s direction. He no longer was

operating on His own.

3. A Walk With God…so David went…obedience…

C. David Pursued 9-10 Rejuvenation

David is on the offensive once again for God.

Does I sit upon the throne of your life?

Has God put you in a fix and you can’t fix the fix.

Do you know Him? Does He sit upon the throne of your life?

Are you willing to surrender totally to Him?

“Lord, I need You” “Take me, have me, I’m Yours!"